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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Lake Erie, Franklin and Clarion Railroad

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The railroad of the Lake Erie, Franklin & Clarion Railroad Company, herein called the carrier, is a single-track, standard-gauge, steam railroad, located in western Pennsylvania. The main line extends northwesterly from Summerville to Clarion, 15.024 miles, with a connecting track projecting from Heidrick Junction to Sutton and several branches serving collieries along its route. The carrier owns 19.390 miles of main track and 8.073 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 27.463 miles of all tracks owned and used. In addition, it has trackage rights over about 48 miles of the road of The New York Central Railroad Company between Sutton and Franklin, Pa.


The carrier was incorporated November 10, 1913, under the general laws of the [...]

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1. Lake Erie, Franklin & Clarion Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Nov. 10, 1913.
2. Pittsburgh, Clarion & Franklin Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Sept. 7, 1912. Consolidated Nov. 10, 1913, with 7 and 8 to form 1.
3. Pittsburgh, Summerville & Clarion Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Sept. 24, 1903. Sold at foreclosure September, 1912, and reorganized as 2.
4. Clarion, Summerville & Pittsburgh Railroad Company. See 5. Assigned its property, rights, and franchises in 1903 to 3.
5. Clarion & Summerville Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Dec. 29, 1900. Name changed May 9, 1901, to 4.
6. Clarion & Jefferson Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, 1904. Merged Dec. 27, 1904, with 3.
7. Pennsylvania Southern Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Oct. 31, 1910. Consolidated Nov. 10, 1913, with 2 and 8 to form 1.
8. Pennsylvania Northern Railroad Company. Under general laws of Pennsylvania, Oct. 15, 1911. Consolidated Nov. 10, 1913, with 2 and 7 to form 1.

The owned mileage of the carrier, 19.39 miles, was acquired by consolidation. Of the six corporations that comprise [...]

Acquired by consolidation, from—
Pittsburgh, Clarion & Franklin Railroad Company, constructed by the Pittsburgh, Summerville & Clarion Railroad Company:
Summerville to Clarion, Pa., 1903-1904 15.50
Strattonville, Pa., to Clarion River, 1903-1904 3.00
Brush Run Branch, 1907 1.00
Less mileage of Brush Run Branch, abandoned In 1911 1.00
Pennsylvania Southern Railroad Company, constructed by that company, Heidrick Junction to Sutton, Pa., 1910-1911 .50
Total recorded mileage 19.00
Difference between totalrecorded mileage and mileage inventoried as of date of valuation .39
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 19.39