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Wikipedia:WikiProject Firearms/Cartridges

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item Article description Country Image Ammunition
Q4545164 .14-222 cartridge United States of America
Q4545168 .17 Ackley Bee cartridge United States of America
Q107174338 .17 Bumble Bee wildcat cartridge for firearms
Q2669878 .17 HM2 rimfire cartridge United States of America
Q591520 .17 HMR rimfire rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545171 .17 Hornet cartridge United States of America
Q4545173 .17 Mach IV cartridge United States of America
Q4545174 .17 PMC/Aguila rimfire cartridge
Q4027894 .17 Remington rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545175 .17 Remington Fireball rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545176 .17 Rimfire cartridge disambiguation page
Q4545177 .17 Winchester Super Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q4545166 .17-223 cartridge
Q4630529 .20 BR rifle cartridge
Q4545178 .20 Tactical cartridge United States of America
Q4545179 .20 VarTarg cartridge United States of America
Q2806370 .204 Ruger centerfire rifle cartridge
Q4545180 .218 Bee cartridge
Q4545181 .219 Donaldson Wasp cartridge
Q4545182 .219 Zipper cartridge United States of America
Q4545192 .22 Accelerator Cartridge with a saboted sub-caliber bullet of 5.7 mm (.224") for use in 7.62 mm (.30") bore.
Q4545196 .22 BB cartridge
Q4545194 .22 BR Remington cartridge United States of America
Q357474 .22 CB rimfire ammunition
Q30302107 .22 CCM rifle cartridge
Q4545195 .22 CHeetah cartridge
Q4545197 .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer rifle cartridge United States of America
Q158698 .22 Hornet centerfire rifle cartridge United States of America
Q1056993 .22 Long rimfire ammunition
Q13422995 .22 PPC rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545201 .22 Remington Automatic cartridge United States of America
Q4545200 .22 Remington Jet cartridge
Q4545202 .22 Spitfire cartridge
Q15964367 .22 TCM .22 Tuason Craig Micromagnum
Q4545204 .22 Winchester Automatic cartridge United States of America
Q4545203 .22 Winchester Centerfire cartridge United States of America
Q158700 .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire rimfire cartridge United States of America
Q3596389 .22 Winchester Rimfire rimfire rifle cartridge United States of America
Q969615 .22 extra long obsolete rimfire rifle and handgun cartridge United States of America
Q158715 .22 long rifle cartridge type for rifles, pistols and revolvers United States of America
Q158701 .22 short firearm ammunition type United States of America
Q1795017 .22-250 Remington rifle cartridge United States of America
Q30250509 .220 Rook centerfire rifle cartridge
Q2806376 .220 Swift rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545189 .221 Remington Fireball cartridge United States of America
Q2664963 .222 Remington rifle cartridge United States of America
Q3596387 .222 Remington Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q4545184 .222 rimmed cartridge Australia
Q2076678 .223 Remington cartridge United States of America
Q4027896 .223 Winchester Super Short Magnum rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545191 .224 Boz cartridge United Kingdom
Q52529137 .224 Montgomery wildcat pistol cartridge
Q4545193 .224 Weatherby Magnum cartridge
Q4545185 .224-32 FA cartridge
Q4545188 .225 Winchester cartridge
Q4545205 .240 Apex cartridge
Q4545209 .240 Weatherby Magnum cartridge
Q19562901 .242 Rimless Nitro Express UK centerfire rifle cartridge
Q158704 .243 Winchester rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545206 .243 Winchester Super Short Magnum cartridge
Q4545208 .244 H&H Magnum cartridge United Kingdom
Q30250483 .246 Purdey centerfire rifle cartridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q245476 .25 ACP centerfire pistol cartridge United States of America
Q4545220 .25 NAA cartridge United States of America
Q4545223 .25 Remington cartridge United States of America
Q4545222 .25 Stevens cartridge United States of America
Q4545224 .25 Stevens Short cartridge United States of America
Q4545225 .25 Winchester Super Short Magnum cartridge
Q4545210 .25-06 Remington cartridge
Q158706 .25-20 Winchester ammunition United States of America
Q4545211 .25-21 Stevens cartridge United States of America
Q4545212 .25-25 Stevens cartridge United States of America
Q158708 .25-35 Winchester cartridge
Q25100238 .25-45 Sharps rifle cartridge
Q4545219 .250-3000 Savage rifle cartridge
Q30250490 .255 Jeffery Rook centerfire rifle cartridge
Q4545215 .256 Newton cartridge
Q4545213 .256 Winchester Magnum Firearms cartridge United States of America
Q4545217 .257 Roberts Rifle cartridge United States of America
Q13422996 .257 Weatherby Magnum Rifle cartridge United States of America
Q158710 .260 Remington cartridge
Q4545226 .264 Warrior Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q158712 .264 Winchester Magnum rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545227 .270 British cartridge United Kingdom
Q3596390 .270 Weatherby Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q2611572 .270 Winchester rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545231 .270 Winchester Short Magnum cartridge
Q4545229 .275 H&H Magnum cartridge
Q4545228 .276 Enfield cartridge United Kingdom
Q4545234 .276 Pedersen cartridge United States of America
Q21079444 .277 Wolverine wildcat cartridge
Q2032689 .280 British rifle cartridge United Kingdom
