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Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS06':

  • On The Critic, Jay Sherman has five fingers and Caucasian coloured flesh, however, in this episode, he has only four fingers and the standard yellow Simpsons complexion.
  • Señor Spielbergo is a Mexican parody of director Steven Spielberg. (He is Spielberg's Non-Union Mexican equivalent.)
  • In Burns' film, he says to a young boy, "Remember Elliot, I'll be here [his heart]" before boarding a spaceship. This is a spoof of Steven Spielberg's film E.T. The Extraterrestrial. Later in his film, Burns is seen giving Judah Ben-Hur a big bottle of water. (In the film Ben-Hur, it is Jesus who gives Ben-Hur water.) The title of Burns' film, A Burns for All Seasons, is an obvious parody of the play and film A Man For All Seasons.
  • Several parts of Barney's superior film are based on the 1945 classic film The Lost Weekend about an alcoholic writer.
  • When we view Burns' office, the music is clearly "The Imperial March" or "Darth Vader's Theme" from The Empire Strikes Back, reprising the theme from "Marge Gets a Job".
  • A deleted scene features Lisa and Maggie winning the award for Best Swedish Film Made By an Eight-Year-Old (Lisa utters "Homer aten my Häagen-Dazs"). When it's announced that Lisa and Maggie won, Maggie is dressed as Death from The Seventh Seal.
  • Moe's film, Moe Better Booze, is a reference to Mo' Better Blues. In the movie, he dances on his bar similar to how Joel Grey did in Cabaret.
  • The Itchy and Scratchy film is called Four Funerals and a Wedding. This is a pun on Four Weddings and a Funeral.
  • Bart is seen watching The Flinstones Meet The Jetsons. He refers to it as "another cheap cartoon crossover." This is a reference to this Simpsons episode itself.
  • At the beginning of the film festival, there is a shot of Dr. Hibbert, who thought that the Rocky Horror Picture Show was being shown that night. He is dressed like Frank-N-Furter, as is the custom at screenings of the cult film.
  • The episode's title refers to the novella Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, the inspiration for the 1979 movie, Apocalypse Now. The Simpsons has also spoofed Heart of Darkness in "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore".
  • The plot of the episode, as well as several visual and musical cues (including the "human head" in the freezer), parody the Alfred Hitchcock film, Rear Window.
  • Bart strutting to "Staying Alive" is a reference to Saturday Night Fever
  • The boy who works in the the library looks a lot like James Dean from Rebel Without a Cause.
  • "It's Raining Men" by The Weather Girls is revealed as Homer's favorite song in this episode (and Smithers's when he gets hit by the record and keeps it).
  • "You Flyboys crack me up" is also thought to be a reference to the "Fly Club", an unrecognized Harvard University social club of all boys (attended by the creator of the show).
  • John Travolta — Implication that bartender is really Travolta is a nod to Travolta's troubled film career; his only hit movie between 1980's Urban Cowboy and the airing of this episode was 1989's Look Who's Talking. This would change only days after the airing of the episode with the release of Pulp Fiction.
  • Homer's line of "I'm going to need a bigger drill" after smashing Marge's camera is a reference to the film Jaws where Roy Scheider's character Chief Brody says "We're going to need a bigger boat" after getting his first glance at the size of the titular shark.
  • Lisa has a scene similar to the main character of Edgar Allen Poe's story, The Tell-Tale Heart.
  • Lisa's romance with Hugh is largely based on Love Story.
  • Martin Prince's fate is a parody of The Phantom of the Opera. The song that he plays on the organ is A Fifth of Beethoven by Walter Murphy, a disco version of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor.
  • The physical appearance and behavior of Hugh is reminiscent of Hugh Grant, as well as some of his character portrayals in various films.
  • The title of the episode may be a title parody of a 1994 Australian film Muriel's Wedding, starring Toni Collette.
  • The background music of the scenes of Marge walking her beat is an homage to the theme of the 1980's police drama Hill Street Blues.
  • Stated in The Simpsons Season 6 DVD Box set, Show-Runner and Executive Producer David Mirkin says the couch gag for this episode is not a James bond parody.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS06':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS06':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS06':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS06':

  • It is revealed Bart has made films called "Homer in the shower" and "Homer on the toilet" before making "The Eternal Struggle".
    • Moe Better Booze (Directed by Moe Szyslak): Moe does a musical number, dancing on top of his bar.
  • This episode is Ricky Gervais' second favourite episode[1]
  • This is the second clip show.
  • Many members of the staff have said that this episode only has 1/3 of new animation.
