Category:21st-century American psychologists
Pages in category "21st-century American psychologists"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,639 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Mark Reckase
- Lynne M. Reder
- Charlie Reeve
- Roberto Refinetti
- Pamela Trotman Reid
- Martin Reimann
- June Reinisch
- Harry Reis
- Daniel Reisberg
- Diana Reiss
- Roni Reiter-Palmon
- George Rekers
- Robert Remez
- Jonathon Rendina
- Drummond Rennie
- Peter J. Rentfrow
- Lauren Resnick
- Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz
- William Revelle
- Tracey Revenson
- Valerie F. Reyna
- Cecil R. Reynolds
- Jean Rhodes
- Justin Rhodes
- Jennifer Richeson
- Dorothy Riddle
- Karen Riley
- Bernard Rimland
- David Rindskopf
- Kenneth Ring
- Victoria Riskin
- Carmen L. Rivera-Medina
- Leanne Rivlin
- Brent Robbins
- Elwood Robinson
- Joseph Lee Rodgers
- Judith Rodin
- Alysia Roehrig
- Steven Rogelberg
- Richard Rogers (psychologist)
- Barbara Rogoff
- Ronald P. Rohner
- William G. Roll
- Margaret M. Rombone
- Jeanine Ann Roose
- Maria P. P. Root
- Emily Rosa
- Margaret Rosario
- Eleanor Rosch
- Richard J. Rose
- Todd Rose
- Mark Rosekind
- Steven M. Rosen
- Robin S. Rosenberg
- Karl Rosengren
- Robert Rosenthal (psychologist)
- David H. Rosmarin
- Stephan Ross
- Stephen Joseph Rossetti
- Mary K. Rothbart
- Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus
- Denise Rousseau
- Meredith Rowe
- Stephanie J. Rowley
- M. David Rudd
- James A. Russell
- Nancy Russo
- Josef Ruzek
- Carey Ryan
- Richard M. Ryan
- Carol Ryff
- Harold A. Sackeim
- Douglas Sadownick
- Susan Saegert
- Jenny Saffran
- Anna Salter
- Timothy A. Salthouse
- Elliot Saltzman
- Cecilia Samartin
- Fumiko Samejima
- Stanton Samenow
- Arnold J. Sameroff
- Larissa Samuelson
- Janis Sanchez-Hucles
- Laurie R. Santos
- Louis Sass
- Jerome Sattler
- Gerard Saucier
- Sue Savage-Rumbaugh
- Ritch Savin-Williams
- Kathleen Hawk Sawyer
- Keith Sawyer
- Leonard Sax
- Darby Saxbe
- Hollis Scarborough
- Janina Scarlet
- Sandra Scarr
- Daniel Schacter
- Charles E. Schaefer
- K. Warner Schaie
- Jeffrey Schaler
- Mark Schaller
- Edgar Schein
- Jessica Schleider
- Louis Schlesinger
- Henry Schlinger
- Patrick Schloss
- David P. Schmitt
- Neal Schmitt
- David J. Schneider
- Kirk J. Schneider
- Michael Schober
- Lyle F. Schoenfeldt
- Jonathan Schooler
- Juliana Schroeder
- Laura Schulz
- Barry Schwartz (psychologist)
- Gary Schwartz
- Janet Mielke Schwartz
- Richard C. Schwartz
- Steven Schwartz (psychologist)
- Wynn Schwartz
- Norbert Schwarz
- David Schwebel
- Milton Schwebel
- Harold Searles
- Marilyn Mailman Segal
- Nancy Segal
- Suzanne Segerstrom
- Martin Seligman
- Robert Sellers (psychologist)
- Robert L. Selman
- Dorothy Semenow
- Richard Senese
- Ann Senghas
- Deborah Serani
- Zewelanji Serpell
- Jay Sexter
- Todd K. Shackelford
- Juliet Popper Shaffer
- Donald Shankweiler
- James Shanteau
- Arthur Shapiro (vision scientist)
- David L. Shapiro
- Jerrold Lee Shapiro
- Shauna Shapiro
- Dinesh Sharma (academic)
- Joseph C. Sharp
- Marilyn Shatz
- Kennon Sheldon
- Amy Shelton
- Nicole Shelton
- Leonard Shengold
- Lorrie Shepard
- Tamara Sher
- Jagdish Sheth
- Danielle Sheypuk
- Bahman Shirazi
- Yuichi Shoda
- Linda Siegel
- Laura Silberstein
- Roxane Cohen Silver
- Jane M. Simoni
- Daniel Simons
- Dean Simonton
- Gale Sinatra
- Stacey Sinclair
- Amy Singer
- Nirbhay N. Singh
- Jennifer Skeem
- Russell Skiba
- Paul Slovic
- Wendy Slutske
- Brian D. Smedley
- Mia A. Smith-Bynum
- C. Michael Smith
- Helen Smith (psychologist)
- Laurence D. Smith
- Linda B. Smith
- Mary Lee Smith
- Timothy Smith (psychologist)
- Linda C. Sobell
- Mark B. Sobell
- Stephen Soldz
- Andrew Solomon
- Sheldon Solomon
- Aletha Solter
- Leah Somerville
- Robert Sommer
- Susan Sonnenschein
- Lisa Spanierman
- Elizabeth Spelke
- Barbara Spellman
- Margaret Beale Spencer
- Herman H. Spitz
- Larry Squire
- J. E. R. Staddon
- Don H. Staheli
- Cheryl Stallings
- Barbara Stanley