Category:Non-free images of art
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This category comprises copyrighted, unlicenced works of art for which non-free use is claimed.
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This category has the following subcategory, out of 2 total.
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- Non-free images of three-dimensional art (2,614 F)
Media in category "Non-free images of art"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 7,647 total.
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- File:M VI Awards for the Holy Quran.png
- File:M-Maybe.jpg
- File:M. Louise Stanley Anatomy Lesson 2003.jpg
- File:M. Louise Stanley Melancolia (After Durer) 2012.jpg
- File:M. Louise Stanley Outside Interference 1988.jpg
- File:M. Louise Stanley The Mystic Muse and the Bums 1970.jpg
- File:M. Louise Stanley Truncis Naribus (Faces Without Noses) 2014.jpg
- File:MA FISH CO Antebellum Bedlam 1985.jpg
- File:MA FISH CO Bride Stripped Bare 1994.tif
- File:MA FISH CO The Letter P 1997.jpg
- File:Ma Liuming3.jpg
- File:Maame novel cover.jpg
- File:Mabel Burnside Myers, Diné, Vegetal Dye Chart, c.1970.png
- File:Mabel Hewit, Artists Working, ca. 1938.tiff
- File:MabelDwightToMakeACircusPay1930.jpg
- File:MabelLucieAttwellValette.JPG
- File:Mableton Mixed-Use Development Rendering.png
- File:Macarius - Miracle of the Moose - fresco.JPG
- File:MacBryde, Table with Fruit.jpg
- File:MacFarlane-Homefront.jpeg
- File:Mach 2 launch.jpg
- File:Macintosh Computer Logo 1984.jpg
- File:MaciunasGenocide.jpg
- File:MacNab s.jpeg
- File:MacQuarrie coat of arms.jpg
- File:MacTaggart, Duet.jpg
- File:Mad magazine 125 fold in folded.jpg
- File:Mad magazine 125 fold in unfolded.jpg
- File:Maddox, The Strange Country.jpg
- File:Made in Denmark logo.png
- File:Made in Maryhill Stained Glass Window Maryhill Burgh Halls.png
- File:Madeira Islands Open logo.png
- File:Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association logo.jpg
- File:Madigan Men.jpg
- File:Madly in Love at the End of the Love.jpg
- File:Madman's Drum - leaning against tree.gif
- File:Maffia John Lennon Time.jpg
- File:Mafrica map.jpg
- File:Mag-ina sa Banig, Nestor Leynes (1960).jpg
- File:Magazine advertisement for Van Camp's Tenderoni product, 1950s.jpg
- File:Magazine and History.jpg
- File:Maggs 03a.jpg
- File:Magi Nation cardback.png
- File:Magic Mirror.jpg
- File:Magical Burger King.jpg
- File:MagnemiteArtwork.png
- File:Magnetic Field The Marsden Poems map detail.jpg
- File:Magnetic Fields, 1990, Mildred Thompson at NMWA 2023.jpeg
- File:Magnitude of Externalities.jpg
- File:Magritte The Telescope.jpg
- File:Magritte TheSonOfMan.jpg
- File:Magritte-The-Companions-of-Fear-1942.jpg
- File:Magritte, The Palace of Memories, Le palais des souvenirs, 1939.jpg
- File:Magritte36.jpg
- File:MagrittePipe.jpg
- File:Mai Dantsig - And the Saved World Remembers.jpg
- File:Mai Dantsig - Partisan Ballad.jpg
- File:Maija Isola Pattern Book LoveLoveLove 1968.jpg
- File:Maillot-armee-terre-2015.jpg
- File:Majaa Talkies Cast.png
- File:Makhrage Lake.jpg