  • At one point while looking through his telescope Bart sees Jimmy Stewart, who also has his leg broken and watching people from his window, while wearing the same pyjamas he wore through almost the entirety of Rear Window. He even calls out to "Grace", an obvious reference to Stewart's leading lady Grace Kelly.
  • This episode, along with many in Season 6, was produced during the Northridge earthquake of 1994.
  • The content of Bart's play further reinstates his bizarre obsession with the Cockney accent and Victorian England (he previously expressed a desire to live as a bootblack and frequently slips into Nadsat.
  • While Bart and Lisa are in Otto's pool, if you look closely you will see a young Marge lookalike (possibly from Bart the Genius) in the pool as well.
  • Matt Groening is on top of the news' list of people who are gay. According to the audio commentary on the DVD, the people, primarily consisting of writers or production crew members, whose names were listed had to sign waivers agreeing not to sue for libel. The commentators mentioned that they appear on Internet lists of gay people occasionally.
  • According to Kent Brockman, the following people are gay:
  • This episode's plot is similar to the Twilight Zone episode "The Shelter".
  • The shelter being destroyed after everyone leaves is similar to what happened in an episode of Gilligan's Island.
  • While explaining his infallible plan to stop the comet, Professor Frink accidentally sets his town model on fire a la Doc Brown in Back to the Future.
  • When Bart is marking the days he wants to stay away from Jessica on his calendar, it is noticed that he circles Monday but then he is called for church. Church services are generally held on Sunday in most Christian denominations.
  • Milhouse is able to bounce his jack ball on grass (in the beginning scene where the kids play Cowboys and Indians before getting chased down by their parents).
  • During the part where Captain MacCallister (the Sea Captain) watches a boat crash, his lawyer says that he should have the lighthouse pointed out to sea instead of where the church is. The lights in lighthouses actually rotate; they don't point one way or the other.
  • This is one of the few episodes in which Marge's father is shown. It wasn't until "Jazzy and the Pussycats" that it was explained he had died.
    • According to Marge, one memory of Homer involved him showing up with a tree branch in his mouth, and back in real life having him with another branch in his mouth. It was cut because, according to David, the branch joke made little sense.
  • Lenny says that the Stonecutters don’t call each other by name, yet in the episode, Lenny calls Homer by name, and Number One calls Moe by name as well.
  • It is revealed that the Simpson house is right next to the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant’s parking lot. Likely to be a one-off gag, as all later episodes do not show it.
  • In the Stonecutters’ meeting place, there are Masonic symbols visible, such as the “rulers and G.”
  • According to the Stonecutters the proper phone number for emergency services is 9-1-2, not 9-1-1. 9-1-2 was also used in the season three episode, "Dog of Death" where Wiggum watches the lottery and hangs up on someone calling 911 by saying that the number they called was 9-1-2.
  • It is rather ironic that Mr. Burns belongs to a Masonic association such as the Stonecutters, since Mr. Burns has previously shown his disgust for the Freemasons in “$pringfield,” when the “germs” on Smithers’s face said “Freemasons run the country!”
  • It is actually possible to tell Homer and Krusty apart when Homer is in costume. Krusty has a third tuft of hair on his head, while Homer has his normal two strands of hair. Krusty also has an actual clown nose, while Homer's nose is just painted red. They are also different shapes, with Krusty's nose being more of an oval shape and Homer's nose being long and protruding, like a breadstick. Also, of course their voices sound different & Homer's skin is yellow whilst Krusty's skin is white.
  • While Homer is being carried into the mob's lair, he lies his name is Benedict Arnold, and one of the mob replies, "The same Benedict Arnold who surrendered the Western Point to the hated British?". The world "hated" is cut in UK airings as it is obviously very offensive to UK viewers, but this is still available on Uk copies of the Complte Sixth Season DVD Boxset.
  • The ending is a twist-As Krusty had to pay a measly $48 dollars to complete the deal, and if he had given in at the start, the entire "Clown College" plot wouldn't have began.
  • When Chief Wiggum is talking to Snake in the prison, Snake's shirt has the number 7F20 on it. This is the production code for "The War of the Simpsons", the first episode in which Snake makes an appearance.
  • When Lisa throws a snowball at Bart in the beginning of the episode, she is able to hit him fairly well, yet when she crumples up her academic alert and tries to throw it, it travels a very short distance.
  • Lou and Eddie sit behind Marge and Homer in the "Lisa vs. Bart" game, although, Eddie has a different hair styling than usual.
