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Environmental Science


Environmental Sciences is a branch of science that seeks to understand how the environment support life and human, and what life and human is doing to the environment.[1]. The Fundamentals is the make up of three unifying themes and sustainable solutions. Sustainability, Stewardship, and Sound science are the environmental public policy; the three unifying themes. The solutions to keeping the environment sustainable are, economic feasible, socially desirable, and ecologically viable. Sustainability is a sustainable system or process that can be continued indefinitely; human survival that depends on human natural environment. To maintain sustainability is create and maintain conditions, therefore human and nature can exist productively for present and future generations. Maintaining and caring for environment is the responsibility for stewardship. Uniformity of nature is the principle of sound science, which consist of measurable data and theories of how things work in the natural world,(e.g hydro-logic cycle).


  1. ^ Pearson,CAMPBELLBIO,9th ed.