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Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/Chapman University/Migration in World History (Fall 2020)

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Course name
Migration in World History
Chapman University
Shira Klein
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Migration History
Course dates
2020-08-31 00:00:00 UTC – 2020-12-28 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This class will span some of the most impactful migrations in modern history, whose legacies still affect the globe today. These include the slave trade, labor migration, colonial and post-colonial movements, and refugee migrations. We will conclude by examining our current global situation, the largest forced-displacement crisis in human history.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Wendy072310 History of Mexican Americans in Los Angeles
Stjjones Environmental migrant
JustinStern Portuguese Americans
Erisa3434 Filipinos in Hawaii
Emily415 Filipinos in Hong Kong, Domestic Workers in Hong Kong
Elaina37 History of immigration to the United States
Skyelar24 Model minority, Japanese American Citizens League
SarahKBW Russian diaspora, History of the Jews in Switzerland
Isabellasainz Salvadoran Americans
Chris3348 Chinese Americans
Sabrinag20 Iranian Americans
Hyde317 Okie
Dee1507 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
RBrown3388 Bracero Program
JoelRode Climate change and poverty
Michy360 Great Migration (African American)
Jemach98 Afghans in Pakistan
Tristan089786 Indian Removal
Brayden.Schlaf New Great Migration
Haley89900 Scottish Americans


Week 6

Course meetings
Thursday, 8 October 2020

Week 7

Course meetings
Tuesday, 13 October 2020   |   Thursday, 15 October 2020

Week 8

Course meetings
Tuesday, 20 October 2020   |   Thursday, 22 October 2020
Assignment - Wiki 1B (due Oct 22 by 1pm)
Learning how to edit Wikipedia
  1. Create a user account: If you followed the link on Canvas, you already created a user account.
  2. Enroll in our course: If you followed the link on Canvas, you are already enrolled.
  3. While you are still logged in with your username, complete the training modules for this assignment (linked above). 
  4. When you are still logged in, go to “Sandbox” in upper right corner. Experiment in your Sandbox, with the help of the Editing training module you just completed. In your Sandbox, write: 
  5. #* One regular sentence (anything you want, but nothing personal or offensive)
    • One heading
    • One sub-heading
    • A link to another Wikipedia page (any page)
    • Words in bold and italics 
    • A reference (this can be a book we're reading in class)

NOTE: this should be a Wikipedia-generated reference, following the instructions in the Editing training module.

  1. When you are still logged in, leave a message on the Talk page of a classmate. How? Go to the list of enrolled students; under/next to each student name you'll see a username in parentheses (e.g. Vanessa1290). Copy-paste that name at the end of this url: https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/user_talk: (e.g. https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/user_talk:Vanessa1290On upper right, select Edit tab. Add your sentence at the bottom of editable box. Keep it anonymous and neutral (e.g. “Hi, I’m a new Wikipedia user”). At the end of your sentence, add 4 tildes Ian (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:17, 14 January 2021 (UTC). That ties the contribution to your username, like a signature. [reply]

Week 9

Course meetings
Tuesday, 27 October 2020   |   Thursday, 29 October 2020

Week 10

Course meetings
Tuesday, 3 November 2020   |   Thursday, 5 November 2020
Assignment - Wiki 2 (due Nov 3 by 1pm) - Reading Summary

"Wiki 2" Wikipedia Assignment – Reading Summary

By now you have chosen a topic and possibly teamed up with one or more classmates. Submit a document with the following:

  1. Three peer-reviewed secondary sources on your topic. These need only be the length of a traditional book chapter - around 30 pages or so each. Book chapters are best. Articles are second best. For each of these three, provide  full bibliographic references and (if available) urls for accessing them. Follow the guidance provided by instructor on how to find reliable, peer-reviewed secondary sources. 

List your secondary sources using. Under each secondary source, briefly state in what way is it broad enough to add to Wikipedia, and how you know it is scholarly (aka reliable). ' Address the book’s press (university press or equivalent?) or the journal (peer-reviewed?), the author (PhD in history, holds an academic position at a university or equivalent?), the year (is this recent? Steer clear of anything older than 1990). This requires some googling. 

  1. Of those 3 secondary sources, choose your preferred one. Write a summary of 200-300 words of that source. Use proper citations (citation system of your choice). Be comprehensive, summarizing the entire reading you chose, not just the first page or two. Focus on crafting a cohesive narrative rather than stringing disconnected facts together. Aim for clean writing, as in your Response Papers.
  2. For the other 2 secondary sources, write a 30-word summary each. These are backups in case your preferred reading ends up being problematic for the overall project.
  3. Write down the URLs of one or more Wiki pages that you will be able to edit with the help of this secondary source. An example of a Wiki page is https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Deferred_Action_for_Childhood_Arrivals (Links to an external site.). At this point, no need to say how you will edit them.