- File:Maki Miura, Shizuka Miura, Jun Kosugi.png
- File:Making medicine.portrait.jpg
- File:Mako missile.png
- File:Malaysian Lease Payment for Sabah for 2003.jpg
- File:Maldives Journalists Association.jpg
- File:Maldivian Environmental Protection Agency logo.jpg
- File:Male and Female Nudes with Red and Purple Drape, by Philip Pearlstein, 1968 from Hirschhorn Museum 72.226.jpg
- File:Malik White Bolt.png
- File:Maloney-Saplings.jpg
- File:Maltese OPV P71.png
- File:Mama Bush II, Keep the Home Fires Burnin', 2006, Mickalene Thomas at Rubell DC 2022.jpeg
- File:Mamie1213.jpg
- File:Mammoth1938dell.jpg
- File:Man and Woman -24 by Eikoh Hosoe.jpg
- File:Man and Woman in Front of Pile of Excrement.JPG
- File:Man in a Headscarf (originally The Procurer) Lucien Freud.jpg
- File:ManaraClic.gif
- File:Manasoo wreck.jpg
- File:Manav Gupta's 5000 sq ft Wall Mega Mural.jpg
- File:Manchester Metropolitan University coat of arms.png
- File:Mandrakedavis62544.jpg
- File:Mandrakeoct301938.jpg
- File:Manhattan by Josef Albers.jpg
- File:Manhattanwiggle.jpg
- File:Manifest Destiny, 2004, Alexis Rockman at SAAM.jpg
- File:Manitoba Platinum Jubilee Medal.jpg
- File:Manitou Dawn 001.jpg
- File:Mann-Grundig-1970 jersey.png
- File:Mannish Boy Arrives, For Muddy Waters, 2017, Renée Stout.jpg
- File:Mans volant cap a les constel·lacions.jpg
- File:Mantova Zacche Porta Cerese.jpg
- File:Manulife LPGA Classic logo.png
- File:Map of Ibrahim Index on African Governance 2016.png
- File:Map of New York City Subway, by Reka Komoli 2015 reconstructed from handdrawn map by Raleigh DAdamo 1964 for NYCTA Subway Map Competition.jpg
- File:Map of proposed new Gaza settlements 2024 from conference "התיישבות מביאה ביטחון ".jpeg
- File:Map of proposed new names for Gaza City neighborhoods (fair use).jpg
- File:Map of the History of Thailand's Boundary, from Thongbai Taengnoi's atlas.png
- File:Map Shan Provinces.png
- File:MapApple,jpg.webp
- File:Mapasa by Aimé Mpane.jpg
- File:MapleStory art alteration comparison by Pressian.jpg
- File:MapOfHyrulePuzzle.jpg
- File:Marala Headworks.jpg
- File:MarbleMadness-diagrams.jpg
- File:Marc Chagall - Apocalypse in Lilac, Capriccio.jpg
- File:Marc Chagall - Bouquet près de la fenêtre.jpg
- File:Marc Darimont.jpg
- File:Marcel Duchamp Portrait of Dr.Dumouchel 220x340.jpg
- File:Marcel Lempereur-Haut.jpg
- File:March on Washington Alma Thomas 1964.jpg
- File:Marcia.JPG
- File:Marcie from Peanuts.png
- File:Marcus-Harvey-Myra.jpg
- File:Margaret Cogswell Views from a Puddle.jpeg
- File:Margaret Fisher Splitting 1981.jpg
- File:Margin of Silence.jpg
- File:Margot Fenring (Dune collectible card game).jpg
- File:Maria Helena Vieira da Silva - La gare inondée (The Flooded Station) - detail.jpg
- File:Maria Helena Vieira da Silva - La gare inondée (The Flooded Station) -reduced 300px.jpg
- File:Mariagomezcross.jpg
- File:Marianne Concept Art.png
- File:Marianne Wex Let's Take Back our Space.jpg
- File:MarieHansenColumbusCircle1944.jpg
- File:MarieHansenDwightEisenhower1945.jpg
- File:MarieHansenGeorgeBraque1949.jpg
- File:MarieHansenTomConnally1945.jpg
