Category:Non-free images of art
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This category comprises copyrighted, unlicenced works of art for which non-free use is claimed.
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This category has the following subcategory, out of 2 total.
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- Non-free images of three-dimensional art (2,616 F)
Media in category "Non-free images of art"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 7,656 total.
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- File:RTF Test card 819-lines 1953.jpg
- File:Rthompsonselfportrait.jpg
- File:Ruby's Heart by Robert Stackhouse, 1988.JPG
- File:Rudolf Stingel Untitled 1998 oil and enamel on paper 41 ¾ x 29 ⅝ inches.jpg
- File:Rufina Vigil - Women Gathering Guaco 1935.jpg
- File:Rugglestufts22650.jpg
- File:Ruley Daydreaming, Landscape with Lions.jpg
- File:Ruley Grapefruit Picking Time.png
- File:Runaways Ligon 1993.jpeg
- File:Rural route 19581004.jpg
- File:Rush Limbaugh Sr.jpg
- File:Rush'n Attack artwork.PNG
- File:Ruskin College Oxford escutcheon.png
- File:Russell Means portrait.jpg
- File:RussellCowles.jpg
- File:Russellpattersonscenedesign.jpg
- File:Russian Winter. Hoarfrost.jpg
- File:RussianSchoolroom-NormanRockwell.jpg
- File:Russlondonchaney.jpg
- File:Russov-Caterina Balebina-7port31b.jpg
- File:Russov-Still-Life with Seneka-rus01b.jpg
- File:Rust Red Hills O'Keeffe 1930.jpg
- File:Rustyriley120159.jpg
- File:Rustyriley590329.jpg
- File:Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Meredith Bergmann.jpg
- File:Ruth VanSickle Ford - The Little Traveler - 1930s.jpg
- File:Ruthrussell.jpg
- File:RX-78-2 Gundam illustration.gif
- File:Ryan Garcia vs Rolly Romero fight poster.jpeg
- File:Ryomen Sukuna (character).jpg
- File:Ryu chi Ryu (Dragon Knows Dragon) by Morita Shiryū.jpg
- File:S. Chandrasekaran, Visvayoni, 1988, Mixed media on fabric.jpeg
- File:S.S. Manoa 1928.jpg
- File:Sacrifice, 1946, Mark Rothko at NGA.jpg
- File:Sad Elephant room in the game vvvvvv.jpg
- File:Saddleworth moor wildfire 2019.jpg
- File:Safari Open Using Rosetta.jpg
- File:Safir-Van De Ven-jersey.jpg
- File:Sahar Jahani.jpg
- File:Sahara Sue.jpg
- File:Sailor and The Devil.jpg
- File:Sailor Moon CCG card back.png
- File:Saint Felix School coat of arms.png
- File:Saint Martyrs of the Damned.jpeg
- File:Saint Savvas from Church.jpg
- File:Sakubei Yamamoto underground survey 1965.png
- File:Sala Neoplastyczna Stazewski new.jpeg
- File:Salavatov Black grouse and Fox.jpg
- File:Salavon - 100 Special Momemts, Newlyweds.jpg
- File:Sally Lippman.jpg
- File:Sally-Anne test.jpg
- File:SaltySeamon-Autumn.jpg
- File:Salvador Dali The Trinity Study for The Ecumenical Council 1960.jpg
- File:SalvadorDali-SoftConstructionWithBeans.jpg
- File:Sam Bottoms.jpg
- File:Sam Himmelfarb Downtown 1960.jpg
- File:Sam Himmelfarb Front Row at the Beach 1955.jpg
- File:Sam Himmelfarb Road House 1927.jpg
- File:Sam Himmelfarb Road Workers 1970-3.jpg
