Category:Taxa named by Carl Linnaeus
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Taxa named by Carl Linnaeus.
Taxa named by Carl Linnaeus (1707−1778), an 18th-century Swedish taxonomist, botanist, and zoologist. Known as the "father of modern taxonomy" – from his inventing and developing binomial nomenclature; the biological taxonomy system used internationally for classifying and naming taxa.
Pages in category "Taxa named by Carl Linnaeus"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 7,849 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Goat
- Gobio gobio
- Gobius
- Gold swift
- Gold tegu
- Goldcrest
- Golden eagle
- Golden jackal
- Golden lion tamarin
- Golden pheasant
- Golden samphire
- Golden-handed tamarin
- Golden-headed manakin
- Golden-winged parakeet
- Golden-winged warbler
- Goldenseal
- Goldfish
- Goldsinny wrasse
- Goliathus goliatus
- Golofa claviger
- Gomphocarpus fruticosus
- Gomphocerus sibiricus
- Gomphrena
- Gomphrena globosa
- Gomphrena vermicularis
- Gomphus vulgatissimus
- Goneplax rhomboides
- Gonepteryx cleopatra
- Gonepteryx rhamni
- Gongylus gongylodes
- Gonialoe variegata
- Gonioctena pallida
- Goniolimon tataricum
- Gonorynchus gonorynchus
- Goodyera repens
- Gordius aquaticus
- Gorgonia
- Gorgonia flabellum
- Gorgonia ventalina
- Gorteria
- Gorteria personata
- Gossypium
- Gossypium arboreum
- Gossypium barbadense
- Gossypium herbaceum
- Gossypium hirsutum
- Gothic (moth)
- Graphis scripta
- Graphium agamemnon
- Graphium eurypylus
- Graphium sarpedon
- Graphopsocus cruciatus
- Graphosoma lineatum
- Grapsus grapsus
- Grass snake
- Gratiola
- Gratiola officinalis
- Gratiola peruviana
- Gray angelfish
- Gray catbird
- Gray four-eyed opossum
- Grayling (butterfly)
- Great argus
- Great auk
- Great black-backed gull
- Great blue heron
- Great bustard
- Great cormorant
- Great crested flycatcher
- Great crested grebe
- Great curassow
- Great diving beetle
- Great egret
- Great grey shrike
- Great hornbill
- Great kiskadee
- Great reed warbler
- Great spider crab
- Great spotted cuckoo
- Great spotted woodpecker
- Great tit
- Great white pelican
- Great white shark
- Greater Antillean bullfinch
- Greater bird-of-paradise
- Greater bulldog bat
- Greater double-collared sunbird
- Greater painted-snipe
- Greater pipefish
- Greater prairie-chicken
- Greater racket-tailed drongo
- Greater rhea
- Greater scaup
- Greater siren
- Greater spot-nosed monkey
- Greater weever
- Greek tortoise
- Green anaconda
- Green aracari
- Green hairstreak
- Green heron
- Green honeycreeper
- Green iguana
- Green imperial pigeon
- Green longhorn
- Green ormer
- Green peafowl
- Green pug
- Green sandpiper
- Green sea turtle
- Green shield bug
- Green-and-rufous kingfisher
- Green-backed trogon
- Green-rumped parrotlet
- Green-tailed jacamar
- Green-throated carib
- Green-veined white
- Green-winged pytilia
- Grewia
- Grewia occidentalis
- Grey chi
- Grey dagger
- Grey gurnard
- Grey heron
- Grey parrot
- Grey partridge
- Grey peacock-pheasant
- Grey plover
- Grey-winged trumpeter
- Greylag goose
- Grias cauliflora
- Griposia aprilina
- Grivet
- Grizzly bear
- Grooved carpet shell
- Groundhog
- Cepaea nemoralis
- Grus antigone
- Grus canadensis
- Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa
- Gryllus
- Gryllus campestris
- Guaiacum officinale
- Guaiacum sanctum
- Guenon
- Guettarda
- Guettarda speciosa
- Guianan cock-of-the-rock
- Guianan red cotinga
- Guianan squirrel monkey
- Guianan toucanet
- Guilandina
- Guinea pig
- Guinea turaco
- Guinusia chabrus
- Guira tanager
- Gulf fritillary
- Gunnera
- Gunnera perpensa
- Gustavia (plant)
- Guzmania lingulata
- Guzmania monostachia
- Gymnadenia conopsea
- Gymnema lactiferum
- Gymnocarpium dryopteris
- Gymnophthalmus lineatus
- Gymnosoma rotundatum
- Gymnotus
- Gypsophila fastigiata
- Gypsophila paniculata
- Gypsophila repens
- Gyraulus crista
- Gyrfalcon
- Gyrineum gyrinum
- Gyrinus natator
- Hada plebeja
- Haddock
- Hadrobregmus pertinax
- Haemanthus
- Haemanthus coccineus
- Haematobia irritans
- Haematopinus suis
- Haematopota pluvialis
- Haematoxylum campechianum
- Haemopis sanguisuga
- Haemulon melanurum
- Haetera piera
- Hair-crested drongo
- Hairy woodpecker
- Halecium halecinum
- Halesia carolina
- Halictus tumulorum
- Halimione portulacoides
- Haliotis
- Haliotis asinina
- Haliotis marmorata
- Haliotis midae
- Haliotis parva
- Haliotis varia
- Halleria lucida