- File:MarieHansenTrumanRemembrancePoppy1945.jpg
- File:MarieHansenWAAC1942.jpg
- File:MarieHansenZootSuits1942.jpg
- File:Marigold Super Fly Championship.png
- File:Marigold Twin Star Championship.png
- File:Marigold United National Championship.png
- File:Marigold World Championship.png
- File:Marilyn Manson by Gottfried Helnwein Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.jpg
- File:Marilyndiptych.jpg
- File:Marine City sketch by Kikutake 1958.jpg
- File:Mark Fleischman.jpg
- File:Mark Francis, Pulse (Vibration).jpg
- File:Mark Knight's Serena Williams cartoon.jpg
- File:Mark Tobey's Eskimo Mask by Helmi Dagmar Juvonen linocut with added color, 1954.jpg
- File:Market Drive.jpg
- File:MarkTwainTonight.jpg
- File:Marlboro M hoax.jpg
- File:Marlene Kos, Lightning video 1976.jpg
- File:Marola by Beatriz Milhazes.jpg
- File:Marriage License crop.jpg
- File:Marriage-License.jpg
- File:Mars Base Camp cover view.jpg
- File:Mars Dust, 1972, Alma Thomas at Whitney.jpg
- File:Marshallblondie2109.gif
- File:Martín “Tito” Pérez.jpg
- File:Martin Ransohoff.webp
- File:Martine-book series.svg
- File:MartiniCortegedeVenus.jpg
- File:Martiniphono3.jpg
- File:Martyrs of Vietnam.jpg
- File:Marvel Cinematic Universe Infinity Saga artwork.jpeg
- File:Marvel Duel logo.jpg
- File:Marvelous That's Women Pro Wrestling official logo.png
- File:Mary Beth McKenzie Self Portrait Yellow Background Oil 18x24.jpg
- File:Mary E. Hutchinson, "Helen," circa 1934.jpg
- File:Mary E. Hutchinson, "The Composer," circa 1936.jpg
- File:Mary E. Hutchinson, "The Duet," circa 1937.jpg
- File:Mary Gates.jpg
- File:Mary Gay Osceola - Seminole Mothers and Children.jpg
- File:Mary Heilmann-Rombecabeza Uno 2000 Acrylic on Panel (8-parts) 28in x 26in.jpg
- File:Mary Sheridan.jpg
- File:Maryam Eisler – Divine Feminine.jpg
- File:Maryland Military and Naval Academy.png
- File:Maryon - Dalí Colossus.png
- File:MaryOrwen1950Waterfront.jpg
- File:MaryOrwen1958Untitled.jpg
- File:MaryOrwen1959.jpg
- File:MaryOrwen1960BurnamWood.jpg
- File:MaryOrwen19391stPhase.jpg
- File:MaryOrwenInstallation01.jpg
- File:MaryOrwenInstallation02.jpg
- File:MarypettyTNYcover crop.jpg
- File:Mascot of the 2018 Asian Para Games.svg
- File:Mass Effect 2 Arrival Artwork.jpg
- File:Massachusetts gateway cities map.gif
- File:Massurreal image by Chip Simons.jpg
- File:Masteripiece.jpg
- File:MASTERKOVA-8101.jpg
- File:Masters of the Universe Revelation - New Poster, July 2021.jpg
- File:Masthead of Simply Smiffy.png
- File:Maternita 1968.png
- File:Math Blaster character evolution.jpg
- File:Math Lady meme.jpg
- File:Matthews palette stamp miniature sheet Stamp Show 2000.jpg
- File:Maurice Utrillo - 'La Rue Norvins à Montmartre', oil on board painting, c. 1910.jpg
- File:Maverick Jetpants in the City of Quality by Bill Peters.jpg
- File:Max Shertz 1993 Painting 02 Revized.jpg
- File:Max Shertz Painting Self Portrait.jpg
- File:Maxwell Armfield - Tempera - Self-Portrait.jpg
- File:Maxwell, Night Flowers.jpg
- File:Maya Lin sculpture.jpg
- File:Mayo College Postage Stamp.png
- File:Mayoreo fake product image.jpg