  • During Bart's penalty shot, the clock counts down which is not supposed to happen (the clock should remain stopped).
  • Lisa's notice that she is failing gym contains the word "WARNING:" followed by strings of letters which do not form valid words in the English Language such as "Tsnhoji", "Namreb", "Toi", "Easlnpxit", "Alne", "Saeonarf" and "Trauts". "Parents [sic] Signature" on the form should contain an apostrophe.
  • This episode's final credits are occasionally played at Calgary Flames' hockey games on the organ.
  • Although Allison is seen very often after this episode, she never has a distinct speaking role again. She does, however, have a minute role in "Lard of the Dance".
  • The first of (to date) three future-themed episodes. The second was "Bart to the Future" in the 11th season, and "Future-Drama" in the 16th.
    • While both "Lisa's Wedding" and "Future-Drama" were nominated for an Emmy, Entertainment Weekly named "Bart to the Future" the worst episode ever.
  • BBC viewers voted for this episode to be shown on "Simpsons Night", broadcast on BBC Two on 23 June, 2000. The other options were "Life on the Fast Lane", "Bart of Darkness", "Sideshow Bob Roberts", and "Homer the Great".
  • In "The Way We Weren't", Homer recounts various stupid things he has done in previous episodes, including "ruining Lisa's wedding in the future".
  • It is important to note that all the future depictions' canon relevancy should be treated lightly, as they are events that have yet to happen. "Future-Drama" depicts Bart and Lisa in their final year of high school, but this supposedly takes place three years after 2010. By this, one may speculate that Future-Drama takes place before this episode. Milhouse´s job at the nuclear plant otherwise wouldn´t make sense.
  • Two events are established in the future, that are later shown in later, present time episodes. Lisa becomes a vegetarian ("Lisa The Vegetarian") and Milhouse's crush on Lisa ("Lisa's Date with Density").
  • There is a running gag throughout the episode that whenever Maggie is about to talk, someone (or something) interrupts her
    • When Homer tries to make a call on the videophone, it's busy, and he says "Maggie! won't that girl EVER shut up?!"
  • Although Marge tells Lisa that in England a mile is called a kilometer, the vast majority of the English population still use the word mile. Almost all road signs and car speedometers in England use miles as their measurement.
  • The episode's name is a take on the movie Bob Roberts, starring Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins. Sideshow Bob's election ad parodies one seen in the film, as well.
  • Sideshow Bob wins the election by ballot stuffing using the names of the deceased, a common type of electoral fraud that is perhaps best known for having occured in Chicago in the mid-1900's, where the dead who voted were dubbed "ghost voters."[1]
  • The language spoken at Republican Party headquarters is inspired by Enochian, a language associated with occult and Satanic ceremonies.[2]
  • Despite the title of the episode, at no point does the PTA actually disband. The title was suggested by David Mirkin and was intended to poke fun at the episode writer, Jennifer Crittenden, who thought the most exciting part of the teachers going on strike would be that the PTA might disband[3]. In addition to this, Mirkin added a character to the episode who, on thinking the PTA has disbanded, jumps panicking out of a window. He returns the same way he went out when Ned tells him the PTA has not disbanded.
  • Some of the 'extreme' magazines Marge browse over include mosh pitting, bear baiting, even glassing eating.
  • The show often implies that Wiggum, Lou, and Eddie are the only cops in Springfield, which is specifically stated in the Season 14 episode 'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky. However, in many other episodes (Marge on the Lam, for example), a much larger police force is seen such as in this episode. The nature of this conflicting canon is most likely attributed to the series' very loose continuity.
  • The puppies are named Rover, Fido, Rex, Spot, Rover II, Fido II, Rex II, Cleo, Dave, Jay, Paul, Branford, Dave II, Jay II, Paul II, Branford II, Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy, Donner, Blitzen, Grumpy II, King, Queenie, Prince and The Puppy Formerly Known As Prince. (Note that this adds up to 26 puppies, rather than 25.)
  • The scene where Santa's Little Helper is having sex with She's The Fastest was originally supposed to be shown in full, but the networks complained. On all Fox network broadcasts , the sex scene was replaced with a frozen shot of the Simpson family in the stands reacting to it. All other broadcasts in North America (including syndication and the DVD version), however, reframe the original scene to only have Santa's Little Helper shown from the shoulders up as he's mounting She's The Fastest for a few seconds, in such a way that someone could barely tell he'd caught her. Apparently, some TV broadcasts in New Zealand have shown the full sex scene (which was originally an animatic that was never put to animation until after the episode aired, according to the DVD commentary).
