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The following is a list of sources included in either the bibliographies or article texts of articles in the named books, listed by the article in which they appear.

Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience[edit]

Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience, by William F. Williams, Facts on File, 2000, ISBN 081603351X

Albert Abrams[edit]

  • Human Energy, by Albert Abrams;
  • New Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment, by Albert Abrams;


  • The Secred Doctrine, by Madame Blavatsky;
  • Atlantis, by Ignatius Donnelly;
  • Critias, by Plato;
  • Timaeus, by Plato;

Francis Bacon[edit]

  • The Achievement of Learning, by Francis Bacon;
  • Cogitata et Visa, by Francis Bacon;
  • De Augmentis Scientiarum, by Francis Bacon;
  • De Sapienta Veterum, by Francis Bacon;
  • Essays, by Francis Bacon;
  • The New Atlantis, by Francis Bacon;
  • Novum Organum, by Francis Bacon;

Sabine Baring-Gould[edit]

  • The Book of Were-wolves, by Sabine Baring-Gould;
  • Early Reminiscences, by Sabine Baring-Gould;
  • Further Reminiscences, by Sabine Baring-Gould;
  • Lives of the Saints, by Sabine Baring-Gould;

Henri-Louis Bergson[edit]

  • Creative Evolution, by Henri Bergson;
  • An Introduction to Metaphysics, by Henri Bergson;
  • Matter and Memory, by Henri Bergson;

Johann Beringer[edit]

  • Lithographia Wirceburgensis, by Johann Beringer;

Raymond Bernard[edit]

  • The Invisible Empire, by Raymond Bernard;
  • The Secret Houses of the Rose and Croi, by Raymond Bernard;
  • A Secret Meeting in Rome, by Raymond Bernard;
  • Strange Encounters, by Raymond Bernard;

Annie Besant[edit]

  • Occult Chemistry, by Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater;

Madame Blavatsky[edit]

  • Isis Unveiled, by Madame Blavatsky;
  • The Secret Doctrine, by Madame Blavatsky;

Frederick Bligh Bond[edit]

  • The Gate of Remembrance, by Frederick Bligh Bond;

Saint Brendan[edit]

  • Voyage of Saint Brendan the Abbot;


  • De Occulta Philosophia, by Agrippa;


  • 1906 Colliers series on nostrums by Samuel Hopkins Adams;
  • Great Things, What They Are, Where They Are (1883);

Census of Hallucinations[edit]

  • Phantasms of the Living, by Edmond Gurney, et. al.;
  • Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research 10 (1894);

Houston Stewart Chamberlain[edit]

  • Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, by Houston Stewart Chamberlain;

Christian Science[edit]

  • Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy;
  • Science of Man, by Mary Baker Eddy;

George Combe[edit]

  • The Constitution of Man in Relation to External Objects, by George Combe;
  • The Life of George Combe, by Charles Gibbon;
  • Notes of the United States of America, 1838-9-40, by George Combe;

Cosmologies, variant[edit]

  • De Revolutionibus Orbium Celestium, by Galileo;

Cottingley fairies[edit]

  • The Coming of the Fairies, by Arthur Conan Doyle;
  • Strand magazine articles by Arthur Conan Doyle, December 1920 and March 1921;


  • The Witch-Cult in Western Europe, by Margaret Murray;

Creation Science[edit]

  • Annals of the Old Testament, by James Ussher;

Aleister Crowley[edit]

  • The Book of the Law, by Aleister Crowley;


  • The Great Sea-Serpent, by Antoon Cornelius Oudemans;

Cuforhedake brane-fude[edit]

  • Collier's article by Samuel Hopkins Adams;

Cycles theories[edit]

  • The Rhythm of Life, by Wilhelm Fleiss;

Charles Robert Darwin[edit]

  • The Descent of Man, by Charles Darwin;
  • On the Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin;

Andrew Jackson Davis[edit]

