Category:Taxa named by Edward Meyrick
Wikispecies has information related to Edward Meyrick.
Animal taxa named by Edward Meyrick (1854–1938), an English entomologist and lepidopterist.
Pages in category "Taxa named by Edward Meyrick"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 3,851 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Tachystola
- Tachystola acroxantha
- Tachystola hemisema
- Taurometopa
- Taurometopa pyrometalla
- Tauroscopa
- Tauroscopa gorgopis
- Tauroscopa trapezitis
- Tawhitia glaucophanes
- Taygete altivola
- Taygete citranthes
- Tegostoma zachlora
- Telphusa amphichroma
- Telphusa atomatma
- Telphusa auxoptila
- Telphusa barygrapta
- Telphusa calathaea
- Telphusa callitechna
- Telphusa chloroderces
- Telphusa conviciata
- Telphusa delatrix
- Telphusa extranea
- Telphusa hemicycla
- Telphusa improvida
- Telphusa iosticta
- Telphusa iriditis
- Telphusa latebricola
- Telphusa melanozona
- Telphusa melitocyela
- Telphusa microsperma
- Telphusa necromantis
- Telphusa nephelaspis
- Telphusa nephomicta
- Telphusa objecta
- Telphusa orgilopis
- Telphusa penetratrix
- Telphusa phaulosema
- Telphusa prasinoleuca
- Telphusa retecta
- Telphusa semiusta
- Telphusa smaragdopis
- Telphusa syncratopa
- Telphusa syndelta
- Telphusa tetragrapta
- Telphusa xyloptera
- Templemania rhythmogramma
- Tephrosara
- Tephrosara cimmeria
- Tetanostola
- Tetraschalis
- Tetraschalis arachnodes
- Tetraschalis deltozela
- Tetraschalis ischnites
- Tetraschalis lemurodes
- Tetraschalis ochrias
- Tetrernia
- Thalamarchis
- Thallostoma
- Thambotricha
- Thaumaturgis
- Thectophila
- Thema protogramma
- Thiognatha
- Thiognatha metachalca
- Thiotricha
- Thiotricha acrantha
- Thiotricha acrophantis
- Thiotricha amphixysta
- Thiotricha anarpastis
- Thiotricha anticentra
- Thiotricha arthrodes
- Thiotricha atractodes
- Thiotricha aucupatrix
- Thiotricha balanopa
- Thiotricha bullata
- Thiotricha centritis
- Thiotricha characias
- Thiotricha chrysantha
- Thiotricha chrysopa
- Thiotricha clepsidoxa
- Thiotricha clidias
- Thiotricha clinopeda
- Thiotricha complicata
- Thiotricha crypsichlora
- Thiotricha cuneiformis
- Thiotricha delacma
- Thiotricha dissobola
- Thiotricha embolarcha
- Thiotricha epiclista
- Thiotricha flagellatrix
- Thiotricha galactaea
- Thiotricha galenaea
- Thiotricha gemmulans
- Thiotricha glenias
- Thiotricha grammitis
- Thiotricha hamulata
- Thiotricha hexanesa
- Thiotricha hoplomacha
- Thiotricha janitrix
- Thiotricha leucothona
- Thiotricha margarodes
- Thiotricha microrrhoda
- Thiotricha nephelodesma
- Thiotricha nephodesma
- Thiotricha niphastis
- Thiotricha obvoluta
- Thiotricha operaria
- Thiotricha orthiastis
- Thiotricha oxygramma
- Thiotricha oxyopis
- Thiotricha oxytheces
- Thiotricha pancratiastis
- Thiotricha paraconta
- Thiotricha parthenica
- Thiotricha polyaula
- Thiotricha pontifera
- Thiotricha pteropis
- Thiotricha pyrphora
- Thiotricha rabida
- Thiotricha rhodomicta
- Thiotricha rhodopa
- Thiotricha saulotis
- Thiotricha scioplecta
- Thiotricha scotaea
- Thiotricha strophiacma
- Thiotricha symphoracma
- Thiotricha synacma
- Thiotricha syncentritis
- Thiotricha synodonta
- Thiotricha termanthes
- Thiotricha tetraphala
- Thiotricha thorybodes
- Thiotricha tylephora
- Thiotricha xanthaspis
- Thiotricha xanthodora
- Thomictis
- Thriophora
- Thrypsigenes
- Thubana bullulata
- Thubana deltaspis
- Thubana isocrypta
- Thubana xanthoteles
- Thudaca calliphrontis
- Thudaca campylota
- Thudaca crypsidesma
- Thudaca cymatistis
- Thudaca haplonota
- Thudaca heterastis
- Thudaca mimodora
- Thudaca ophiosema
- Thudaca orthodroma
- Thudaca stadiaula
- Thudaca trabeata
- Thylacosceles acridomima
- Thymiatris melitacma
- Thymosopha
- Thyrocopa
- Thyrsochares
- Thysiarcha
- Thysiarcha ecclesiastis
- Timoconia tymbophora
- Timyra aeolocoma
- Timyra alloptila
- Timyra aulonitis
- Timyra autarcha
- Timyra cicinnota
- Timyra cingalensis
- Timyra dipsalea
- Timyra lecticaria
- Timyra machlas
- Timyra marmaritis
- Timyra metallanthes
- Timyra orthadia
- Timyra parochra
- Timyra pastas
- Timyra peronetris
- Timyra phorcis
- Timyra praeceptrix
- Timyra pristica
- Timyra schoenota
- Timyra selmatias
- Timyra stachyophora
- Timyra stasiotica
- Timyra temenodes
- Timyra toxastis
- Timyra xanthaula
- Tinagma leucanthes
- Tinea accusatrix
- Tinea argodelta
- Tinea astraea
- Tinea atmogramma
- Tinea belonota
- Tinea conferta
- Tinea dicharacta
- Tinea fagicola
- Tinea margaritis
- Tinea mochlota
- Tinea munita
- Tinea sphenocosma
- Tinea texta