  • The Family Guy episode, "Screwed the Pooch" has a similar scene where a family dog (Brian/Santa's Little Helper) has sex with a racing dog (Seabreeze/She's the Fastest) during a race.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsBlackboardS06':

  • “Adding ‘just kidding’ doesn’t make it okay to insult the principal”
  • "I will not strut around like I own the place"

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS06':

  • Homer's calendar reminds him that Dick Clark will appear on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, however, Jay Leno did not become host of The Tonight Show until 1992, several years after Maggie was "technically" born (as she appeared in many episodes that aired prior to 1992, including several episodes where Johnny Carson is seen as the host of The Tonight Show).
  • Homer's job in this episode contradicts his position in the nuclear plant, as he did not get promoted to safety inspector until "Homer's Odyssey".
  • Ruth Powers is at Marge's baby shower even though she didn't move to Springfield until "New Kid on the Block".
  • When Homer gets back to the Simpson home, after crawling back to Mr. Burns to get his job back, while he's talking to a pregnant Marge, a picture of Maggie in her "present day" state is on the wall.
  • The Simpsons weren't living at 742 Evergreen Terrace until well after Lisa was conceived, yet the two flashbacks show Homer running up the stairs in their current home.
  • The "Don't Forget. You're Here Forever"/"Do It For Her" plaque only appears for this episode.
  • In the flashbacks of Marge telling Homer she's pregnant, when Homer runs up stairs on the wall going up the stair case there is a picture of Lisa although she wasn't even born yet.
  • The flashbacks of Homer ripping out his hair when Marge announced the births of Bart and Lisa contradicts how Homer reacted to the pregnancies in "I Married Marge" and "Lisa's First Word". In "I Married Marge", Homer and Marge were in Doctor Hibbert's office and Dr. Hibbert broke the news that Marge was pregnant (by implying that he knows why she's been throwing up in the morning), to which Homer shouts, "D'oh!", which echoes down the hall, causing some guy in a body cast to say, "Poor guy" (and in the same episode, Homer's hair fell out naturally, Marge was living with her mom and sisters, and Homer was living with Barney Gumble, so there was no way they could have lived in the house that they live in now because that house wasn't shown until Lisa's First Word). In "Lisa's First Word", Homer and Marge were living in a rundown apartment (and didn't live in the house that they live in now until Grampa sold his house and gave Homer a check to pay for the house), Marge told Homer that she was pregnant herself, and Homer was happy about it until baby Bart flushed his car keys down the toilet.
  • When Homer carries Marge up the stairs they go through a door that shows the other bedrooms but in every single episode before and after and in this episode it leads to the bathroom (shown when Marge beats Homer to the bathroom so she can throw up).
  • The wall of Dr. Hibbert's workout room (seen through Bart's telescope lens) features caucasian (yellow in the Simpson world) family portraits.
  • Lisa's voice comes out of Bart's mouth when she stops him from saying "Can we have a pool dad?".
  • The Australian prime minister is referred to as "Andy". Australia's prime minister in 1995 was Paul Keating.
  • Even though this episode establishes Marge's fear of flying, she had no trouble traveling by plane on the episode "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington". Likewise, this episode mentions that Homer has a fear of sock puppets, yet he had no problem with them in "Homer Alone" (It is possible that his fear began with his hands being mauled by Santa's Little Helper though) and "Homer's Triple Bypass" (when he used puppets to explain his operation to Bart and Lisa). Though it should be noticed that in neither of these instances were the puppets SOCK puppets.
  • Homer is told that he is banned from Moes for life. However, after this episode, he is seen drinking there happily again. Of course this is a cartoon universe where the people are yellow and some have bright blue hair, therefore the usual laws of reality and continuity do not necessarily apply here.
  • When Homer leaves to 'do some serious thinking' he drives away from the house in the red station wagon (Marge's car), but arrives at the farmhouse in his purple sedan.
  • When Homer and Marge are in the car, between scenes, the windscreen goes missing. It becomes noticeable when the mirror appears and disappears, and Abe's head manages to pop out when he and Homer argue over the getaway music.
  • In the promo for this episode, Marge is wearing a pink shirt with a rainbow, a unicorn, and stars on it when she comments that the police academy didn't have a shirt in her size. In the actual episode, the shirt is a white T-shirt with a Hard Rock Cafe logo on it.
  • When Marge is driving through the obstacle course, she wears a plain white shirt, but when she pulls up next to Chief Wiggum, she's in a blue police officer's jacket (despite that in the next scene, she says that there were none in her size, which is why she wore the Hard Rock Cafe shirt home).
