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Wikipedia:WikiProject Palestine/Images

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WikiProject Palestine Resource Centre

This is a project to organize resources for articles related to Palestine.



Searchable collections




Free Image Search Tool

  • FIST Search for free images to add to Wikipedia articles, or replace non-free images and placeholders.

Imperial War Museum

  • The Imperial War Museum has excellent collections on Palestine, which makes it a first class resource; unfortunately most cannot be used on Wikipedia.

Library of Congress


Matson Archive

  • The G. Eric and Edith Matson Negatives are a rich source of historical images of the Middle East—notably Palestine, present day Israel, and the West Bank—from 1898 to1946. The collection contains 20,000 glass and film photographic negatives, created by the American Colony Photo Department and its successor firm, the Matson Photo Service.

Palestine Remembered

  • Palestine Remembered incorporates a huge collection of contemporary and historical images, most of which are in the public domain.