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Historical Dictionary of the Reformed Churches[edit]

Historical Dictionary of the Reformed Churches, 2nd ed.

The European Origins of the Reformed Tradition[edit]

Primary sources[edit]

  • Corpus Reformatorium, ed. Karl Bretschneider et al.;
  • Aktensammlung zur Geschichte der Basler Reformation..., by Emil Durr;
  • Die Bekenntnisschriften der reformierten Kirche, by E. F. Karl Muller;

The Reformation[edit]

Reformation histories and studies[edit]

  • Bibliographie de l'Eglise Evangelique Reformere de la Suisse, by Henri Heyer and Eugene Pollard;
  • Histoire de la Reformation de la Suisse, by Abraham Ruchat and Louis Vulliemin;

The Theology of the Reformation[edit]

  • Die protestantischen Centraldogmen in ihrer Entwicklung innerhal bilder reformierten Kirche, by Alexander Schweitzer;

The Continental Reformers[edit]

Huldrych Zwingli[edit]

Primary sources[edit]
  • Early Writings: The Latin Works of Huldrych Zwingli, Vol. 1, ed. Samuel Macauley Jackson;
  • On Providence and Other Essays: The Later Works of Huldrych Zwingli, Vol. 2, by Samuel Macauley Jackson and William John Hinke;

John Calvin[edit]

  • Jean Calvin, by Emile Doumergue;
  • John Calvin, by Williston Walker;
Primary sources[edit]
  • Commentaries of John Calvin, by John Calvin;

Calvin's Geneva[edit]

  • Histoire de Geneve des origines a l'annee 1691, by Jean-Antoine Gautier;

Other reformers[edit]

Primary sources[edit]
  • The Commentary of Dr. Zacharius Ursinus on the Heidlelberg Catechism, by Zacharius Ursinus;

The British Reformers[edit]

John Knox[edit]

Primary sources[edit]
  • The Works of John Knox, ed. David Laing;

English Reformers[edit]

Primary sources[edit]
  • The Book of Common Prayer;
  • The Marprelate Tracts, by William Pierce;

The Modern Reformist Tradition[edit]

History of Reformed Protestantism[edit]

Primary sources[edit]
  • Proceedings of the Councils of the World Presbyterian Alliance;
  • Proceedings of the International Congregational Council;

Reformed theology[edit]

General introductions[edit]
  • '”Calvinism, by Abraham Kuyper;
Representative works of systematic theology[edit]
17th and 18th century European works[edit]
  • Christian Theology, by Benedict Pictet;
  • Institutes of Elenctic Theology, by Francis Turretin;
17th and 18th British and American works[edit]
  • The Marrow of Theology, by William Ames;
  • Instructiones Historica-Theologicae, by John Forbes;
  • A Golden Chaine, by William Perkins;
  • A Complete Body of Divinity, by Samuel Willard;
19th century European works[edit]
  • Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology: Its Principles, by Abraham Kuyper;
  • The Christian Faith, by Friedrich D. E Schleiermacher;
  • Die Glaubenslehre der Evangellisch-Reformierten Kirche, by Alexander Schweitzer;
19th century North American works[edit]
  • Systemic and Polemic Theology, by Robert Louis Dabney;
  • Outlines of Theology, by A. A. Hodge;
  • Systematic Theology, by Charles Hodge;
  • Dogmatic Theology, by William Shedd;
  • '”System of Christian Theology, by Henry B. Smith;
20th century American works[edit]
  • Christian Theology in Outline, by William Adams Brown;

Systematic Theology, by Augustus Hopkins Strong;

Representative theological studies[edit]
Europe and the British Isles[edit]
  • Lectures on Calvinism, by Abraham Kuyper;
=British Isles=[edit]
  • The Nature of the Atonement, by John McLeod Campbell;
  • Historical Theology, by William Cunningham;
  • The Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation, by James Denney;
  • The Death of Christ, by James Denney;
  • The Philosophy of the Christian Religion, by Andrew Martin Fairbairn;
  • The Person and Place of Jesus Christ, by P. T. Forsyth;
  • Positive Preaching and the Modern Mind, by P. T. Forsyth;
  • A Treatise on Justifying Faith, by James Fraser;
  • The Person of Jesus Christ, by Hugh Ross Mackintosh;
  • The Christian View of God and the World, by James Orr;
  • The Works of John Owen, by John Owen;
North America[edit]
  • God in Christ, by Horace Bushnell;
  • The Mystical Presence, by John W. Nevin;
  • Christianity & the Social Crisis, by Walter Rauschenbusch;
  • A Theology for the Social Gospel, by Walter Rauschenbusch;
  • Lectures on the Moral Government of God, by Nathaniel Taylor;
  • The Collected Works of James Henley Thornwell, by James Henley Thornwell;