  • Snake is holding his knife in his left hand when he attacks Marge in the alley, yet Marge manages to hit Snake with a garbage can lid coming from Snake's left side without him blocking it.
  • When Marge is catching Snake, the pearls on her neck are white, instead of red.
  • When Marge mulls in her head about how everyone is breaking the law, she notices the dog without a leash, but not the man behind the dog jaywalking.
  • Chief Wiggum's blue hair turns black at night. This was also seen in Homie the Clown.
  • The doors of the Kwik-E-Mart are located at the front instead of the side.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS06':

  • The couch springs the family off, lodging their heads in the ceiling.
  • Each member of the family enters with a mismatched head and limbs.

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCulturalS06':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsWritersS06':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGuestsS06':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsDirectorsS06':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsTriviaS06':

  • It is revealed Bart has made films called "Homer in the shower" and "Homer on the toilet" before making "The Eternal Struggle". (A Star is Burns)
    • Moe Better Booze (Directed by Moe Szyslak): Moe does a musical number, dancing on top of his bar. (A Star is Burns)
    • According to Marge, one memory of Homer involved him showing up with a tree branch in his mouth, and back in real life having him with another branch in his mouth. It was cut because, according to David, the branch joke made little sense. (Fear of Flying (The Simpsons episode))
    • When Homer tries to make a call on the videophone, it's busy, and he says "Maggie! won't that girl EVER shut up?!" (Lisa's Wedding)
    • While both "Lisa's Wedding" and "Future-Drama" were nominated for an Emmy, Entertainment Weekly named "Bart to the Future" the worst episode ever. (Lisa's Wedding)
  • According to Kent Brockman, the following people are gay: (Bart's Comet)
  • According to the Stonecutters the proper phone number for emergency services is 9-1-2, not 9-1-1. 9-1-2 was also used in the season three episode, "Dog of Death" where Wiggum watches the lottery and hangs up on someone calling 911 by saying that the number they called was 9-1-2. (Homer the Great)
  • Although Allison is seen very often after this episode, she never has a distinct speaking role again. She does, however, have a minute role in "Lard of the Dance". (Lisa's Rival)
  • Although Marge tells Lisa that in England a mile is called a kilometer, the vast majority of the English population still use the word mile. Almost all road signs and car speedometers in England use miles as their measurement. (Lisa's Wedding)
  • At one point while looking through his telescope Bart sees Jimmy Stewart, who also has his leg broken and watching people from his window, while wearing the same pyjamas he wore through almost the entirety of Rear Window. He even calls out to "Grace", an obvious reference to Stewart's leading lady Grace Kelly. (Bart of Darkness)
  • Despite the title of the episode, at no point does the PTA actually disband. The title was suggested by David Mirkin and was intended to poke fun at the episode writer, Jennifer Crittenden, who thought the most exciting part of the teachers going on strike would be that the PTA might disband[4]. In addition to this, Mirkin added a character to the episode who, on thinking the PTA has disbanded, jumps panicking out of a window. He returns the same way he went out when Ned tells him the PTA has not disbanded. (The PTA Disbands!)