  • Appetites and Passions, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • The Approaching Crisis, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • Arabula, the Divine Guest, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • The Great Harmonia, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • The Magic Staff, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • The Harbinger of Health, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • Morning Lectures, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • The Penetralia, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • The Philosophy of Spiritual Intercourse, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • The Present Age of Inner Life, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • The Principles of Nature, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • Stellar Key to the Summer Land, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • Tales of a Physician, by Andrew Jackson Davis;
  • The World's True Redeemer, by Andrew Jackson Davis;

Death rays[edit]

  • The War of the Worlds, by H. G. Wells;

Deluge man[edit]

  • On the Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin;

Dermo-optical perception[edit]

  • Life of Samuel Johnson, by James Boswell;


  • The Sacred Theory of the Earth, by Thomas Burnet;
  • The New Geology, by George McCready Price;
  • The Waters Above the Firmament, by Isaac Newton Vail;


  • The Mind and Its Place in Nature, by C. D. Broad;

Earth-centered astronomy[edit]

  • On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres, by Nicolas Copernicus;

Arnold Erhet[edit]

  • Mucusless-diet healing system, by Arnold Erhet;

Henry Havelock Ellis[edit]

  • Studies in the Psychology of Sex, by Henry Havelock Ellis;
  • A Study of British Genius, by Henry Havelock Ellis;
  • The Tasks of Social Hygiene, by Henry Havelock Ellis;


  • Hereditary Descent, by Francis Galton;

Evolution, progressive[edit]

  • The Descent of Man, by Charles Darwin;
  • On the Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin;
  • The Mutation Theory, by Hugo de Vries;
  • Philosophie Zoologique, by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck;
  • Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation;

Eyeless sight[edit]

  • Eyeless Sight, by Jules Romains;


  • The Secret Commonwealth, by Robert Kirk;

Horace Fletcher[edit]

  • Fletcherism, What It Is, by Horace Fletcher;

Theodore Flournoy[edit]

  • Espirits et Mediums, by Theodore Flournoy;
  • From India to the Planet Mars, by Theodore Flournoy;
  • La Philosophie de William James, by Theodore Flournoy;
  • Metapsychique et Psychologie, by Theodore Flournoy;
  • Nouvelles observations sur un cas de somnambulisme avec glossolalie, by Theodore Flournoy;

Charles Hoy Fort[edit]

  • The Book of the Damned, by Charles Fort;
  • New Lands, by Charles Fort;
  • The Outcast Manufactures, by Charles Fort;

Sigmund Freud[edit]

  • The Ego and the Id, by Sigmund Freud;
  • A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, by Sigmund Freud;
  • The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud;
  • Totem and Taboo, by Sigmund Freud;

Franz Joseph Gall[edit]

  • Anatomie et physiologie du systeme nerveux en general et du ceveau en particulier, by Franz Joseph Gall;

Francis Galton[edit]

  • Hereditary Genius, by Francis Galton;

Comte Joseph de Gobineau[edit]

  • Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, by Comte Joseph de Gobineau;

Sylvester Graham[edit]

  • The Aesculapian Tablets of the Nineteenth Century, by Sylvester Graham;
  • A Lecture on Epidemic Diseases General and Particularly the Spasmadic Cholera, by Sylvester Graham;
  • Lectures on the Science of Human Life, by Sylvester Graham;
  • A Treatise on Bread and Bread-Making, by Sylvester Graham;
  • The Young Man's Guide to Chastity, by Sylvester Graham;

Grape cure[edit]

  • Encyclopedia of Physical Culture by Bernarr Macfadden;


  • Treatise on a Method to Recognize the Nature and Quality of a Writer from His Letters, by Camillo Baldi;
  • The Practical System of Graphology, by Jean Hippolyte Michon;

Great chain of being[edit]

  • On the Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin;

Nehemiah Grew/Marcello Malphigi[edit]

  • The Anatomy of Plants, by Nehemiah Grew;
  • Cosmologia Sacra, by Nehemiah Grew;
  • Anatome Plantorum, by Marcello Malphigi;

William Harvey[edit]

  • De Moto Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus, by William Harvey;