Reformed life[edit]

Church and ministry[edit]
Christian education[edit]
  • '”Christian Nurture, by Horace Bushnell;
Church government and ministry[edit]
  • The Worship and Offices of the Church of Scotland, by George W. Sprott;

The world's Reformed churches[edit]


Central Africa[edit]
  • William McCutcheon Morrison, by Thomas C. Vinson;
South Africa[edit]
Histories and studies[edit]
  • A History of Christian Missions in South Africa, by Johannes Du Plessis;


East Asia[edit]
=Histories and studies=[edit]
  • New Forces in Old China, by Arthur Judson Brown;
  • Jubilee Papers of the Central Presbyterian Mission, 1844-1894, ed. J. C. Garrett;
  • China and Formosa, by James Johnston;
  • An Account of the Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, by W. Campbell;
  • From Far Formosa, by George L. MacKay;
Indian Ocean islands[edit]
  • The Martyr Church of Madagascar, by William Ellis;
  • Esquisse de l'histoire du Protestantisme..., by James Forrester Anderson;
Northeast Asia[edit]
  • Underwood of Korea, by Lillias H. Underwood;
Southeast Asia[edit]
  • The New Era in the Philippines, by Arthur Judson Brown;
  • Twenty Years of Presbyterian Work in the Philippines, by James Rogers;
=Thailand and Laos[edit]
  • Siam and Laos as Seen by Our American Missionaries, by Mary Backus;
Southern Asia[edit]
  • Life of Lal Behardi Day, by G. Macpherson;
  • The Life of John Murdoch, LL.D., by Henry Morris;
  • Life and Work in India, by Robert Stewart;
=Histories and studies=[edit]
  • History of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in India, b Rufus Anderson;
  • '”Recollections of Alexander Duff, by Lal Bahari Day;
  • Our India Mission, by Andrew Gordon;
  • The Indian Mission of the Irish Presbyterian Church, by Robert Jeffrey;
  • A History of Protestant Missions in India, by J. A. Richter;
United Kingdom[edit]
=England and Wales=[edit]
  • The Life of R. W. Dale of Birmingham, by A. W. W. Dale;
  • Dictionary of National Biography;
  • Biographical Dictionary of Ministers and Preachers of the Welsh Calvinist Methodist Body, by Joseph Evans;
  • '”A Preacher's Life, by Joseph Parker;
  • The Life of Andrew Martin Fairburn, by W. B. Selbie;
  • History of the London Missionary Society, by William Ellis;
  • The History of the London Missionary Society, 1795-1895, by Richard Lovett;
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • History of English Congregationalists, by R. W. Dale;
  • History of the Puritans, by Daniel Neal;
  • Congregational History, by John Waddrington;
  • '”Welsh Calvinistic Methodism, by William Williams;
  • Letters of Samuel Rutherford...,” by Andrew A. Bonar;
  • William Robertson Nicholl, by T. H. Darlow;

'*George MacLeod, by R. Ferguson;