- File:Sam McKinniss White Roses in a Short Glass (after Fantin-Latour) 2016 oil and acrylic on canvas-9"x12".jpg
- File:SamboSchemaI.jpg
- File:Samek-Smelling-Mistake.jpg
- File:Samira Kawas.jpg
- File:Samokhvalov-Kirov-b.jpg
- File:Samuel Bookatz Abstract Forest.jpg
- File:Samuel Bookatz Fantasy.jpg
- File:Samuel Bookatz Figures.jpg
- File:Samuel Mather wreck.jpg
- File:Samuel-Cashwan-photo.jpg
- File:Samus Aran.png
- File:San-x characters.png
- File:Sanada Yukimura Sengoku BASARA 4.jpg
- File:Sandback.jpg
- File:Sandeep Mukherjee Untitled (One More Time) 2002.jpg
- File:Sandeep Mukherjee Untitled (Panel 2) 2011.jpg
- File:Sandin DeathsDoorGardenPeninsula.jpg
- File:Sanford International logo.png
- File:Sanjie, 2003, Cui Xiuwen at Hirshhorn 2022.jpg
- File:Sanmaonewspaper1948.jpg
- File:SanMaophoto.jpg
- File:Sanrio characters.png
- File:Santisima Trinidad harried by Terpsichore.jpg
- File:Sanya Ladies Open logo.png
- File:Sara.Shamma.2005.Self portrait.oil on canvas.120x120.jpg
- File:Sarah Bahbah, Fool Me Twice, Noah Centineo.jpeg
- File:SarahBahbah 3eib Piano3.jpg
- File:SarahBahbah SexAndTakeout Pizza.jpeg
- File:Sardar Mir Dost Muhammad Mazari Graphite Pencil Sketch.jpg
- File:SarlaccConceptArt.jpg
- File:Sarmatian Iazyges Barrel Vessels.jpg
- File:Sarmatian Iazyges Grave Sites.png
- File:Sarnath Capital Reconstruction by Agrawala 1965 Low Res.jpg
- File:Sarnath Capital Reconstruction by John Irwin 1975 Low Res.jpg
- File:SAS Championship logo.png
- File:Saskatchewan Platinum Jubilee Medal.jpg
- File:Sass Jordan Rats album cover.jpg
- File:Satirical slip cover for Triggered (book).jpg
- File:Satoru Abe - 'Two Abstract Figures', c. 1955, oil on canvas, HAA.JPG
- File:Saturn C-3 Derivatives.gif
- File:Saucer Burial Porgy and Bess Wilbur G Adam.jpg
- File:Sauka Inferno.jpg
- File:Sauka Stairs.jpg
- File:Saul Raskin - Hebrew Rhapsody - cover - 1959.png
- File:Sauron Tolkien illustration.jpg
- File:Savage in Limbo.jpg
- File:Savage Rose by Richard Pousette-Dart, 1951.jpg
- File:Savidug Ijang perspective view.png
- File:Sawblade (film).jpg
- File:Saxophone Man by Billy Dee Williams.jpg
- File:Saying Grace, Norman Rockwell.jpg
- File:Scarborough (1782 ship).jpg
- File:Scarletoneil1643.jpg
- File:Scene de Cirque (c.1970).png
- File:Schattschneider Reconstruction of Escher's Coxeter Diagram.jpg
- File:Schnuffel-Snuggle Bunny.png
- File:Schnuffels Weihnachtslied Single Cover.jpg
- File:School Days Female Characters.jpg
- File:School of Rock magazine.png
- File:Schroeder portrait by Immendroff.jpg
- File:Schuitema portrait.jpg
- File:Schwartz-Cut-Diamond.jpg
- File:Schweppes ad featuring Commander Whitehead, mid 20th century.png
- File:Scientology Bridge to Total Freedom chart, low res.gif
- File:Scorchynostalgia.jpg
- File:Scorchyrodlow.jpg
- File:Scorchysickles10236.jpg
- File:Scorchysmith8842.jpg
- File:Scott Joplin by Ellen Banks.jpg
- File:Scott Mutter - Untitled (Library).jpg
- File:Scott Pilgrim We Are Sex Bob-Omb graphic novel part.png
- File:Scott Williams mural YBCA.jpg
