Category:Stub-Class Anatomy articles
![]() | Administrators: Please do not delete this category as empty! This category may be empty occasionally or even most of the time. |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | B | C | Start | Stub | ![]() | List | Category | Disambig | Draft | ![]() | File | Portal | Project | Redirect | Template | NA | ??? | Total |
5 | 0 | 41 | 167 | 955 | 1,934 | 2,066 | 2 | 92 | 606 | 536 | 9 | 33 | 7 | 4 | 15 | 14,931 | 189 | 2 | 20 | 21,614 |
Pages in category "Stub-Class Anatomy articles"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 2,066 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Talk:Radial artery of index finger
- Talk:Radial collateral artery
- Talk:Radial collateral ligament of thumb
- Talk:Radial collateral ligament of wrist joint
- Talk:Radial fossa
- Talk:Radial groove
- Talk:Radial notch
- Talk:Radial recurrent artery
- Talk:Radial tuberosity
- Talk:Radial veins
- Talk:Radiate carpal ligament
- Talk:Radiate ligament of head of rib
- Talk:Radiate sternocostal ligaments
- Talk:Radicular artery
- Talk:Radicular veins
- Talk:Radiographic anatomy
- Talk:Reciprocal innervation
- Talk:Rectoprostatic fascia
- Talk:Rectouterine fold
- Talk:Rectovaginal fascia
- Talk:Rectovesical pouch
- Talk:Rectus capitis anterior muscle
- Talk:Rectus capitis lateralis muscle
- Talk:Rectus capitis posterior major muscle
- Talk:Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle
- Talk:Redlich–Obersteiner's zone
- Talk:Reduced enamel epithelium
- Talk:Reduced eye
- Talk:Reflected ligament
- Talk:Regius Professor of Anatomy (Aberdeen)
- Talk:Regius Professor of Anatomy (Glasgow)
- Talk:Reinke's space
- Talk:Russel J. Reiter
- Talk:Renal branches of vagus nerve
- Talk:Renal column
- Talk:Renal cortex
- Talk:Renal hilum
- Talk:Renal plexus
- Talk:Renal sinus
- Talk:Respiratory pump
- Talk:Rete ovarii
- Talk:Reticular cell
- Talk:Reticular membrane
- Talk:Retinaculum
- Talk:Retroaortic lymph nodes
- Talk:Retroinguinal space
- Talk:Retromammary space
- Talk:Retromolar space
- Talk:Retropharyngeal space
- Talk:Retrovisceral space
- Talk:Rhabdosphincter
- Talk:Rhinal sulcus
- Talk:Rhombus of Michaelis
- Talk:Sebastiano Richiardi
- Talk:Right border of heart
- Talk:Right colic vein
- Talk:Right gastric artery
- Talk:Right gastroepiploic vein
- Talk:Right marginal branch of right coronary artery
- Talk:Right marginal vein
- Talk:Right triangular ligament
- Talk:Rima glottidis
- Talk:Rima vestibuli
- Talk:Rod sheath
- Talk:Roof of fourth ventricle
- Talk:Root of penis
- Talk:Rostral neuropore
- Talk:Rotter's lymph nodes
- Talk:Rubro-olivary tract
- Talk:Saccular nerve
- Talk:Sacral ganglia
- Talk:Sacral lymph nodes
- Talk:Sacral spinal nerve 1
- Talk:Sacral spinal nerve 2
- Talk:Sacral spinal nerve 3
- Talk:Sacral spinal nerve 4
- Talk:Sacral spinal nerve 5
- Talk:Sacral splanchnic nerves
- Talk:Sacrococcygeal membrane
- Talk:Sacrovertebral angle
- Talk:Sagittal keel
- Talk:Sagittal sulcus
- Talk:Sampaolesi line
- Talk:Sood Sangvichien
- Talk:Galeazzo di Santa Sofia
