Category:20th-century American psychologists
Pages in category "20th-century American psychologists"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,851 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Eleanor Maccoby
- Kenneth MacCorquodale
- Kevin MacDonald (evolutionary psychologist)
- Jean Macfarlane
- Karen Machover
- Solomon Machover
- Donald W. MacKinnon
- Denis J. Madden
- Keith Maddox
- Brendan Maher (psychologist)
- Ernest Mahone
- Michael J. Mahoney (psychologist)
- Norman Maier
- Eric Maisel
- David Major
- Cathy Malchiodi
- George Mandler
- Jean Mandler
- Grace Manson
- Stephen Manuck
- James Marcia
- Bess Marcus
- Susan Meyer Markle
- Hazel Rose Markus
- G. Alan Marlatt
- Donald Marquis (psychologist)
- Alfred J. Marrow
- Joanne Marrow
- Elizabeth Holloway Marston
- William Moulton Marston
- Everett Dean Martin
- Lillien Jane Martin
- Paul R. Martin
- Colin Martindale
- Christina Maslach
- Abraham Maslow
- Ann S. Masten
- James F. Masterson
- Joseph Matarazzo
- David Matsumoto
- Rollo May
- Martin Mayman
- Carolyn M. Mazure
- Dan P. McAdams
- Francis T. McAndrew
- Kathleen McCartney (academic)
- Carolyn A. McCarty
- Richard C. McCarty
- Gerald E. McClearn
- David McClelland
- James McClelland (psychologist)
- Martha McClintock
- Celeste McCollough
- Henry C. McComas
- James V. McConnell
- Robert R. McCrae
- Kevin F. McCready
- Thayne McCulloh
- Mark A. McDaniel
- Bruce McEwen
- Margaret McFarland
- John Alexander McGeoch
- William J. McGill
- Joseph E. McGrath
- Myrtle Byram McGraw
- Phil McGraw
- Frank Joseph McGuigan
- William J. McGuire
- Frank C. J. McGurk
- Kathryn McHale
- Frances Drewry McMullen
- Lily McNair
- Richard McNally
- David McNeill
- Quinn McNemar
- Nancy McWilliams
- George Herbert Mead
- Linda Mealey
- Naomi Meara
- Francis Mechner
- Alice Medalia
- Douglas Medin
- Martha Mednick
- Sarnoff A. Mednick
- Paul E. Meehl
- Lois Meek Stolz
- Mary N. Meeker
- Joost Meerloo
- Albert Mehrabian
- Rivka Bertisch Meir
- Winifred Meiselman
- Laurel Mellin
- Arthur Melton
- Andrew N. Meltzoff
- Emil Wolfgang Menzel Jr.
- Maud A. Merrill
- Amalia Mesa-Bains
- Samuel Messick
- Ralph Metzner
- David E. Meyer
- William B. Michael
- Joseph Michelli
- Elizabeth Midlarsky
- Walter Richard Miles
- Stanley Milgram
- Doris K. Miller
- Geoffrey Miller (psychologist)
- George Armitage Miller
- J. Hillis Miller Sr.
- Jesse S. Miller
- Lisa Miller (psychologist)
- Neal E. Miller
- Theodore Millon
- Roger Millsap
- Walter Mischel
- Elliott Mishler
- James Elmer Mitchell
- Mildred B. Mitchell
- Stephen A. Mitchell (psychologist)
- Wendy Mogel
- George J. Mohr
- Daniel R. Montello
- Raymond Moody
- David Moore (psychologist)
- Kate Gordon Moore
- Thomas Verner Moore
- Jacob L. Moreno
- Leslie Morey
- Christiana Morgan
- Clifford Morgan
- Frederick P. Morgeson
- Robert L. Morris
- Lloyd Morrisett
- Dirk W. Mosig
- Gordon Moskowitz
- Thelma Moss
- Anna Motz
- Clark Moustakas
- Orval Hobart Mowrer
- Kate Hevner Mueller
- Timothy Mulholland
- Ricardo Felipe Munoz
- Hugo Münsterberg
- John Christopher Muran
- Carl Murchison
- Debra A. Murphy
- Gardner Murphy
- Lois Barclay Murphy
- Elsie Murray
- Henry Murray
- Gerard Musante
- Paul H. Mussen
- Rolf Muuss
- David Myers (psychologist)
- Jack Naglieri
- Carol Nagy Jacklin
- Letitia Naigles
- Margaret Naumburg
- Robert E. Neale
- Charles Negy
- Ulric Neisser
- Katherine Nelson
- John Case Nemiah
- Randolph M. Nesse
- John Nesselroade
- Bernice Neugarten
- John Neulinger
- Allen Neuringer
- Helen Neville
- John Anthony Nevin
- Edwin C. Nevis
- Michael D. Newcomb
- Theodore Newcomb
- Nora Newcombe
- Allen Newell
- Mildred Newman
- Saul B. Newton
- Megan Neyer
- Robert C. Nichols
- Joseph Nicolosi
- Joel Nigg
- Richard E. Nisbett
- Wade Nobles
- Richard Noll
- John C. Norcross
- Julie Norem
- Farley Norman
- Warren Norman (psychologist)
- Naomi Norsworthy
- Helen H. Nowlis
- France Nuyen
- Dorothy Nyswander