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Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/University of Texas at Arlington/Human Geography (Fall 2018)

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Course name
Human Geography
University of Texas at Arlington
Wikipedia Expert
Elysia (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2018-08-22 00:00:00 UTC – 2018-12-14 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

Human geography involves the study of the spatial distribution and spatial relationships of human activities on the earth’s surface. The course is designed to introduce you to various ways of studying the geography of human activities and to relate the many ideas and concepts of human geography to your life and the world around you. Specifically, the course will introduce you to the following key areas of human geography: 1) Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives, 2) Population and Migration, 3) Cultural Patterns and Processes, 4) Political Organization of Space, 5) Agriculture, Food Production, and Rural Land Use, 6) Industrialization and Economic Development, and 7) Cities and Urban Land Use. Students will use Wikipedia to complete a "Terra Incognita" assignment in which they will explore a country that is "unknown land" to them and contribute their research to Wikipedia.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Caphillips98 Geography of Denmark
Jaymeh30 Geography of Denmark
Shelly.naugle Geography of Greece
Juhokim00 Geography of China
Winston.henvey Geography of Peru
Xibin1 Geography of New Zealand
Fmisty56 Geography of Uganda
Maria tudora Geography of Chile
Brooke.pollard Geography of Russia
Sanchez.Rigoberto Geography of Denmark Geography of Denmark
Cnb8201 Geography of New Zealand
Ooofrittata Geography of Russia
Cameron Mead Geography of Greece
Cjv4974 Geography of Greece
Allenprimer92 Geography of Peru
Kenneth.cyr Geography of Greece
Arcemmad831 Geography of Greece
Sophia838 Geography of Russia
TaylorAnde Geography of Uganda
Cadeconnors Geography of China
PaulinaPineda Geography of Peru
Nst4025 Geography of China
Meghan.scottchaber Geography of New Zealand
Eq.2913 Geography of Denmark
H.yahira Geography of Greece
Maeolms Geography of Chile
Steven Ingram Geography of Chile
Castroalexis07 Geography of China
Jimen304006 Geography of Russia
JacquelineHer96 Geography of Peru
Tommyyep Geography of Uganda
StephenMavs97 Geography of New Zealand
Eleanacf03 Geography of China
G-Rod12 Geography of Chile
ChuongNguyen662 Geography of China
Guymon1974 Geography of Russia
Jamal.anthony Geography of Russia
Capcans Geography of Denmark
AustinByboth Geography of Peru
Gkt9927 Geography of Chile
Judypen Geography of Chile, Michael Myers (Halloween) Soccer
Samisuhwail Geography of Denmark
TimMac95 Geography of Peru


Week 1

Course meetings
Wednesday, 22 August 2018   |   Friday, 24 August 2018
In class - Introduction to the Terra Incognita Wikipedia project

Welcome to the Wikipedia Terra Incognita project's course timeline for Human Geography. See the complete instructions for the course assignment on Blackboard. This page guides you through the steps you'll need to complete for your Wikipedia assignment, with links to training modules and your classmates' work spaces. 

Our course has been assigned a Wikipedia Expert. You can reach them through the Get Help button at the top of this page. 


Week 2

Course meetings
Monday, 27 August 2018   |   Wednesday, 29 August 2018   |   Friday, 31 August 2018
Assignment - Get started on Wikipedia

Create an account and join this course page, using the enrollment link your instructor sent you. (Because of Wikipedia's technical restraints, you may receive a message that you cannot create an account. To resolve this, please try again off campus or the next day.)


By August 31, 2018, you must have a Wikipedia account and complete the training on "Wikipedia policies" and "Sandboxes, talk pages, and watchlists." 

Week 3

Course meetings
Wednesday, 5 September 2018   |   Friday, 7 September 2018
Assignment - Evaluate Wikipedia

Exercise: Evaluate an article


  • Select a topic of your choice.  Something that you know something about already.
  • Due Sept 7th. 

Week 4

Course meetings
Monday, 10 September 2018   |   Wednesday, 12 September 2018   |   Friday, 14 September 2018
In class - Discussion

What's a content gap?

Assignment - Add to an article


Add a citation

Week 5

Course meetings
Monday, 17 September 2018   |   Wednesday, 19 September 2018   |   Friday, 21 September 2018
Assignment - Exercise
select an available article

Choose your topic / Find your sources

Week 6

Course meetings
Monday, 24 September 2018   |   Wednesday, 26 September 2018   |   Friday, 28 September 2018
Assignment - Note the improvements needed to your selected article

Resource: Editing Wikipedia, pages 7–9


Everyone has begun writing their article drafts.

Week 7

Course meetings
Monday, 1 October 2018   |   Wednesday, 3 October 2018   |   Friday, 5 October 2018
Assignment - Draft your improvements

Continue working on your draft. 

Week 8

Course meetings
Monday, 8 October 2018   |   Wednesday, 10 October 2018   |   Friday, 12 October 2018

Week 9

Course meetings
Monday, 15 October 2018   |   Wednesday, 17 October 2018   |   Friday, 19 October 2018

Week 10

Course meetings
Monday, 22 October 2018   |   Wednesday, 24 October 2018   |   Friday, 26 October 2018
Assignment - Begin moving your work to Wikipedia

Now that you've improved your draft based on others' feedback, it's time to move your work live - to the "mainspace."

Resource: Editing Wikipedia, page 13

Week 11

Course meetings
Monday, 29 October 2018   |   Wednesday, 31 October 2018   |   Friday, 2 November 2018
Assignment - Continue improving your article


Add links to your article

Now's the time to revisit your text and refine your work. You may do more research and find missing information; rewrite the lead section to represent all major points; reorganize the text to communicate the information better; or add images and other media.

Week 12

Course meetings
Monday, 5 November 2018   |   Wednesday, 7 November 2018   |   Friday, 9 November 2018

Week 13

Course meetings
Monday, 12 November 2018   |   Wednesday, 14 November 2018   |   Friday, 16 November 2018

Week 14

Course meetings
Monday, 19 November 2018
Assignment - Final article

It's the final week to develop your article.

  • Read Editing Wikipedia page 15 to review a final check-list before completing your assignment.
  • Don't forget that you can ask for help from your Wikipedia Expert at any time!

Everyone should have finished all of the work they'll do on Wikipedia, and be ready for grading.

Week 15

Course meetings
Monday, 26 November 2018   |   Wednesday, 28 November 2018   |   Friday, 30 November 2018