  • On the Revolutions of Celestial Bodies, by Nicholas Copernicus;
  • Almagest, by Ptolemy;

Bernard Heuvelemans[edit]

  • The Lost World, by Arthur Conan Doyle;
  • Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne;

Hollow Earth doctrine[edit]

  • Journey to the Earth's Interior, by Marshall B. Gardner;
  • MS. Found in a Bottle, by Edgar Allan Poe;
  • The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaal, by Edgar Allan Poe;
  • The Cellular Cosmology, by Cyrus Reed Teed;
  • The Illumination of Koresh, by Cyrus Reed Teed;
  • A Voyage to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne;


  • The Organon of Homeopathic Medicine, by Samuel Christian Hahnemann;
  • Homeopathy and Its Kindred Delusions, by Oliver Wendell Holmes;

Hans Horbiger[edit]

  • Glazial-Kosmogonie, by Hans Horbiger;

Harry Houdini[edit]

  • A Magician among the Spirits, by Harry Houdini;

Thomas Jay Hudson[edit]

  • Divine Pedigree of Man, by Thomas Jay Hudson;
  • Evolution of the Soul and Other Essays, by Thomas Jay Hudson;
  • Law of Mental Medicine, by Thomas Jay Hudson;
  • The Law of Psychic Phenomena, by Thomas Jay Hudson;
  • Scientific Demonstration of a Future Life, by Thomas Jay Hudson;

I Ching[edit]

  • I Ching;

Incubus and succubus[edit]

  • Summa Theologica, by Thomas Aquinas;
  • City of God, by Augustine;

Intelligence tests[edit]

  • Crania Americana, by Samuel George Morton;


  • The Invisible Man, by H. G. Wells;


  • Iridiagnosis and Other Diagnostic Methods, by Henry Lindlahr;

William James[edit]

  • The Principles of Psychology, by William James;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James;

Jenny Haniver[edit]

  • Traite generale des pesches, by Henri-Louis Duhamel;
  • Historia Animalium, by Conrad Gesner;

Carl Gustav Jung[edit]

  • Psychology of the Unconscious, by Carl Gustav Jung;


  • Zohar;

John Harvey Kellogg[edit]

  • The Natural Diet of Man, by John Harvey Kellogg;
  • Modern Medicine and Bacteriological World;

Walter John Kilner[edit]

  • The Human Atmosphere, by Walter John Kilner;

Kinderhook plates[edit]

  • The Book of Mormon;

King Solomon's mines[edit]

  • King Solomon's Mines, by H. Rider Haggard;


  • The Palace of Minos, by Arthur Evans;


  • Natural History of Norway, by Erik Pontoppidian;

Jean Baptiste Lamarck[edit]

  • Origin of the Species, by Charles Darwin;
  • The Natural History of Invertebrates, by Jean Baptiste Lamarck;
  • Zoological Philosophy, by Jean Baptiste Lamarck;


  • Origin of the Species, by Charles Darwin;
  • Zoological Philosophy, by Jean Baptiste Lamarck;

Alfred A. Lawson[edit]

  • Born Again, by Alfred A. Lawson;
  • Manlife, by Alfred A. Lawson;

Ley lines[edit]

  • British Trackways, by Alfred Watkins;
  • The Old Straight Track, by Alfred Watkins;


  • The Natural History of Norway, by Erik Pontoppidan;


  • The City of God, by Augustine;
  • Satyricon;

Charles Lyell[edit]

  • Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell;


  • The Golden Bough, by James G. Frazer;

Thomas Robert Malthus[edit]

  • Essay on the Principle of Population as It Affects the Future Improvment of Society, by Thomas Robert Malthus;

Cotton Mather[edit]

  • More Wonders of the Invisible World, by Robert Calaf;
  • An Account... of Inoculating the Small-Pox, by Cotton Mather;
  • Memorable Providences, Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions, by Cotton Mather;
  • Sentiments on the Small Pox Innoculated, by Cotton Mather;
  • Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather;


