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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Rosslyn Connecting Railroad

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Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Report, Volume 106

Rosslyn Connecting Railroad


The Rosslyn Connecting Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a Virginia corporation, controlled by the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company. It owns and operates a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad extending from a connection with the Washington Southern Railway Company at a point about 0.5 mile south of the Potomac River opposite Washington, D. C., to Rosslyn, Va., a distance of 2.716 miles. It also owns 1.338 miles of yard tracks and sidings.

Location and General Description of Property


The railroad of Rosslyn Connecting Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad, located entirely within the State of Virginia and extending from a connection with the Washington Southern Railway Company at a point about 0.5 mile south of the Potomac River and opposite Washington, D.C., to Rosslyn, Va. The owned mileage consists of 2.716 miles of main track and 1.338 miles of yard tracks and sidings, a total of 4.054 miles of all tracks. The line is used solely for local freight service; no passenger trains are operated.

Jointly Used Property


The carrier is granted trackage rights by the Washington Southern Railway Company between the junction point of the two carriers and the south end of Long Bridge, a distance of 0.45 mile. The Washington Southern Railway Company has trackage rights over the carrier's tracks for a distance of 0.24 mile between the junction of the two roads and the plant of the Cotton Oil and Provision Company.

Economic Conditions Relating to Traffic


The principal products handled by the carrier are those of a few small mills and industries, located along its railroad.

Corporate History


The carrier was incorporated February 29, 1904, under the general laws of Virginia, with authority to acquire, maintain, and operate a railroad between Rosslyn and Jackson City, Va. Its organization was perfected on the same date. The mileage owned was acquired by purchase. The carrier is controlled by the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company through ownership of the entire capital stock, except qualifying shares. Its principal office is at Alexandria, Va.



The surface of the country is rolling; the soil is of clay. The most of the line follows along the route of an old disused canal and in constructing its roadbed the carrier utilized the canal grading as far as possible.