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Wikipedia talk:USEP/Courses/JHU MolBio Ogg SP14/Group 82C

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Unit 12


Hi Chris! How do you want to divide the work this week? I can put together a discovery/history section - or try to - I'm not sure there will be enough content based on the research I've done so far, but I'll keep working on it.

I have a close friend that is a graphic designer. If we are having trouble finding an image that we can use, I can easily have her whip a unique image up for us - I think I mentioned this a few weeks back. I know you were working on something already though, so I don't want to duplicate efforts. Let me know if you'd like me to have her create an image for us.

In addition to the new section, perhaps we could each review and edit the entire article, one at a time? That way, it will have a consistent voice. I'm going on vacation Saturday, so I could have my review and changes completed by the end of day on Friday and then you could make your changes over the weekend. Will that work for you? Tmo32 (talk) 03:06, 15 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Unit 8

Hi Tiffany,
I guess we should just divide up the existing sections and each work on them. Do you have a preference ? I think we should work on the "lead section" at the end of :the article when we have an idea about what will be included.
Deacon C (talk) 22:55, 14 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Christopher,
Sounds good to me. I'd like to work on the uses of minigenes section. I'll try and get some substantial content in that section before the end of the weekend. Is that okay with you? I like your suggestion on the lead section. Do you know how to take the content from your Sandbox and put it on the actual article page? I noticed that was part of the assignment, too. Let me know if you need help. Also, I added a new section on our group page for the unit 8 progress report. Tmo32 (talk) 21:52, 15 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Tiffany, I'll figure out how to make our initial public offering (get us out of the sandbox and published) this week. I guess we don't have to finish this unit until next week, 3/25. Okay, then I will work on minigene construction and maybe expand our definition some more. I am thinking of writing Dr. Stamm an email and having him look at our first pass and make any suggestions he can; I will probably do this on Monday. Maybe he can give us some unambiguously free images to use: I am having a real problem deciding what is and what is not kosher.
Deacon C (talk) 23:52, 15 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Christopher - good to know that we have until 3/25. I will still try and get a good amount of content in tomorrow. It's been a crazy week for me for personal reasons and I am very much looking forward to catching up with everything! On the images, I work with graphic designers frequently at work who are familiar with "free" images versus ones that fall under some sort of copyright. I am not sure if the rules they follow line up 100% with wiki's rules, but it might be worth asking if you don't get help from Dr. Stamm. If you want, you can e-mail images with origins to me and I'll run it by my designer friends to see what they say. Tmo32 (talk) 01:38, 16 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Christopher! I hope you enjoyed spring break. I've done a lot of research this week and am compiling a few paragraphs based on that research for the uses of minigenes section. I have a couple of questions.
  1. Where do you think a good place for the common protocol for using minigenes should go? Depending on what you're trying to figure out, the analysis is a bit different, but the basic protocol for designing, transfecting, etc is the same. I just can figure out where that info would best fit in our current out
  1. Do we have a minigene page yet? I couldn't find one anywhere, but I saw that you created a template page. I know part of the assignment this week is to pull the content out of the sandbox and put it on the article page, so please let me know if I can do anything to help with that. For now, I'll drop my content in your sandbox page.
Thanks! Tmo32 (talk) 23:08, 23 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Tiffany,
Got that $20 you owe me for the Lakers' game ? Just kidding. Yes, well...ahhh, NO. I haven't taken the site public yet, I need to register at "Turn-it-in.com" and then check the content we post for originality, I will do this tomorrow. This is very, very important...never add anything to the page without first checking it, I cannot emphasize this enough. As far as the diagrams ? No, I have not finished them as I was experimenting with different types of software over the break. I think I will settle on two programs: one is a drawing program and the other is a program that does gene splicing calculations and pictorials. You know, these people at Wikipedia are very efficient at detecting a, "slip-up". Man, violate the rules and someone's bot program is all over you like a "cheap-suit" in five seconds. So, after tomorrow, it will be a page. I am glad you had a good break. Send me a post-card...!!!
Deacon C (talk) 02:53, 24 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the heads up, Christopher! I will keep that in mind. I added a paragraph to start the minigene uses section. I have done a lot of work on it, but it's not quite ready for prime time. I did find out that minigenes have been used in cancer, neurodegenerative, endocrine and neuromuscular diseases. It's pretty interesting stuff. I've found about 3 to 4 references for each disease area and I'll try to keep adding those as I add content. I'll knock one area out at a time and hopefully, by next week, that section will be pretty beefy! Can you let me know or send me a link to the minigene page when it's up, so I can add it to my watchlist? Thanks! (talk) 02:05, 25 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Tiffany,
We have enough to take the page public. I am going to remove the infobox, and the two picture place holders from the public page, but let's please leave them in the sandbox copy. I am also going to move the minigene definition into the leader section and add some book references. If you write some more information in your section, please link the information whenever possible. I will put the page up tomorrow; sorry, we started a new section of Perl programming and I spent all day trying to get the IDE to work with the new plug-in. I swear, I spend more time trying to de-bug the software than actually using it on the assigned project. I will send you an email with the link when it is done.
Deacon C (talk) 02:41, 25 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Great! Thanks for letting me know about the page, Christopher. I feel for you! I see the furrowed brows of my programmer colleagues, on the daily, dealing with problems probably very much like that. They can never quite explain their issues entirely to me because it quickly goes over my head, but I'm sure they appreciate my usual follow up question, "So, will it be ready on time?" To make up for it, I try to buy them booze as often as possible. I'm going to add a little blurb about what I did thise week to the progress report section on the group page and will continue adding content to the page, once it's up, throughout the week. Tmo32 (talk) 23:43, 25 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Tiffany,
I can't get it up ! Well, not a least until tomorrow. I got bogged down with the Perl stuff again and I just finished the individual assignment for this unit. I will write a letter to Dr. Ogg right after this and let her know. I think it will be okay though. If you want to go ahead, then just delete the stuff I was going to delete; if not, it will definitely be functional tomorrow 3/26. I think, however, that I have seen some previous work from other years and it is quite impressive...check out splicing on Wikipedia, so it is not a waste of time about the diagrams and such.
Deacon C (talk) 04:12, 26 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Unit 7