- File:Scottish Open (golf) 2nd logo.png
- File:Scotty Bowers.webp
- File:Scout's Honor (1980 film).jpg
- File:Scream It Like You Mean It Tour Logo 2012.jpg
- File:Screenshot from Chocks Away, airfield.png
- File:Screenshot of Hot Coffee minigame with clearer text resolution.gif
- File:Screenshot of Neues vom Suderhof logo.png
- File:Scribble Jam.gif
- File:ScribnerAmes1962.png
- File:ScribnerAmesCoreaChurch1945.jpg
- File:ScribnerAmesDarkBirds1958.jpg
- File:ScribnerAmesSigurdRasher1942.jpg
- File:ScribnerAmesStillLife1930.jpg
- File:ScribnerAmesTheGift1935.jpg
- File:Scroogeswim.jpg
- File:Seacoast United Mariners Logo.gif
- File:Seagram murals.png
- File:Seal of St. Francois County, Missouri (2018–2022).png
- File:Sean O Casey Signature.gif
- File:Sean Scully - Raval Rojo - 2004.jpg
- File:Search for the Renegades.jpg
- File:Search III by Nicholas Charles Williams.jpeg
- File:Seascape Folkestone by Turner.jpg
- File:Sebastian Faust 001.jpg
- File:Second Version of Triptych 1944.jpg
- File:SecretZooBryanChick.jpg
- File:Seehafer-Untitled-1990.jpg
- File:Sega Yakuza characters.jpg
- File:Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance light novel volume 1 cover.jpg
- File:Self Portrait (In The Studio) - William Utermohlen.jpg
- File:Self Portrait 1950 17X21.jpg
- File:Self portrait of the artist Braaq as a boy.jpg
- File:Self Portrait with Blue Guitar (1977) oil on canvas by David Hockney.jpeg
- File:Self Portrait with Jewish Identity Card -Felix Nussbaum - 1943.jpg
- File:Self portrait with loose hair Kahlo Frida.jpg
- File:Self Portrait, 2020, Sarah Cain at NGA 2022.jpeg
- File:Self-portrait (injured in a foxhole), 1953, by John Matsudaira.jpg
- File:Self-Portrait (Inn of the Dawn Horse).jpg
- File:Self-portrait (Tartaglia).jpeg
- File:Self-portrait as the black Jimmy Connors in the finals of the New Negro Escapist Social and Athletic Club Summer Tennis Tournament.jpg
- File:Self-portrait by Miriam Beerman.jpg
- File:Self-Portrait Dedicated to Leon Trotsky.jpg
- File:Self-portrait of John Duncan Fergusson.jpg
- File:Self-Portrait, Jopie Roosenburg-Goudriaan.jpg
- File:Selfport.jpg
- File:Selma marches philippe derome.jpg
- File:Semi-nude - Billy Justema.jpg
- File:Semionov-Alexas-Malaya-Sadovaya-ase35bw2.jpg
- File:Semyon-Bilmes1lg.jpg
- File:Sendak illustration.gif
- File:Senior LPGA Champions logohip.png
- File:SenshiCon Logo resized.jpg
- File:SentinelOfEternity.png
- File:Seoba Srba.png
- File:Seppo koponeni Holotype.png
- File:Septic Tank Sam Doe 1979.jpeg
- File:Serebrany-AIC-chu26b.jpg
- File:Serebryakova CardHause.jpg
- File:Serge Poliakoff Composition grise et rouge 1964.jpg
- File:Sergey Kalmykov Parade of the Kings.jpeg
- File:Sergey Kalmykov Self Portrait 1966.jpeg
- File:Sergio Corbucci.jpg
- File:Series 2006 TTD.jpg
- File:Service de Luxe, 1999, Cecily Brown at Rubell DC 2022.jpg
- File:Setsuna sara.jpg
- File:Seung-Taek Lee, Drawing, 1974, cord.jpg
- File:Sew Low by Loretta Pettway Bennett.jpg
- File:Sexposition scene in Game of Thrones.png