Category:Taxa named by Edward Meyrick
Wikispecies has information related to Edward Meyrick.
Animal taxa named by Edward Meyrick (1854–1938), an English entomologist and lepidopterist.
Pages in category "Taxa named by Edward Meyrick"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 3,851 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Scotorythra nephelosticta
- Narthecoceros
- Nematopogon chalcophyllis
- Neocalyptis nematodes
- Neocalyptis tricensa
- Neohesperilla xanthomera
- Neolithocolletis pentadesma
- Neoschoenobia caustodes
- Nephelolychnis
- Nephelolychnis velata
- Notarcha
- Nothogenes
- Notoreas
- Notoreas atmogramma
- Notoreas chrysopeda
- Notoreas hexaleuca
- Notoreas ischnocyma
- Notoreas isoleuca
- Notoreas mechanitis
- Notoreas niphocrena
- Notoreas paradelpha
- Notosara
- Notosara nephelotis
- Scotorythra ochetias
- Scotorythra ortharcha
- Scotorythra oxyphractis
- Ochetarcha
- Ochmastis
- Ochyrotica placozona
- Ocydina
- Ocydina syngrammaula
- Odites actuosa
- Odites agraula
- Odites analogica
- Odites anasticta
- Odites anisocarpa
- Odites argyrophanes
- Odites armilligera
- Odites artigena
- Odites aspasta
- Odites assidua
- Odites atmopa
- Odites atomosperma
- Odites atonopa
- Odites balanospila
- Odites balsamias
- Odites brachyclista
- Odites carcharopa
- Odites carterella
- Odites cataxantha
- Odites centrias
- Odites choricopa
- Odites circiformis
- Odites citrantha
- Odites citromela
- Odites collega
- Odites concava
- Odites consecrata
- Odites consignata
- Odites continua
- Odites crocota
- Odites crossophanta
- Odites cuculans
- Odites diacentra
- Odites diopta
- Odites emensa
- Odites encarsia
- Odites eriopa
- Odites euphema
- Odites exterrita
- Odites fessa
- Odites fructuosa
- Odites fruticosa
- Odites furfurosa
- Odites glaphyra
- Odites gomphias
- Odites haplogramma
- Odites haplonoma
- Odites hemigymna
- Odites hemipercna
- Odites heptasticta
- Odites hermatica
- Odites holocitra
- Odites holotorna
- Odites idonea
- Odites incallida
- Odites incolumis
- Odites incusata
- Odites insons
- Odites inversa
- Odites isocentra
- Odites laconica
- Odites lioxesta
- Odites lividula
- Odites malagasiella
- Odites matura
- Odites meloxantha
- Odites metaclista
- Odites metaphracta
- Odites metascia
- Odites microbolista
- Odites monogona
- Odites notocapna
- Odites notosticta
- Odites nubeculosa
- Odites obumbrata
- Odites obvia
- Odites ochrodryas
- Odites oligectis
- Odites orthometra
- Odites pancyclia
- Odites paracyrta
- Odites pedicata
- Odites pelochrosta
- Odites periscias
- Odites plocamoca
- Odites practoria
- Odites praefixa
- Odites pragmatias
- Odites procellosa
- Odites prosedra
- Odites psilotis
- Odites repetita
- Odites scribaria
- Odites semibrunnea
- Odites semisepta
- Odites siccinervis
- Odites sphenidias
- Odites sucinea
- Odites superscripta
- Odites thesmia
- Odites typota
- Odites velipotens
- Odites xenophaea
- Oedematopoda cypris
- Oegoconia praeramis
- Oenogenes
- Ogmocoma
- Ogmograptis
- Ogmograptis scribula
- Oligernis
- Omiodes telegrapha
- Omiostola
- Opogona omoscopa
- Opogona trichoceros
- Opostega ischnophaea
- Opostegidae
- Opsitycha squalidella
- Organitis
- Orilesa mediocris
- Ornarantia scenophora
- Orocrambus aethonellus
- Orocrambus callirrhous
- Orocrambus catacaustus
- Orocrambus crenaeus
- Orocrambus cyclopicus
- Orocrambus dicrenellus
- Orocrambus enchophorus
- Orocrambus ephorus
- Orocrambus haplotomus
- Orocrambus harpophorus
- Orocrambus heliotes
- Orocrambus heteraulus
- Orocrambus horistes
- Orocrambus isochytus
- Orocrambus machaeristes
- Orocrambus melitastes
- Orocrambus mylites
- Orocrambus paraxenus
- Orocrambus siriellus
- Orocrambus sophistes
- Orocrambus sophronellus
- Orocrambus thymiastes
- Orocrambus tritonellus
- Orocrambus ventosus
- Orocrambus xanthogrammus
- Orophia hadromacha
- Orophia languidula
- Orphanoclera
- Orphnolechia
- Orthenches chartularia
- Orthenches chlorocoma
- Orthenches dictyarcha
- Orthenches prasinodes
- Orthenches saleuta
- Orthoclydon chlorias
- Orthoptila
- Orygocera recordata
- Osphrantis
- Otochares
- Oxylechia