  • Raymond, by Oliver J. Lodge;


  • Historia Regum Britanniae, by Geoffrey of Monmouth;

Microbe killer[edit]

  • R. G. Eccles in Druggist's Circular (1889);

James Burnett Monboddo[edit]

  • Of the Origin and Progress of Language, by James Burnett Monboddo;

Moon, life on the[edit]

  • Orlando Furioso, by Ludovico Ariosto;
  • Voyages to the Moon and the Sun, by Cyrano de Bergerac;
  • A True History, by Lucian;

Frederic William Henry Myers[edit]

  • Human Personality and Its Survival after Bodily Death, by F. W. H. Myers;

Mystery Hill[edit]

  • Antiquitatis Americanae, by Charles C. Rafn;

Natural theology[edit]

  • Origin of the Species, by Charles Darwin;
  • Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, by David Hume;

Nebular hypothesis[edit]

  • Exposition de Systeme du Monde, by Pierre Simon Laplace;


  • Theory of the Earth, by James Hutton;

Isaac Newton[edit]

  • Principia, by Isaac Newton;


  • Prophecies of Nostradamus;


  • Collier's 1905 series by Samuel Hopkins Adams;


  • I Ching;

Ontogency and Phylogeny[edit]

  • Uber Arbeitsheitlung in Natur und Menschenleben, by Ernst Haeckel;

Antoon Cornelis Oudemans[edit]

  • The Great Sea Serpent, by Antoon Cornelis Oudemans;

William Paley[edit]

  • Natural Theology, by William Paley;
  • Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, by William Paley;
  • A View of the Evidences of Christendom, by William Paley;


  • The Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft, by John Webster;

Robert Edwin Peary[edit]

  • The North Pole, by Robert Edwin Peary;
  • Northward Over the 'Great Ice,' by Robert Edwin Peary;
  • Secrets of Polar Travel, by Robert Edwin Peary;


  • Samuel Hopkins Adams' Collier's series;


  • Anatomie et Physiologie du systeme nerveux en general et du cerveau en particular, by Franz Gall et al.;

Pliny the elder[edit]

  • Historia naturalis, by Pliny the Elder;

Polar shift[edit]

  • Electricity and Magnetism, by S. G. Starling;

George McCready Price[edit]

  • The New Geology, by George McCready Price;

George Psamanazar[edit]

  • A Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa, by Gbeorge Psamanazar;

Psychic photography[edit]

  • Princess Mary's Gift Book;

Pyramid inch[edit]

  • Life and Work at the Great Pyramid, by Charles Piazzi Smyth;
  • On the Antiquity of Intellectual Man, by Charles Piazzi Smyth;
  • Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid, by Charles Piazzi Smyth;


  • The Great Pyramid – Its Divine Message, by David Davidson;

Racial theories[edit]

  • Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler;
  • Account of the Racial Gradation in Man, by Charles White;

Religious Science[edit]

  • The Law of Psychic Phenomena, by Thomas Jay Hudson;
  • The Edinburgh Lectures, by Thomas Troward;

Root races[edit]

  • The Secret Doctrine, by Madame Blavatsky;
  • Atlantis and Lemuria, by Rudolph Steiner;
  • The Story of Atlantis (1914);

Alfred Rosenberg[edit]

  • The Protocols of Zion (1923);

Science fiction and science[edit]

  • A Princess of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs;
  • Five Weeks in a Balloon, by Jules Verne;
  • From the Earth to the Moon, by Jules Verne;
  • Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne;
  • The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne;
  • The Invisible Man, by H. G. Wells;
  • The Island of Doctor Moreau, by H. G. Wells;
  • The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells;
  • The War of the Worlds, by H. G. Wells;

Sight without glasses[edit]

  • Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment without Glasses, by William Horatio Bates;

Samuel G. Soal[edit]

  • Raymond, by Oliver Lodge;

Social Darwinism[edit]

  • On the Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin;

Soviet science[edit]

  • The Dialectics of Nature, by Friedrich Engels;

