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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Hannibal Bridge Company

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The property of the Hannibal Bridge Company, herein called the Hannibal Bridge Company, consists of a single-track railroad bridge across the Mississippi River and 2.95 miles of tracks from Aladdin, Ill., to Hannibal, Mo.


The Hannibal Bridge Company was incorporated under the general laws of Missouri and Illinois, through filing with the Recorder of Deeds of Marion County, Mo., and Pike County, Ill., October 8, 1877, and October 12, 1877, respectively, articles of consolidation, dated December 4, 1869, for the purpose of consolidating the property, rights, and franchises of the Hannibal Bridge Company (of May 1869) and the Pike County Bridge Company, which was done. The date of organization was December 9, 1869.

The Hannibal Bridge Company, itself, and those two corporations total three different corporations, and comprise the line of corporate succession culminating in the Hannibal Bridge Company as at present constituted. The Hannibal Bridge Company (of May 1869) was incorporated May 24, 1869, under the general laws of Missouri, and the Pike County Bridge Company was incorporated under special act of Illinois, approved March 1, 1867.


The owned mileage of the Hannibal Bridge Company, extending from Aladdin, Ill., to Hannibal, Mo., 2.950 miles, together with a bridge over the Mississippi River, was acquired by construction during the period from about 1869 to October 1, 1871. The records reviewed do not indicate whether the construction work was performed by company forces or by contract.