  • During Bart's penalty shot, the clock counts down which is not supposed to happen (the clock should remain stopped). (Lisa on Ice)
  • During the part where Captain MacCallister (the Sea Captain) watches a boat crash, his lawyer says that he should have the lighthouse pointed out to sea instead of where the church is. The lights in lighthouses actually rotate; they don't point one way or the other. (Bart's Girlfriend)
  • In "The Way We Weren't", Homer recounts various stupid things he has done in previous episodes, including "ruining Lisa's wedding in the future". (Lisa's Wedding)
  • In the Stonecutters’ meeting place, there are Masonic symbols visible, such as the “rulers and G.” (Homer the Great)
  • It is actually possible to tell Homer and Krusty apart when Homer is in costume. Krusty has a third tuft of hair on his head, while Homer has his normal two strands of hair. Krusty also has an actual clown nose, while Homer's nose is just painted red. They are also different shapes, with Krusty's nose being more of an oval shape and Homer's nose being long and protruding, like a breadstick. Also, of course their voices sound different & Homer's skin is yellow whilst Krusty's skin is white. (Homie the Clown)
  • It is important to note that all the future depictions' canon relevancy should be treated lightly, as they are events that have yet to happen. "Future-Drama" depicts Bart and Lisa in their final year of high school, but this supposedly takes place three years after 2010. By this, one may speculate that Future-Drama takes place before this episode. Milhouse´s job at the nuclear plant otherwise wouldn´t make sense. (Lisa's Wedding)
  • It is rather ironic that Mr. Burns belongs to a Masonic association such as the Stonecutters, since Mr. Burns has previously shown his disgust for the Freemasons in “$pringfield,” when the “germs” on Smithers’s face said “Freemasons run the country!” (Homer the Great)
  • It is revealed that the Simpson house is right next to the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant’s parking lot. Likely to be a one-off gag, as all later episodes do not show it. (Homer the Great)
  • Lenny says that the Stonecutters don’t call each other by name, yet in the episode, Lenny calls Homer by name, and Number One calls Moe by name as well. (Homer the Great)
  • Lisa's notice that she is failing gym contains the word "WARNING:" followed by strings of letters which do not form valid words in the English Language such as "Tsnhoji", "Namreb", "Toi", "Easlnpxit", "Alne", "Saeonarf" and "Trauts". "Parents [sic] Signature" on the form should contain an apostrophe. (Lisa on Ice)
  • Many members of the staff have said that this episode only has 1/3 of new animation. (Another Simpsons Clip Show)
  • Matt Groening is on top of the news' list of people who are gay. According to the audio commentary on the DVD, the people, primarily consisting of writers or production crew members, whose names were listed had to sign waivers agreeing not to sue for libel. The commentators mentioned that they appear on Internet lists of gay people occasionally. (Bart's Comet)
  • Milhouse is able to bounce his jack ball on grass (in the beginning scene where the kids play Cowboys and Indians before getting chased down by their parents). (Bart's Girlfriend)
  • Sideshow Bob wins the election by ballot stuffing using the names of the deceased, a common type of electoral fraud that is perhaps best known for having occured in Chicago in the mid-1900's, where the dead who voted were dubbed "ghost voters."[2] (Sideshow Bob Roberts)
  • Some of the 'extreme' magazines Marge browse over include mosh pitting, bear baiting, even glassing eating. (The Springfield Connection)
  • The Family Guy episode, "Screwed the Pooch" has a similar scene where a family dog (Brian/Santa's Little Helper) has sex with a racing dog (Seabreeze/She's the Fastest) during a race. (Two Dozen and One Greyhounds)
  • The content of Bart's play further reinstates his bizarre obsession with the Cockney accent and Victorian England (he previously expressed a desire to live as a bootblack and frequently slips into Nadsat. (Bart of Darkness)
  • The ending is a twist-As Krusty had to pay a measly $48 dollars to complete the deal, and if he had given in at the start, the entire "Clown College" plot wouldn't have began. (Homie the Clown)
  • The episode's name is a take on the movie Bob Roberts, starring Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins. Sideshow Bob's election ad parodies one seen in the film, as well. (Sideshow Bob Roberts)
  • The first of (to date) three future-themed episodes. The second was "Bart to the Future" in the 11th season, and "Future-Drama" in the 16th. (Lisa's Wedding)
  • The language spoken at Republican Party headquarters is inspired by Enochian, a language associated with occult and Satanic ceremonies.[5] (Sideshow Bob Roberts)
  • The puppies are named Rover, Fido, Rex, Spot, Rover II, Fido II, Rex II, Cleo, Dave, Jay, Paul, Branford, Dave II, Jay II, Paul II, Branford II, Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy, Donner, Blitzen, Grumpy II, King, Queenie, Prince and The Puppy Formerly Known As Prince. (Note that this adds up to 26 puppies, rather than 25.) (Two Dozen and One Greyhounds)