Week 11

Course meetings
Tuesday, 10 November 2020   |   Thursday, 12 November 2020

Week 12

Course meetings
Tuesday, 17 November 2020   |   Thursday, 19 November 2020
Assignment - "Wiki 3" (due Nov 19 by 1pm) Planning your edits
  1. Complete the training modules for this assignment (Finding your article, Evaluating Articles and Sources), linked above.

  1. Hunt around Wikipedia for a page related to our course material which you, with the help of the secondary source you read last week, can improve. This could be an article that is lacking key information, is wrong, or lacks references. In some cases, you already identified the Wiki page you wish to work on, back in Wiki 2. In other cases, you may find a Wiki page that you can contribute to more meaningfully. If Dr Klein gave you feedback on Wiki 2, incorporate that.

Note: if the Wiki page you choose is very long (e.g. "Holocaust" or "Vietnam"), you should only commit to working on a section of it, and clarify in this assignment what that section is. Don’t commit to working on an entire Wiki page if it is long, because you will be overwhelmed by the task. 

Sign up for that article by  visiting the 'Students' tab of this website while logged in, and finding your name in the list of students. 

  1. Then write a short essay (1-2 pages) answering: 

    • Which Wiki page you chose (include URL) and why it is problematic. 
    • How you will use the scholarly essay (the one you summarized in Wiki 2) to solve some of the problems. What you will do to make the Wiki page better: will you add content? Rearrange content? Delete content? Add references to existing content? Be concrete regarding specific changes you will make ("I'll make it less biased" - that's vague. "I'll add information on the number of Daca arrivals in 2015" - that's concrete). Make sure you explain why these changes are important. Eventually, the changes you will make (Wiki 5) will need to amount to at least 200 words, not including references, so plan accordingly.

In this assignment, use parentheses within the text to specify the page numbers from the secondary source you plan to use. Provide the full reference of the secondary source you will use.

You may want to add a *bit* to several Wiki pages, or a *lot* to one Wiki page.


Remember: Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not a place for primary-source analysis or primary research or new arguments. It is a place to summarize the findings of published works. On the rationale behind this rule, see https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Wikipedia:No_original_research

Week 13

Course meetings
Tuesday, 24 November 2020   |   Thursday, 26 November 2020

Week 14

Course meetings
Tuesday, 1 December 2020   |   Thursday, 3 December 2020
Assignment - Wiki 4 (due Dec 1 by 1pm) Inform the Wikipedia Community
  1. Complete the training module for this assignment (Adding Citations), link above.
  2. By now you have received substantive feedback from me and have a clear idea of what you will edit. The next stage is to inform the Wikipedia community of your plans. 
    • In the article’s Talk Page, write several sentences on what you intend to do. How to find the Talk Page? Every Wiki article, on the top left, has an "Article" tab and a "Talk" tab. You need the latter. If you're still confused, go back to the initial tutorial, which speaks about Talk Pages in general. 
    • Be detailed regarding what needs adding, what needs correcting, and what sources you'll add. This is a shorter description than in Wiki 3, but aim for a meaty paragraph with concrete details. State your exact references (not "The Stillman-Cohen debate" or a Canvas URL, because nobody outside of our class will know what you mean). State who the author of your secondary source is and why that author is credible (professor of... a peer-reviewed publication... an expert on...). 
    • Be courteous (not "this article is rambling" but "this article could use some clarification").
    • Be neutral (not “this is biased and I’m going to fix it,” which suggests you have the opposite bias – but rather “there is wrong or missing information here and I’m going to correct or add it”).
    • State the scope of your changes ("altogether I'll add about 200-300 words").
    • End your plan with an invitation to other Wiki editors to weigh in on your changes, e.g. “If anyone wants to comment on these changes, please let me know on this Talk Page or on my Talk Page.” Make sure you do this while you’re logged in, and sign after your post (Ian (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:17, 14 January 2021 (UTC)).[reply]

Week 15

Course meetings
Tuesday, 8 December 2020   |   Thursday, 10 December 2020
Assignment - "Wiki 5" (due Dec 8 by 1pm) Improve the article or article section
  1. Complete the training modules for this assignment (Sandbox and Plagiarism), linked above. If you're working in a group, complete the modules on group work too.
  2. If you received a comment on your Talk Page or on the article's Talk Page asking you for changes, consult with the instructor on whether/how to respond to it.
  3. Improve the Wikipedia article you chose. Note: you may use readings from the syllabus too, but you must primarily use the reading you summarized in Wiki 2.
  4. It’s recommended to use your Sandbox first, preview what you’ve done, and then copy and paste from Sandbox into the article. 


