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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/International Bridge Company

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Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Reports, Volume 143

International Bridge Company


Location and General Description of Property


The property of International Bridge Company consists of a double-track bridge and approaches thereto across the Niagara River between Black Rock, Buffalo, N. Y., and Fort Erie, Ontario. The company owns two yards on the American side at the end of the bridge, one known as the Parish Street yard and the other as the Austin Street yard, both of which are reached over about 0.32 mile of track owned by The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company. On the American side there are 0.616 mile of main track and 6.530 miles of yard tracks and sidings, or a total of 7.146 miles of all tracks. Only the property on the American side of the international boundary is included in this report, but the statements herein with reference to the corporate operations and investments of the company are not separable as between the United States and the Dominion of Canada.



The International Bridge Company is a corporation of the State of New York and of the Dominion of Canada, having its principal office at Buffalo, N. Y. Certain records of the company for the period prior to June, 1875, have been destroyed by fire. Therefore only partial information can be given covering some of the financial transactions. The company is controlled by the carrier through ownership of the entire outstanding capital stock. On the other hand, the records reviewed do not indicate that this company controls any common-carrier corporation. The property has been operated by the company's own organization since the date of completion. The corporate operations and the investments are inseparable as between the United States and the Dominion of Canada.

Corporate History


The International Bridge Company was formed as a consolidation of the International Bridge Company (of New York), and the International Bridge Company (of Canada). The consolidation was authorized May 4, 1869, by special act of the State of New York and passed by the Dominion of Canada, June 22, 1869. The International Bridge Company thus acquired the property, rights, and franchises of the two other bridge companies. The International Bridge Company (of New York) was incorporated under special act of New York, April 17, 1857, and the International Bridge Company (of Canada) under special act of the Dominion of Canada, August 27, 1857. Further details as to these companies are given in the section on predecessor companies.

Development of Fixed Physical Property


The bridge and approaches were constructed by nonaffiliated contractors and the bridge was opened for operation December 31, 1873. As originally constructed the superstructure was of iron single-track trusses, which were replaced in 1901 with steel trusses of about double the capacity. In 1910-11 the present structure was double tracked and a swing span installed. The company owns two yards on the American side at end of the bridge, one known as the Parish Street yard and the other as the Austin Street yard, both of which are reached by 0.32 mile of track owned by The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company.

Leased Railway Property


The International Bridge Company uses the tracks of The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company between its Parish Street and Austin Street yards at Black Rock, N. Y., a distance of 0.32 mile. The agreement covering the arrangement was not obtained and the terms governing the use were not ascertained.

Under its trackage agreement with the carrier, the Wabash Railway Company, in addition to its joint use of tracks between Windsor, Ontario, and Black Rock, N. Y., and Suspension Bridge, N. Y., it uses the International Bridge Company's bridge, its connecting track with The New York Central Railroad Company and the Erie Railroad Company at Black Rock, N. Y., and the terminal and storage tracks in the International Bridge Company's Parish Street and Austin Street yards. There is no agreement between the International Bridge Company and these companies covering the use of the yards. Under the tariffs in effect for the use of the bridge, tolls are collected for use of the bridge and tracks connecting with other carriers. Other carriers using the bridge and tracks are not granted the use of the yards and facilities. The carrier through its control of the International Bridge Company, uses the property practically as its own, without formal lease or agreement. Under the trackage agreement between the carrier and the Wabash Railway Company, the latter has the use of the facilities without any payments to the International Bridge Company.

The Michigan Central Railroad Company uses the tracks of the International Bridge Company across the bridge, connecting with the line of The New York Central Railroad Company at Black Rock, N. Y., a distance of about 1 mile. The use of the facilities is at the established toll rates covered by tariffs.

Under an agreement dated March 31, 1913, the Pennsylvania Company has use of the bridge and facilities of about 1 mile without any compensation paid on business interchanged with the carrier. To all business delivered by the Pennsylvania Company to companies other than the carrier, the established tolls of the International Bridge Company apply.

Predecessor Companies


International Bridge Company (of New York)


This company was incorporated April 17, 1857, by special act of the State of New York, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a bridge across the Niagara River between Black Rock (Buffalo), N. Y., and Fort Erie, Ontario. Complete accounting records of this company were not obtained. The records reviewed do not indicate that the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on June 22, 1869, the date of consolidation, nor, on the other hand, that it controlled any common-carrier corporation.

International Bridge Company (of Canada)


This company was incorporated August 27, 1857, by special act of the Dominion of Canada for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a bridge across the Niagara River between Black Rock (Buffalo), N. Y., and Fort Erie, Ontario. Complete accounting records of this company were not obtained. The records reviewed do not indicate that this company was controlled by any individual or corporation on June 22, 1869, the date of consolidation, nor, on the other hand, that it controlled any common-carrier corporation.