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Sighting is a term of Wikipedia art meaning [something to do with Flagged Revisions that needs to be explained well because "sighting" is a well established word in the English language that does not automatically transfer meaning to the Wikipedia technical term]. Hu (talk) 20:55, 29 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

LOL. Or, at least, you gave me a smile, thanks. I think, in this instance, to sight means to approve, and sighting means approval. But approving something may be too demanding for us, requiring responsibility. Seen, or sighted, seems to sound less dangerous. Did I get that right? - Hordaland (talk) 22:37, 29 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Actually there are two separate terms involved: Sighting and Validating. And yes they do need to be explained in detail as to how they are being implemented in en.Wikipedia. Both are still a moving target at this time as discussion of the entire process is still underway. Dbiel (Talk) 01:23, 30 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I think "Validating" is too strong. Perhaps "Accepting" might be a better term, since the editor accepting the edit may not be an expert in the article field, but may find the evidence convincing, or at least plausible. Similarly, I'd like to see the term "Sighting" changed. "Noting"? "Scrutinizing"? "Provisionally accepting"? Hu (talk) 02:31, 30 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Please note the term "validating" is a technical term related to the software itself. The term itself can not be changed, but a different label can be attached to it if desired or simply define the term differently. Dbiel (Talk) 02:49, 30 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
To be a bit more specific. The "rights" related to the extension are review, autoreview, validate, stablesettings, patrolother, movestable, feedback
review = sighted (based on our current discussions)
validate = ???? this has not been defined as of yet
Dbiel (Talk) 02:55, 30 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
If Sighting applies only to a positive review which approves the change then I agree that the term is misleading. The English word sighting just means seeing, which in this context can include negative reviews. (Example: I sighted the change and detected vandalism, so I reverted it.) A word with positive connotations would be better: accept, adopt, affirm, agree, assent, authorize, certify, confirm, endorse, establish, pass, permit, ratify, recommend, sanction, second, support, uphold... Certes (talk) 02:56, 30 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I do not believe that en.Wikipedia will be using the term Sighting to apply only to a positive review. The terms review and validate above are simply the technical terms used by the software to reference the specific "rights" that are given to users to implement the flagged revisions extension. It does not necessarily have any relationship to how they are going to be used or what they mean; with the exception that a validated edit has a higher status than does a reviewed edit. Dbiel (Talk) 03:17, 30 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
That means, perhaps, that we can get rid of the silly words to sight, sighted and sighting altogether? I assume that those who will do this, review the new edit(s), and are not responsible for the entire article. Review is a perfectly good word for the function, as in "the higher court reviewed the decision of the lower one" (Webster's). Can we get rid of the unsightly word Sighting, pretty please? - Hordaland (talk) 02:21, 31 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Reviewing? Approving? My goodness, Wikipedia is chewing through the language like Bill through Planter's bars. That said, I think that "sighting" isn't too bad a term, since you either have to approve or reject the change - "sighting" is just the process. Like grading a paper - although who hasn't wished for automatic As? --Edwin Herdman (talk) 03:12, 31 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Outdent: Remember we need to address two separate technical terms: review and validate. What ever visual labels we decide to use for these two technical terms, remember that the validate tag, currently seen in en.labs as "Quality page" is a more complete evaluation of the article than the review tag, currently seen in en.labs as "Sighted page". Dbiel (Talk) 05:17, 31 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]