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1942 in paleontology

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List of years in paleontology (table)
In science

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils.[1] This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1942.


Name Status Authors Location Images
Lochriea[2] valid



New taxa

Taxon Novelty Status Author(s) Age Unit Location Notes Images
Anatosaurus[3] Gen. nov. Jr. synonym Lull & Wright Maastrichtian Frenchman Formation, Hell Creek Formation, Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Lance Formation  Alberta,  Montana,  Saskatchewan,  Wyoming A new genus for Claosaurus annectens and other species
Chienkosaurus[4] Gen. et sp. nov. Nomen dubium Yang Tithonian Kuangyuan Series  China A dubious theropod
Kritosaurus breviceps[3] Comb. nov. Nomen dubium Lull & Wright Campanian Judith River Formation  Montana A new combination for Hadrosaurus breviceps
Procheneosaurus altidens[3] Comb. nov. Nomen dubium Lull & Wright Campanian Dinosaur Park Formation  Alberta A new combination for Trachodon altidens
Procheneosaurus cranibrevis[3] Comb. nov. Jr. synonym Lull & Wright Campanian Dinosaur Park Formation  Alberta A new combination for Tetragonosaurus cranibrevis, now a juvenile Lambeosaurus
Procheneosaurus praeceps[3] Comb. nov. Jr. synonym Lull & Wright Campanian Dinosaur Park Formation  Alberta A new combination for Tetragonosaurus praeceps, now a juvenile of Lambeosaurus
Procheneosaurus erectofrons[3] Comb. nov. Jr. synonym Lull & Wright Campanian Dinosaur Park Formation  Alberta A new combination for Tetragonosaurus erectofrons, now a juvenile Corythosaurus
Sinocoelurus[4] Gen. et sp. nov. Nomen dubium Yang Tithonian Kuangyuan Series  China A dubious theropod
Spondylosoma[5] Gen. et sp. nov. Valid Huene Ladinian Santa Maria Formation  Brazil An aphanosaur
Szechuanosaurus[4] Gen. et sp. nov. Nomen dubium Yang Tithonian Kuangyuan Series  China A dubious theropod
Yunnanosaurus[6] Gen. et sp. nov. Valid Yang Sinemurian Lufeng Formation  China A prosauropod




Name Status Authors Age Location Notes Images





  1. ^ Gini-Newman, Garfield; Graham, Elizabeth (2001). Echoes from the past: world history to the 16th century. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. ISBN 9780070887398. OCLC 46769716.
  2. ^ Conodont Assemblages from the Heath Formation, Montana. Harold W. Scott, Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 16, No. 3 (May, 1942), pp. 293-300 (Stable URL)
  3. ^ a b c d e f Lull, R.S.; Wright, N.E. (1942). "Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs of North America". Geological Society of America Special Papers. 40: 1–272. doi:10.1130/SPE40-p1.
  4. ^ a b c Young C.-C. 1942. Fossil vertebrates from Kuangynan, N. Szechuan, China. Bull. Geol. Soc. China 22: pp. 293-309.
  5. ^ Huene, F. Von. 1942. Die fossilen Reptilien des sudamerikanischen Gondwanalandes. Ergebnisse der Sauriergrabuiigen in Shdbrasilien 1928/29. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Munich.
  6. ^ Young . C.C. 1942. Yunnanosauris huangi (gen. et sp. nov.) a new Prosauropoda from the red Beds at Lufeng, Yunnan. Bull Geol. Soc. China. 22: pp. 63-104.