- Talk:Saphenofemoral junction
- Talk:Sarcoplasm
- Talk:Sattler's layer
- Talk:Scalene tubercle
- Talk:Scaphoid fossa
- Talk:Scapular line
- Talk:Scapulocoracoid
- Talk:Scapulohumeral muscles
- Talk:Schindylesis
- Talk:Schultz's rule
- Talk:Schwalbe's line
- Talk:Schweigger-Seidel sheath
- Talk:Scrotal ligament
- Talk:Sebileau's muscle
- Talk:Secondary sensory endings
- Talk:Segmental analysis (biology)
- Talk:Segmental innervation
- Talk:Segmental medullary artery
- Talk:Segmental stabilizers
- Talk:Sellar region
- Talk:Seminal tract
- Talk:Septa of testis
- Talk:Septal veins
- Talk:Septum intermedium
- Talk:Septum of the penis
- Talk:Septum spurium
- Talk:Sex cords
- Talk:Short bone
- Talk:Short ciliary nerves
- Talk:Short gastric veins
- Talk:Short posterior ciliary arteries
- Talk:Henry Jones Shrapnell
- Talk:Sigmoid arteries
- Talk:Sigmoid sulcus
- Talk:Simple squamous epithelium
- Talk:Sinus of Morgagni (pharynx)
- Talk:Sinus tubercle
- Talk:Skin appendage
- Talk:Skin bridge
- Talk:Skin fold
- Talk:Skin secretions
- Talk:Soleal line
- Talk:Solitariospinal tract
- Talk:Somatomammotrophic cell
- Talk:Somatopleuric mesenchyme
- Talk:Somatotopic arrangement
- Talk:Space of Möll
- Talk:Special visceral efferent fibers
- Talk:Spermatic plexus
- Talk:Spheno-maxillary fossa
- Talk:Sphenoethmoidal suture
- Talk:Sphenofrontal suture
- Talk:Sphenoidal conchae
- Talk:Sphenoidal lingula
- Talk:Sphenoidal process of palatine bone
- Talk:Sphenomandibularis
- Talk:Sphenopalatine foramen
- Talk:Sphenoparietal sinus
- Talk:Sphenoparietal suture
- Talk:Sphenopetrosal fissure
- Talk:Sphenosquamosal suture
- Talk:Sphenozygomatic suture
- Talk:Sphincter of Boyden
- Talk:Spina helicis
- Talk:Spina vestibuli
- Talk:Spinal accessory nucleus
- Talk:Spinal neuron
- Talk:Spinal trigeminal nucleus
- Talk:Spine of sphenoid bone
- Talk:Spino-olivary tract
- Talk:Spinocervical pathway
- Talk:Spiral artery
- Talk:Spiral folds of cystic duct
- Talk:Spiral ligament
- Talk:Spiral limbus
- Talk:Splanchnocranium
- Talk:Splanchnopleuric mesenchyme
- Talk:Splenial
- Talk:Splenic plexus
- Talk:Splenius cervicis muscle
- Talk:Splenius muscles
- Talk:Splenocolic ligament
- Talk:Spongiocyte
- Talk:Squamosal bone
- Talk:Squamosal suture
- Talk:Starburst amacrine cell
- Talk:Stellate reticulum
- Talk:Stellate veins
- Talk:Stephanion
- Talk:Sternocleidomastoid branches of occipital artery
- Talk:Sternocostal joints
- Talk:Sternocostal triangle
- Talk:Sternopericardial ligaments
- Talk:Stieda process
- Talk:Stomatognathic system
- Talk:Straight gyrus
- Talk:Stratum intermedium
- Talk:Stria vascularis of cochlear duct
- Talk:Striosome
- Talk:Stroma of iris
- Talk:Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve
- Talk:Stylomandibular ligament
- Talk:Stylomastoid artery
- Talk:Stylopharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
- Talk:Subarcuate fossa
- Talk:Subcallosal area
- Talk:Subcallosal gyrus
- Talk:Subclavian groove
- Talk:Subclavian lymph trunk
- Talk:Subclavian nerve
- Talk:Subcoracoid bursa