Category:20th-century American psychologists
Pages in category "20th-century American psychologists"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,851 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Albert I. Rabin
- Louise G. Rabinovitch
- Renee Rabinowitz
- Howard Rachlin
- Marian Radke-Yarrow
- Sandor Rado
- Anita Raj (academic)
- Nambury S. Raju
- Ram Dass
- Gertrude Rand
- Beata Rank
- David Rapaport
- Anatol Rapoport
- Carl Ratner
- Darrel Ray
- Keith Rayner (psychologist)
- Gregory Razran
- Mark Reckase
- Lynne M. Reder
- Ellen P. Reese
- Hans Reese
- Roberto Refinetti
- Annie Reich
- Wilhelm Reich
- Theodor Reik
- June Reinisch
- Harry Reis
- Diana Reiss
- Sidonie Reiss
- Steven Reiss
- Ralph Reitan
- Roni Reiter-Palmon
- George Rekers
- Samuel Renshaw
- Leslie Rescorla
- Robert J. Resnick
- Mary E. Reuder
- William Revelle
- Valerie F. Reyna
- Cecil R. Reynolds
- Harriet Lange Rheingold
- Laura North Rice
- Jennifer Richeson
- Dorothy Riddle
- Henry Riecken
- Bernard Rimland
- Ingrid Rimland
- Sylvia Rimm
- David Rindskopf
- Kenneth Ring
- Margaret Rioch
- Richard E. Ripple
- Victoria Riskin
- Todd Risley
- Leanne Rivlin
- Abraham Aaron Roback
- Seth Roberts
- Francis P. Robinson
- John D. Robinson (psychologist)
- Irvin Rock
- Joseph Lee Rodgers
- Judith Rodin
- Anne Roe
- Steven Rogelberg
- Carl Rogers
- Richard Rogers (psychologist)
- Géza Róheim
- Ronald P. Rohner
- William Rohwer
- Milton Rokeach
- William G. Roll
- Maria P. P. Root
- Rosalie Rayner
- Eleanor Rosch
- Richard J. Rose
- Mark Rosekind
- Steven M. Rosen
- Anny Rosenberg Katan
- Marshall Rosenberg
- Robin S. Rosenberg
- Frank Rosenblatt
- Jay S. Rosenblatt
- David Rosenhan
- Robert Rosenthal (psychologist)
- Mark Rosenzweig (psychologist)
- Saul Rosenzweig
- Dorothea M. Ross
- Stephen Joseph Rossetti
- Mary K. Rothbart
- Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus
- Julian Rotter
- Denise Rousseau
- Carolyn Rovee-Collier
- David C. Rowe
- Paul Rozin
- Lillian B. Rubin
- James A. Russell
- Roger Russell
- Richard M. Ryan
- William Ryan (psychologist)
- Joseph F. Rychlak
- Richard M. Ryckman
- Carolyn Saarni
- Sallyann Sack-Pikus
- Susan Saegert
- Eleanor Saffran
- Jeremy D. Safran
- James Sakoda
- Andrew Salter (psychologist)
- Anna Salter
- Timothy A. Salthouse
- Elliot Saltzman
- Cecilia Samartin
- Fumiko Samejima
- Stanton Samenow
- Janis Sanchez-Hucles
- John A. Sanford
- Nevitt Sanford
- Seymour Sarason
- Theodore R. Sarbin
- Mary Alice Sarvis
- Virginia Satir
- Jerome Sattler
- Paul Satz
- Gerard Saucier
- Sue Savage-Rumbaugh
- Ritch Savin-Williams
- Keith Sawyer
- Karen Saywitz
- Pauline Elizabeth Scarborough
- Sandra Scarr
- Stanley Schachter
- Daniel Schacter
- Roy Schafer
- K. Warner Schaie
- Mark Schaller
- Richard Schanck
- Edgar Schein
- Jerome D. Schein
- Harold H. Schlosberg
- Frank L. Schmidt
- Neal Schmitt
- Michael Schober
- Max Schoen
- William N. Schoenfeld
- Lyle F. Schoenfeldt
- Jonathan Schooler
- Eric Schopler
- Harold M. Schroder
- Earl Schubert
- Helen Schucman
- Laura Schulz
- William Schutz
- Barry Schwartz (psychologist)
- Richard C. Schwartz
- Wynn Schwartz
- Norbert Schwarz
- Milton Schwebel
- William A. Scott (psychologist)
- Sylvia Scribner
- Edward Wheeler Scripture
- David Seabury
- Pauline Sears
- Robert Richardson Sears
- Lee Sechrest
- Nancy Segal
- Suzanne Segal
- Larry J. Seidman
- Martin Seligman
- Claire Selltiz
- Robert L. Selman
- Dorothy Semenow
- Richard Senese
- Deborah Serani
- Georgene Hoffman Seward
- Virginia Staudt Sexton
- Todd K. Shackelford
- William Shadish
- Juliet Popper Shaffer
- Laurance F. Shaffer
- Saleem Shah
- David Shakow
- James Shanteau
- Arthur Shapiro (vision scientist)
- David L. Shapiro
- Francine Shapiro
- Myron Sharaf
- William Herbert Sheldon
- Leonard Shengold
- Tamara Sher
- Mary Jane Sherfey
- Carolyn Sherif
- Muzafer Sherif
- Jagdish Sheth
- Milicent Shinn
- Edwin S. Shneidman
- Everett L. Shostrom
- Audrey M. Shuey
- Dennis Shulman
- Jim Sidanius