  • '”Fergus Ferguson, D.D,” by James Leckie;
  • Life and Letters of John Cairns, by A. R. MacEwen;
  • The Eskimos, by A. R. MacEwan;
  • The Life of Robert Flint, by Donald MacMillan;
  • Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae, by Hew Scott;
  • The Life of Principal Rainy, by P. C. Simpson;
  • Worthies of the Evangelical Union (1883);
  • A History of the Foreign Missions of the Church of Scotland, by Robert W. Weir;
=Northern Ireland=[edit]
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • The Reformed Church of Ireland, 1537-1889, by J. T. Bell;
Central and Eastern Europe[edit]
  • Works, by John a Lasco;
Northern Europe[edit]
  • Friedrich William Krummacher, trans. M. G. Easton;
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • The Origin of the Reformed Church in Germany, by James I. Coucol;
  • Gisbertus Voctius, by A. C. Dukar;
Southern Europe[edit]
  • Les Sources de l'histoire de France XVI siecle (1494-1610), by Henri Hausen;
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • The Political Theory of the Huguenots of the Dispersion, by G. H. Dodge;
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • I nostri Protestanti, by Emilio Cumba;
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • History of the Swiss Reformed Church Since the Reformation, by James I. Good;
  • Geschichte der Pietismus in den schweizerischen reformierten Kirchen by Wilhelm Hudorn;
  • Geschichter de Basler Mission 1815-1915, by Wilhelm Schlatter and Hermann Witschl;
Mesoamerica and South America[edit]
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • Panamericanismo, by Erasmo Braga;
  • The Evangelical Invasion of Brazil, by Samuel R. Gammon;
  • Modern Missions on the Spanish Main, by William R. Wheeler;
  • Twenty Years Among the Mexicans, by Melinda Rankin;
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • Modern Missions in Mexico, by William R. Wheeler;
  • Modern Missions on the Spanish Main, by William R. Wheeler;
Middle East[edit]
=Middle East region=[edit]
  • Memoir of the Rev. Pliny Fisk, ed. Alvan Bond;
  • Memoir of the Late Rev. Levi Parsons, ed. Daniel Oliver Morton;
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • History of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to the Oriental Churches, by Rufus Anderson;
  • A History of Protestant Missions in the Near East, by Julius Richter;
  • A Master Builder on the Nile, by Rena L. Hogg;
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • The American Mission in Egypt, 1854-1896, by Andrew Watson;
  • In the Valley of the Nile, by Charles R. Watson;
  • '”The Sea of Galilee Mission of the Free Church of Scotland, by J. H. Wilson and James Wells;
=Lebanon and Syria=[edit]
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • Bible Work in Bible Lands, by Isaac Bird;
  • Fifty-Three Years in Syria, by Henry Harris Jessup;
North American and Caribbean[edit]
==Presbyterian and Reformed Churches==[edit]
  • History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion of Canada from the Earliest Times to 1834, by William Gregg;
  • The Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1875-1925, by John T. McNeill;
=United States of America=[edit]
===General works in religion===[edit]
  • Cyclopaedia Bibliogrpahica, by James Darling;
===Biographical reference works===[edit]
  • Index of Presbyterian Ministers … From A.D. 1706 to A. D. 1881, by William J. Beecher;
  • Cyclopedic Manual of the United Presbyterian Church, by William Melanchthon Glasgow;
  • Annals of the American Pulpit, by William B. Sprague;
  • President Witherspoon, by Varnum L. Collins;
===Congregational tradition===[edit]
  • The Story of the Churches, by Leonard Bacon;
  • A History of the Congregational Churches in the United States, by Williston Walker;
===Presbyterian tradition===[edit]
  • A History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States, by Robert E. Thompson;
===Reformed churches===[edit]
  • A History of the Reformed Church, German, by Joseph Dubbs;
  • A History of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, by David Dunn;
  • The Story of the American Board, by Wiliam E. Strong;
=Pacific region=[edit]
  • Life of William Ellis, by John Ellis;
  • A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Seas Islands, by John Williams;
==Histories and Studies==[edit]
  • Polynesian Researches, by William Ellis;
=New Zealand=[edit]
==Histories and studies==[edit]
  • History of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, by John Rawson Elder;
=Pacific Ocean islands: Polynesia=[edit]
==Cook Islands==[edit]
  • Dictionary of the Christian World Mission (1907);
  • A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Seas Islands, by John Williams;
===Primary sources===[edit]
  • A Brief History of the Hawaiian People, by W. D. Alexander;
  • The Hawaiian Islands, by Rufus Anderson;
  • Life in Hawaii, by Titus Coan;
  • Polynesian Researches, by William Ellis;
===Reference works===[edit]
  • '”Concise Dictionary of the Christian World Mission: Cyclopedia of Samoa, Tonga, Tahiti, and the Cook Islands (1907);
===Primary sources===[edit]
  • A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Seas Islands, by John Williams;
===Reference works===[edit]
  • '”Concise Dictionary of the Christian World Mission: Cyclopedia of Samoa, Tonga, Tahiti, and the Cook Islands (1907);
=Pacific Ocean islands: Micronesia=[edit]
  • Micronesia, Fifty Years in the Island World, by Theodora Crosby Bliss;
  • Guam, A Sketch of the Mission of the American Board, by Francis M. Price;
=Pacific Ocean islands: Melanesia=[edit]
  • The Triumph of the Gospel in the New Hebrides, by Frank Hume L. Paton;
  • John G. Paton, DD, ed. James Paton;