Add links to your article

Grading Rubric:

Responding to feedback (20 points)

____ I have incorporated all of the instructor’s comments on my previous Wiki assignments

Use of Evidence (20 points)

____ I have used a secondary source approved by the instructor, and provided a full reference to it

____ When drawing on secondary source, I have paraphrased, i.e. I’ve used my own words. Beware violations of academic integrity (copy-pasting, too-close paraphrasing, etc). 

____ I have footnoted everything I paraphrased (no need to footnote each sentence, 1 per every few consecutive sentences is fine. If you split your contribution into various chunks, provide a footnote at the end of each chunk.

Substantive Contribution (20 points)
____ I made a real difference by correcting misinformation and/or adding crucial information

____ If I didn't have enough crucial information to add to one article, I contributed to more than one article. It is all right to add the same type of information to more than one article, if said information is crucial to more than one article.

____ My contribution is at least 200 words long (no maximum), not including footnotes. Writing exactly the same sentences in more than one article does not count toward the word count.

Relevant Argumentation (20 points)
____ All the information I pull out of my secondary sources is directly relevant to the Wikipedia article
____ My contributions fit well into the article. That means there is a good match between section title and text, I don't repeat something that has been said elsewhere in the article, and there is a smooth transition between the article sections preceding and following my contribution.

____ I stick to what I can prove and avoid generalizing (“All immigrants did XYZ…”) or judging ("Unfortunately..." / "This was horrible")


Style (20 points)
____ I avoid quotes or minimize them to very short extracts. Quotes never stand alone.
____ In the section I chose to edit, I corrected all sloppy writing, typos, grammar mistakes, run-on sentences, slang, repetitions, awkward phrases, and tense confusions, including those that have been made by previous Wikipedians.

Assignment - "Wiki 6" (due Dec 10 by 1pm) Reflection paper on your Wiki experience

Write a 2-3 page (double spaced) reflection paper. In it, first jot down

  1. The number of daily views your article gets. To check that, go to the article you edited. In the menu on the left, click "Page Information". Scroll down to the end and click "Page View Statistics". On the left under "Date Type" select "Daily". All the way to the right of the page, you will see the average of daily views. Copy it to your paper.
  2. Whether other editors changed your edits, and if so, what they changed. To check that, go to the article you edited. On the top right, near the "Edit" tab, you will see a "View history" tab. Click it. This is a list of all recent edits made to the article. Each line shows when someone saved a change in the article, and each line shows the username that made that change. Find the line where you made your last contribution. Select the left-column radio button for that line. Then select the right-column radio button for the topmost line in the list, which is the current version. Click the "Compare selected revisions" button. On the right half of the page, you'll be able to see what changes (if any) were made to your edits.

If you're the last person who edited your article, your change will be the topmost line, which means nobody changed your contributions.

Then write your reflection. The goal of this assignment is to deeply engage, in the most subjective way, with the experience you had in this project. This paper will be evaluated for its thoughtfulness, meaningfulness, and originality. Provide an insightful analysis, with clear, detailed examples of what you are saying. First person is fine, even recommended, for this paper. This is a chance for you to reflect creatively. Embrace it!

Here are some questions which could inspire you but you could also go in another direction. If you do use these questions, aim for an in-depth reflection rather than a grocery list of answers. 

  • Was the topic you chose important to you for personal/family reasons?
  • Was your topic something you knew a lot about already?
  • Did you have any fears going into this project? Were they confirmed/dispelled?
  • Did you feel you were making a difference by editing Wikipedia, if so how?
  • What did you learn from this project?
  • What surprised you about this project?
  • What did you like or dislike about this project?
  • Did your Wikipedia submission differ from your initial plans? Why?
  • If other Wikipedia users edited your submission, did you agree with those edits? If nobody edited your changes, would you like someone to edit them in the future?
  • If you had to give advice to someone about to take this class, what tips would you give them about the Wikipedia assignment?
  • How do you feel about writing something that gets viewed x number of times? Would you like to see more assignments which have this global an impact, or fewer?
  • Do you think you will ever edit Wikipedia again, in your own free time? Why or why not?