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Draft:Blue Dawn Novel Series - Second American Civil War

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The Blue Dawn series is written by bestselling author, Blaine Lee Pardoe. The series has become widely reviewed for its inclusion of real-world events into the storyline. Moreover, many of the policies and practices of the antagonists in the series have been proven to be accurate.

The series begins with Blue Dawn. Five years ago, radical progressives overthrew the government because they didn’t like the election results. The Ruling Council that took over put Social Enforcers, the equivalent of Stormtroopers on the streets to deliver social justice against the previous President’s supporters. Most of Congress was either imprisoned or killed outright. People not deemed as thinking appropriately were rushed through People’s Tribunals then sent into Social Quarantine Camps for reeducation. The President was murdered and those politicians that survived backed the new government or face the fates of those that went before. The United States is systematically dismantled. Statues from the nation’s past are torn down. The Constitution becomes a banned document. The flag and national anthem were replaced. History is rewritten. Patriotism was a crime. Citizens are rewarded reparation points for turning in their neighbors. The government run Truth Reconciliation Committee controls the media and the narrative, merging Big Tech and the mainstream media into a power on their own. America is rebranded as Newmerica – a progressive paradise of totalitarian rule. Not everyone bent the knee. The former Director of the Secret Service, a turncoat covert Operative, and other everyday people decided to take a stand against the tyranny out of The District. The Sons of Liberty; cells of resistance, fought a covert war. When the former Vice President (Pence) was found alive, he was sworn into office. Some of the Social Quarantine Camps were liberated, and people that had been oppressed for five years rose up to try to bring back some semblance of the America they remembered. Civil War broke out when free elections were held. The Newmericans were bent on holding onto power through whatever means were necessary, including assassination attempts. . Most of the South backed the American President, while the Newmericans held the north and west. With the Pentagon on the sidelines of the conflict, National Guard units wage war. Atlanta is taken by the Americans who have to fend off an offensive that slams into Tennessee. Illinois is liberated by the Americans too. New Hampshire rises in rebellion against the Newmericans and becomes the site of a vicious and protracted guerilla war. Against the backdrop of that war, the leaders of Newmerica turn on each other, consolidating power behind the Vice President, a dangerous woman (AOC) with ambitions of her own. The Social Quarantine Camps are turned into death camps to eradicate the opposition. The Newmericans broker deals with the Mexican cartels to help maintain their clutch on power. The war spreads west from Texas, driving towards California. The Newmericans are preparing to implement a new Constitution, one that ratifies their crimes. This is the battle for the soul of a nation and its people. It is tyranny versus freedom. The series is a mix of military fiction and Tom Clancy level political thriller. It is a tapestry of stories of individuals who are taking a stand for what they believe in. Moreover, it provides a glimpse of what the nation would look like if the radical progressives were in power. In the end, the series is a tale of everyday people taking a stand to restore their lost nation.

There are currently five books in the series. Blue Dawn, A Most Uncivil War, Confederacy of Fear, No Greater Tyranny, and Patrons of Terror. Pardoe has indicated there are at least two more novels planned for the core of the series.
