Category:21st-century American psychologists
Pages in category "21st-century American psychologists"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,639 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Charles Kadushin
- Jerome Kagan
- Boaz Kahana
- Lynn R. Kahle
- Taibi Kahler
- Daniel Kahneman
- Kobi Kambon
- Alan Kamil
- Satoshi Kanazawa
- Alice S. Kandell
- Ruth Kanfer
- Benjamin Karney
- Connie Kasari
- Ellyn Kaschak
- Todd Kashdan
- Charlotte Kasl
- Nadine Kaslow
- Tim Kasser
- Saul Kassin
- Howard Kassinove
- Leonard Katz
- Phyllis A. Katz
- Stan Katz (psychologist)
- Joan Kaufman (psychologist)
- Nadeen L. Kaufman
- Kenneth Kaye
- Anne E. Kazak
- Rachel Keen
- Robert Kegan
- Merle Keitel
- Timothy Z. Keith
- Matthew C. Keller
- Jonathan Kellerman
- Susan J. Kelley
- Wendy Kellogg
- James Gordon Kelly
- Herbert Kelman
- Ken A. Paller
- Philip C. Kendall
- Eileen Kennedy-Moore
- Kenneth Wang (psychologist)
- Maureen Kenny
- Douglas T. Kenrick
- Elizabeth Kensinger
- Leila Kenzle
- Marc Kern
- Robert Kerns (academic)
- Ronald C. Kessler
- Suzanne Kessler
- Boaz Keysar
- Celeste Kidd
- Janice Kiecolt-Glaser
- Don Kilhefner
- Peter Richard Killeen
- Melanie Killen
- Young-Suk Kim
- Bruce M. King
- Christopher Michael King
- Roger E. Kirk
- Diana Kirschner
- Patricia Kitcher
- Roberta Klatzky
- Gary A. Klein
- Katherine Klein
- Judith Kleinfeld
- Kelly Klump
- Danielle Knafo
- Bob Knight (psychologist)
- Michael D. Knox
- Grazyna Kochanska
- Robert Koegel
- Stefan Koelsch
- George Kohlrieser
- David A. Kolb
- Barry Komisaruk
- David Komito
- Maria Kovacs
- Steve Kozlowski
- Laura Kray
- Irwin Kremen
- Ann Kring
- Judith F. Kroll
- Jon Krosnick
- Ethan Kross
- Leah Krubitzer
- Justin Kruger
- John K. Kruschke
- Jeff Kukucka
- Stephanie Kuehn
- Deanna Kuhn
- Don Kuiken
- Steven Kull
- Joseph C. Kush
- Stephen LaBerge
- Douglas LaBier
- Margie E. Lachman
- Gary W. Ladd
- James Michael Lafferty
- Adrienne C. Lahti
- Malgorzata Lamacz
- Sharon Lamb
- Michael J. Lambert
- Leslie Landon
- Ellen Langer
- Peter F. Langman
- Michael Langone
- Michael Lardon
- Mary E. Larimer
- Stephen Larsen
- Dale Larson
- Bibb Latané
- Anne Lawrence
- Robert L. Leahy
- Mark Leary
- Judith M. LeBlanc
- Jay Lebow
- Joseph E. LeDoux
- Yueh-Ting Lee
- Lester Lefton
- Gordon Legge
- Todd Lencz
- Harriet Lerner
- Jacqueline Lerner
- Jennifer Lerner
- Lawrence LeShan
- Alan I. Leshner
- John Leso
- David Lester (psychologist)
- Leslie Leve
- Steven Levenkron
- Joel Levin
- Bruce E. Levine
- Madeline Levine
- Becca Levy
- David Levy (psychologist)
- Pawel Lewicki
- Michael Lewis (psychologist)
- Muriel Lezak
- Lynn S. Liben
- Robert Lickliter
- H. Wayne Light
- Marguerita Lightfoot
- Scott Lilienfeld
- Angeline Stoll Lillard
- Kristen Lindquist
- Stephen Lindsay
- Delwin Lindsey
- Marsha M. Linehan
- Susan Linn
- Marigold Linton
- Alan Lipman
- Ian Lithgow
- Todd D. Little
- Marci Lobel
- Edwin Locke
- John C. Loehlin
- Peter Loewenberg
- Elizabeth Loftus
- Geoffrey Loftus
- Alexandra W. Logue
- Tania Lombrozo
- Lynette Long
- Shane J. Lopez
- Joseph LoPiccolo (psychology)
- Catherine Lord (psychologist)
- Marcial Losada
- Setha Low
- Brian Lowery
- Rodney L. Lowman
- Richard Lowry (psychologist)
- David Elliot Loye
- David Lubinski
- Richard Lucas (psychologist)
- Victoria Luine
- Beatriz Luna
- Suniya S. Luthar
- Brinton Lykes
- Thomas R. Lynch
- Sonja Lyubomirsky
- Nadine Macaluso
- Kevin MacDonald (evolutionary psychologist)
- Maryellen MacDonald
- Denis J. Madden
- Nancy Madden
- Keith Maddox
- Robert F. Mager
- Joseph Magliano (psychologist)
- Ernest Mahone
- Michael J. Mahoney (psychologist)
- Eric Maisel
- Brenda Major
- Neil Malamuth
- Cathy Malchiodi
- Lauren Maltby
- Deanna Manfredi
- Stephen Manuck
- James Marcia