  • The scene where Santa's Little Helper is having sex with She's The Fastest was originally supposed to be shown in full, but the networks complained. On all Fox network broadcasts , the sex scene was replaced with a frozen shot of the Simpson family in the stands reacting to it. All other broadcasts in North America (including syndication and the DVD version), however, reframe the original scene to only have Santa's Little Helper shown from the shoulders up as he's mounting She's The Fastest for a few seconds, in such a way that someone could barely tell he'd caught her. Apparently, some TV broadcasts in New Zealand have shown the full sex scene (which was originally an animatic that was never put to animation until after the episode aired, according to the DVD commentary). (Two Dozen and One Greyhounds)
  • The shelter being destroyed after everyone leaves is similar to what happened in an episode of Gilligan's Island. (Bart's Comet)
  • The show often implies that Wiggum, Lou, and Eddie are the only cops in Springfield, which is specifically stated in the Season 14 episode 'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky. However, in many other episodes (Marge on the Lam, for example), a much larger police force is seen such as in this episode. The nature of this conflicting canon is most likely attributed to the series' very loose continuity. (The Springfield Connection)
  • There is a running gag throughout the episode that whenever Maggie is about to talk, someone (or something) interrupts her (Lisa's Wedding)
  • This episode is Ricky Gervais' second favourite episode[6] (And Maggie Makes Three)
  • This episode's final credits are occasionally played at Calgary Flames' hockey games on the organ. (Lisa on Ice)
  • This episode's plot is similar to the Twilight Zone episode "The Shelter". (Bart's Comet)
  • This episode, along with many in Season 6, was produced during the Northridge earthquake of 1994. (Bart of Darkness)
  • This is one of the few episodes in which Marge's father is shown. It wasn't until "Jazzy and the Pussycats" that it was explained he had died. (Fear of Flying (The Simpsons episode))
  • This is the second clip show. (Another Simpsons Clip Show)
  • Two events are established in the future, that are later shown in later, present time episodes. Lisa becomes a vegetarian ("Lisa The Vegetarian") and Milhouse's crush on Lisa ("Lisa's Date with Density"). (Lisa's Wedding)
  • When Bart is marking the days he wants to stay away from Jessica on his calendar, it is noticed that he circles Monday but then he is called for church. Church services are generally held on Sunday in most Christian denominations. (Bart's Girlfriend)
  • When Chief Wiggum is talking to Snake in the prison, Snake's shirt has the number 7F20 on it. This is the production code for "The War of the Simpsons", the first episode in which Snake makes an appearance. (Lisa on Ice)
  • When Lisa throws a snowball at Bart in the beginning of the episode, she is able to hit him fairly well, yet when she crumples up her academic alert and tries to throw it, it travels a very short distance. (Lisa on Ice)
  • While Bart and Lisa are in Otto's pool, if you look closely you will see a young Marge lookalike (possibly from Bart the Genius) in the pool as well. (Bart of Darkness)
  • While Homer is being carried into the mob's lair, he lies his name is Benedict Arnold, and one of the mob replies, "The same Benedict Arnold who surrendered the Western Point to the hated British?". The world "hated" is cut in UK airings as it is obviously very offensive to UK viewers, but this is still available on Uk copies of the Complte Sixth Season DVD Boxset. (Homie the Clown)
  • While explaining his infallible plan to stop the comet, Professor Frink accidentally sets his town model on fire a la Doc Brown in Back to the Future. (Bart's Comet)
  • BBC viewers voted for this episode to be shown on "Simpsons Night", broadcast on BBC Two on 23 June, 2000. The other options were "Life on the Fast Lane", "Bart of Darkness", "Sideshow Bob Roberts", and "Homer the Great". (Lisa's Wedding)
  • Lou and Eddie sit behind Marge and Homer in the "Lisa vs. Bart" game, although, Eddie has a different hair styling than usual. (Lisa on Ice)

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsBlackboardS06':

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsGoofsS06':

  • The wall of Dr. Hibbert's workout room (seen through Bart's telescope lens) features caucasian (yellow in the Simpson world) family portraits. (Bart of Darkness)
  • Chief Wiggum's blue hair turns black at night. This was also seen in Homie the Clown. (The Springfield Connection)
  • Even though this episode establishes Marge's fear of flying, she had no trouble traveling by plane on the episode "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington". Likewise, this episode mentions that Homer has a fear of sock puppets, yet he had no problem with them in "Homer Alone" (It is possible that his fear began with his hands being mauled by Santa's Little Helper though) and "Homer's Triple Bypass" (when he used puppets to explain his operation to Bart and Lisa). Though it should be noticed that in neither of these instances were the puppets SOCK puppets. (Fear of Flying (The Simpsons episode))
  • Homer is told that he is banned from Moes for life. However, after this episode, he is seen drinking there happily again. Of course this is a cartoon universe where the people are yellow and some have bright blue hair, therefore the usual laws of reality and continuity do not necessarily apply here. (Fear of Flying (The Simpsons episode))