Lewis Spence[edit]

  • An Encyclopedia of Occultism, by Lewis Spence;
  • The Problem of Atlantis, by Lewis Spence;

Johann Christophe Gaspar Spurzheim[edit]

  • Anatomie et Physiologie du systeme nerveux en general et du cerveau en particular, by Franz Gall, et. al.;

Rudolf Steiner[edit]

  • The Philosophy of Freedom, by Rudolf Steiner;

William Stukeley[edit]

  • Stonehenge, a Temple Restored to the British Druids, by William Stukeley;

Sun stood still, day the[edit]

  • Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina, by Galileo Galilei;

John Cleves Symmes[edit]

  • Symmes' Theory of Concentric Spheres, by James McBride;
  • The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, by Edgar Allan Poe;
  • The Symmes' Theory of Concentric Spheres, by Americus Symmes;
  • Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery (1820);


  • Theory of Color, by J. W. von Goethe;

Talking apes[edit]

  • Apes and Monkeys, by Richard L. Garner;
  • Gorillas and Chimpanzees, by Richard L. Garner;
  • The Speech of Monkeys, by Richard L. Garner;

Tar water[edit]

  • Siris, a Chain of philosophical reflections and Enquiries on the Virtue of Tar Water, by George Berkeley;


  • Alpenrosen (1841);
  • Das Thierleben der Alpenwelt, by Friedrich von Tschudi;

Cyrus Reed Teed[edit]

  • The Cellular Cosmology, by Cyrus Reed Teed;
  • The Illumination of Koresh, by Cyrus Reed Teed;


  • Isis Unveiled, by Madame Blavatsky;
  • The Secret Doctrine, by Madame Blavatsky;

Time travel[edit]

  • A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens;
  • Rip Van Winkle, by Washington Irving;
  • A Tale of the Ragged Mountain, by Edgar Allan Poe;
  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, by Mark Twain;

Mary Toft[edit]

  • Sketches of Imposture, Deception and Credulity, by Richard Alfred Davenport;
  • A Short Narrative of an Extraordinary Delivery of Rabbits, by R. Nathaniel St. Andre;


  • Iliad, by Homer;
  • Ilios, by Heinrich Schliemann;

Tychonic system[edit]

  • De Astronomicis Hypothesibus, by Nicholas Reimer;

Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation[edit]

  • Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, by Robert Chambers;
  • Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin;


  • Divine Comedy, by Dante;
  • Iliad, by Homer;
  • Odyssey, by Homer;
  • Aeneid, by Virgil;

Alfred Russel Wallace[edit]

  • Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection, by Alfred Russel Wallace;
  • Island Life, by Alfred Russel Wallace;
  • Malay Archipelago, by Alfred Russel Wallace;
  • On the Law Which Has Regulated the Introduction of New Species, by Alfred Russel Wallace;

The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience[edit]

The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience, ed. by Michael Shermer, ABC-Clio, 2002, ISBN 157607-653-9.

Alternative archaeology[edit]

  • Atlantis, by Ignatius Donnelly;

Clever Hans[edit]

  • Clever Hans, by O. Pfungst;

Fairies, elves, pixies, and gnomes[edit]

  • The Coming of the Fairies, by Arthur Conan Doyle;
  • “Fairies Photographed: An Epoch-Making Event,” by Arthur Conan Doyle, Strand magazine, 1920;
  • The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries, by W. Y. Evans Wentz;

Feng shui[edit]

  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;

Piltdown Man[edit]

  • The Descent of Man, by Charles Darwin;

Polygraph and lie detection[edit]

  • “Systolic Blood Pressure Symptoms of Deception,” by William Moulton Marston, Journal of Experimental Psychology 2 (1917);

Prayer and healing[edit]

  • Statistical Inquiries into the Efficacy of Prayer, by F. Galton, Fortnightly Review 12 (1872);


  • Principles of Psychology, by William James;

Societies for Psychical Research[edit]

  • Phantasms of the Living, by Edmond Gurney et al.;