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Wikipedia talk:Centralized discussion/Terrorism

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The usual discussion rallies for the definition rather than the practice. In the real world, the hypothesis doesn't matter... at least not to the extent to which facts do. Today, for example, Israel’s acts against Palestinians demonstrate perfective exemplifications of state terrorism. The former US government itself has already established some sort of cloaked state terrorism under the entitlement of ‘war against terrorism’. Such allegedly defensive measures in response to the tragic events of 9/11 has issued the formula of ‘civilization vs. terrorism’, except that the entire approach to apply it worldwide ended up in issuing a different formula of ‘state terrorism vs. terrorism’. How many wars does peace need to eventually prevail?! I, myself, had the chance to encounter the terror of the Israeli war against Lebanon back in 2006. The Israeli forces re-killed the children of Qana after discovering that they didn't kill them enough previously in 1996. It's a hunting of heads... small heads with red ribbons.

Muhammad Ali Moslimani-- (talk) 08:39, 28 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Islam and Terrorism


These two terms currently intertwine within the head of any person once confronting one of them. Attempting to break the recently-formed bond requires a combination of human conscience, solid education and ethics. Not a single religion in the whole world promotes terrorism. Politics does... along with politicians and supposedly-religious leaders. So the next time you feel like dragged to couple terrorism to Islam, step back and think of Allah (whom you happen to call God). It's celestial language, and you understand it fine.

Muhammad Ali Moslimani-- (talk) 08:53, 28 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]