It has been 4796 days since the election. (As of 12 January 2025)
Want to be involved? Add yourself in the volunteers column for whichever task you want to do. Some tasks should probably be split between more than one person, so feel free to nominate yourself for electorates A-M (or something like that) if you don't want to do all of them.
If there are pages which need to be updated and aren't listed here, add them in.
Most info will be at Some results can be added in on election night if it's obvious what the result is, others will have to wait until final vote counts or the finalisation of coalition agreements. The aim should be to get the basic info in (party W holds seat X, candidate Y defeated, party Z back in parliament, etc) as soon as possible, and add the details like exact vote counts later on, when this becomes available.
When you're done, indicate this in the completion status column or, if appropriate, put a line through the link to the page you've updated. If you're not able to finish your task within a reasonable time, indicate where you're up to so someone else can finish it.
Parties which will clearly not be in the new government: 1 week after final vote count, all others: 1 week after coalition agreement reached or final votes counted, whichever comes later