  • Homer's calendar reminds him that Dick Clark will appear on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, however, Jay Leno did not become host of The Tonight Show until 1992, several years after Maggie was "technically" born (as she appeared in many episodes that aired prior to 1992, including several episodes where Johnny Carson is seen as the host of The Tonight Show). (And Maggie Makes Three)
  • Homer's job in this episode contradicts his position in the nuclear plant, as he did not get promoted to safety inspector until "Homer's Odyssey". (And Maggie Makes Three)
  • In the flashbacks of Marge telling Homer she's pregnant, when Homer runs up stairs on the wall going up the stair case there is a picture of Lisa although she wasn't even born yet. (And Maggie Makes Three)
  • In the promo for this episode, Marge is wearing a pink shirt with a rainbow, a unicorn, and stars on it when she comments that the police academy didn't have a shirt in her size. In the actual episode, the shirt is a white T-shirt with a Hard Rock Cafe logo on it. (The Springfield Connection)
  • Lisa's voice comes out of Bart's mouth when she stops him from saying "Can we have a pool dad?". (Bart of Darkness)
  • Ruth Powers is at Marge's baby shower even though she didn't move to Springfield until "New Kid on the Block". (And Maggie Makes Three)
  • Snake is holding his knife in his left hand when he attacks Marge in the alley, yet Marge manages to hit Snake with a garbage can lid coming from Snake's left side without him blocking it. (The Springfield Connection)
  • The "Don't Forget. You're Here Forever"/"Do It For Her" plaque only appears for this episode. (And Maggie Makes Three)
  • The Simpsons weren't living at 742 Evergreen Terrace until well after Lisa was conceived, yet the two flashbacks show Homer running up the stairs in their current home. (And Maggie Makes Three)
  • The Australian prime minister is referred to as "Andy". Australia's prime minister in 1995 was Paul Keating. (Bart vs. Australia)
  • The doors of the Kwik-E-Mart are located at the front instead of the side. (The Springfield Connection)
  • The flashbacks of Homer ripping out his hair when Marge announced the births of Bart and Lisa contradicts how Homer reacted to the pregnancies in "I Married Marge" and "Lisa's First Word". In "I Married Marge", Homer and Marge were in Doctor Hibbert's office and Dr. Hibbert broke the news that Marge was pregnant (by implying that he knows why she's been throwing up in the morning), to which Homer shouts, "D'oh!", which echoes down the hall, causing some guy in a body cast to say, "Poor guy" (and in the same episode, Homer's hair fell out naturally, Marge was living with her mom and sisters, and Homer was living with Barney Gumble, so there was no way they could have lived in the house that they live in now because that house wasn't shown until Lisa's First Word). In "Lisa's First Word", Homer and Marge were living in a rundown apartment (and didn't live in the house that they live in now until Grampa sold his house and gave Homer a check to pay for the house), Marge told Homer that she was pregnant herself, and Homer was happy about it until baby Bart flushed his car keys down the toilet. (And Maggie Makes Three)
  • When Homer and Marge are in the car, between scenes, the windscreen goes missing. It becomes noticeable when the mirror appears and disappears, and Abe's head manages to pop out when he and Homer argue over the getaway music. (Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy)
  • When Homer carries Marge up the stairs they go through a door that shows the other bedrooms but in every single episode before and after and in this episode it leads to the bathroom (shown when Marge beats Homer to the bathroom so she can throw up). (And Maggie Makes Three)
  • When Homer gets back to the Simpson home, after crawling back to Mr. Burns to get his job back, while he's talking to a pregnant Marge, a picture of Maggie in her "present day" state is on the wall. (And Maggie Makes Three)
  • When Homer leaves to 'do some serious thinking' he drives away from the house in the red station wagon (Marge's car), but arrives at the farmhouse in his purple sedan. (Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy)
  • When Marge is catching Snake, the pearls on her neck are white, instead of red. (The Springfield Connection)
  • When Marge is driving through the obstacle course, she wears a plain white shirt, but when she pulls up next to Chief Wiggum, she's in a blue police officer's jacket (despite that in the next scene, she says that there were none in her size, which is why she wore the Hard Rock Cafe shirt home). (The Springfield Connection)
  • When Marge mulls in her head about how everyone is breaking the law, she notices the dog without a leash, but not the man behind the dog jaywalking. (The Springfield Connection)

Additions to ListGenBot list 'SimpsonsCouchGagsS06':

  • Each member of the family enters with a mismatched head and limbs. (Treehouse of Horror V)
  • The couch springs the family off, lodging their heads in the ceiling. (Lisa's Wedding)
  • The family attempts to run across a continuously repeating background. (Who Shot Mr. Burns?)
  1. ^ [3]
  2. ^ DVD commentary track
  3. ^ David Mirkin (2005), DVD director's commentary for the episode "The PTA Disbands!"
  4. ^ David Mirkin (2005), DVD director's commentary for the episode "The PTA Disbands!"
  5. ^ DVD commentary track
  6. ^ [4]