Hi Tiffany, I put the outline of the article in my sandbox, but I can move it in here as well, let me know. I spoke to Neelix (the online ambassador) about loading images into the sandbox page and he said it was "do-able" and would have a look at it. I am waiting to hear back from him on how to do this as my first attempt was a failure. If you have any additional insights into the outline, let me know. Maybe I will just move it in here anyway...

Key Points for Minigene Article


Lead section will describe overall content of article (reference other articles for ideas on general composition) and should inform the reader if the article is of interest to them. After the lead section, the key points are:

1. Definition of Minigene

2. Minigene construction--The review articles seem to have good methods sections for producing the desired minigene.

3. Types of Minigenes--This is probably tied directly to topic four. We will also look through the literature for more examples.

4. Uses of Minigenes--Describe their applications and talk about the benefit of minigene analysis vs. biochemical analysis, since this is an important selling point.

5. Images for Minigene --These diagrams should show the exon / intron and spliced DNA units as well as other important elements.

6. References

How to improve the article ?


This is a low bar for us since the article doesn't yet exist. If we follow the outline, it can only get better because we are adding content where there currently is none. As long as we follow guidelines for style, citations, image usuage, etc., the information we add will be an improvement.

The talking points section for the article

Hi Chris, thanks for the info. I've got some research together and will add anything you haven't already included to your sandbox. I'll play around with the images and see if I can't get them to work. Please let me know when Neelix response. Thanks!Tmo32 (talk) 23:11, 11 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Tiffany, I put the article in my sandbox and wrote an outline and added a couple of review articles to it. I tried to upload an image, but I think we might actually have to have an active page, let me check on this. I hope my messages are getting through to you.

Deacon C (talk) 19:12, 10 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Tiffany, I made a few additions to the article. I put two images into the images that might want to be used table. I think it is not hard to add the images, but I would like to wait until we make a final decision. I haven't heard from Neelix, unless he responded and I can't find his response (?). I think we are okay, I will send a note to Dr. Ogg, but we do have images to load.
Deacon C (talk) 01:52, 12 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Chris, will we be using your sandbox or mine for the outline of our plan for the article? I saw in the course activity feed that you've already added a minigene definition - that's great, but unfortunately, I couldn't find exactly where you added it. Can you tell me where it is?
Did you know what they meant by "articles from Unit 5"? Does that only apply to those groups who chose a topic that they also chose to look up references for in Unit 5? Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.



The assignment this week can be broken into the following:

  1. identify key points that should be in the Wikipedia article (group talk page)
  2. Find references and include a few bullet points about the info in each (whoever's sandbox we're working in for the article).
  3. Find images and create a list of images (sandbox)
  4. Prepare an outline for the article (sandbox)
  5. Summary of how we plan to improve the article (article talk page)



Any ideas on how to best approach this as a group? Do you want to split them up, work on them seperately and then combine our work? Alternatively, one of us could do a "1st draft" that the other could then supplement and edit? Let me know what you think is the best way for us to knock these out. I plan to work on this assignment Saturday and Sunday. Tmo32 (talk) 17:14, 6 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Tiffany, today is my day off; I just stopped by to check it anything went mission critical. I will have a chance to review the assignment on 3/7. Yes, well the page got moved to a new location, it seems that one ambassador is not quite as friendly as another. I think this last outrage was caused by a "bot" script (think "The Matrix", agent Smith). I need to decode the message, but it is on my talk page, so if you want to give it a try. I will be back again tomorrow.
Deacon C (talk) 20:24, 6 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Tiffany, let's work in my sandbox. I asked Dr. Ogg if I could wipe off the previous sandbox entries, but I haven't heard back, so we will just add edits to the top I guess. I think we should probably both look at the Stamms website and then begin to fill in a plan on the sandbox, once we get the general outline, why don't we each work on a section ? I also think we should each look at a review article (send me the title of the one you are going to use so we don't double up) from PubMed and put this into the reference list. I have no idea about the images until we get a bit further into this, I know we need some idea this week though. I am sure we will have lots to discuss. So I guess lets make the list and then each work on a section on Saturday and Sunday and figure out where we are ? Is this okay ? Let me know.
Deacon C (talk) 23:39, 7 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Chris, apologies for my delayed reply. I was traveling for work and had spotty connectivity. Fortunately, I checked your articles before beginning my review, so there was no doubling up. I'd created my own outline off-line because I was afraid there might be no progress made by the time I got connectivity - was very excited to see that wasn't the case. My outline is similiar to the one you created, so I plan to simply fill in here and there and make the language more final (i.e., remove the parts where you're asking questions or suggesting things). Should be done in a few.Tmo32 (talk) 23:35, 11 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I didn't have any luck with the images. I'm going to keep trying and hope that you've heard back from Neelix. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Tmo32 (talkcontribs) 01:28, 12 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]