Q48973087 .280 Flanged rimmed, bottleneck, centerfire rifle cartridge
Q19562905 .280 Jeffery UK centerfire rifle cartridge
Q158714 .280 Remington cartridge
Q929030 .280 Ross rifle cartridge Canada
Q4545235 .284 Winchester cartridge United States of America
Q55600324 .297/230 Morris pistol and rifle cartridges
Q30250506 .297/250 Rook centerfire rifle cartridge
Q155194 .30 Carbine light rifle cartridge for M1 Carbine United States of America
Q4545258 .30 Newton cartridge
Q158728 .30 R Blaser cartridge Germany
Q4545256 .30 RAR cartridge United States of America
Q4209700 .30 Remington Rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545259 .30 Remington AR cartridge United States of America
Q111082797 .30 Super Carry handgun cartridge United States of America
Q16245319 .30 TC rifle cartridge
Q30299895 .30-01 rifle cartridge
Q4545233 .30-03 rifle cartridge
Q4545236 .30-06 JDJ cartridge United States of America
Q158721 .30-06 Springfield cartridge United States of America
Q158718 .30-30 Winchester rifle cartridge designed by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company United States of America
Q4545245 .30-378 Weatherby Magnum cartridge
Q158719 .30-40 Krag rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545240 .300 H&H Magnum cartridge United Kingdom
Q4545241 .300 Lapua Magnum Finnish rifle cartridge Finland
Q4545242 .300 Norma Magnum cartridge Sweden
Q13409802 .300 Pegasus rifle cartridge
Q4545244 .300 Remington SA Ultra Mag cartridge
Q4027897 .300 Remington Ultra Magnum rifle cartridge United States of America
Q30250504 .300 Rook centerfire rifle cartridge
Q4545246 .300 Ruger Compact Magnum cartridge
Q4545249 .300 Savage cartridge United States of America
Q30250501 .300 Sherwood centerfire rifle cartridge
Q4545248 .300 Weatherby Magnum cartridge
Q4545250 .300 Whisper cartridge
Q158726 .300 Winchester Magnum rifle cartridge United States of America
Q158720 .300 Winchester Short Magnum centerfire rifle cartridge United States of America
Q259255 .303 British British military rifle cartridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q19562907 .303 Magnum centerfire rifle cartridge
Q4545254 .303 Savage cartridge United States of America
Q4545251 .303/22 cartridge Australia
Q4545252 .303/25 cartridge Australia
Q2806378 .307 Winchester rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545255 .308 Marlin Express Firearm cartridge United States of America
Q158724 .308 Norma Magnum cartridge Sweden
Q2005795 .308 Winchester cartridge United States of America
Q15964368 .308×1.5-inch Barnes wildcat cartridge based on the .308 Winchester
Q4545260 .310 Cadet cartridge United Kingdom
Q18208395 .318 Westley Richards centerfire rifle cartridge
Q158741 .32 ACP pistol cartridge designed by John Moses Browning United States of America
Q1795199 .32 H&R Magnum Revolver cartridge designed by Harrington and Richardson firearms manufacturer and Federal Premium Ammunition
Q4545268 .32 Long Colt Revolver cartridge designed by Colt's Manufacturing Company, LLC
Q4545265 .32 NAA cartridge United States of America
Q4545266 .32 Remington cartridge United States of America
Q2806388 .32 S&W revolver cartridge designed by the Smith & Wesson Company (S&W) United States of America
Q158733 .32 S&W Long revolver cartridge designed by the Smith & Wesson Company (S&W) United States of America
Q4545270 .32 Winchester Self-Loading Rifle cartridge
Q4545271 .32 Winchester Special cartridge United States of America
Q4545269 .32 rimfire revolver cartridge United States of America
Q158729 .32-20 Winchester ammunition United States of America
Q4545263 .32-40 Ballard Rifle cartridge
Q2806379 .320 Revolver cartridge United Kingdom
Q4545264 .325 Winchester Short Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q2806381 .327 Federal Magnum Revolver cartridge designed by Federal Premium Ammunition and Sturm, Ruger & Co.
Q4545284 .33 Winchester cartridge United States of America
Q4545272 .33-40 Pope rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545273 .333 Jeffery cartridge United Kingdom
Q4545275 .333 Jeffery Flanged cartridge
Q20165436 .336 ТКМ Russia
Q4545279 .338 Edge cartridge
Q4545278 .338 Federal cartridge United States of America
Q158739 .338 Lapua Magnum Finnish rifle cartridge Finland
Q30892515 .338 Lobaev Whisper Russia
Q4545280 .338 Marlin Express cartridge
Q4545282 .338 Norma Magnum cartridge Sweden
Q4545281 .338 Remington Ultra Magnum cartridge
Q16744535 .338 Ruger Compact Magnum rifle cartridge United States of America
Q19721815 .338 Spectre United States of America
Q158743 .338 Winchester Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q4545285 .338 Xtreme cartridge
Q4545274 .338-06 cartridge
Q4545276 .338-378 Weatherby Magnum cartridge
Q29843765 .338/.416 Harvey Sniper
Q11955938 .338/50 Talbot
Q4545292 .340 Weatherby Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q104621869 .345 Winchester Self-Loading rimless rifle fire cartridge
Q4545288 .348 Winchester cartridge
Q4545299 .35 Remington cartridge United States of America
Q4545301 .35 S&W Auto cartridge United States of America
Q4545305 .35 Whelen cartridge
Q4545302 .35 Winchester cartridge
Q4545303 .35 Winchester Self-Loading Rifle cartridge
Q85719502 .350 Legend hunting cartridge by Winchester Repeating Arms
Q4545287 .350 Remington Magnum cartridge
Q18208399 .350 Rigby centerfire rifle cartridge
Q4545290 .351 Winchester Self-Loading Rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545291 .356 TSW Pistol cartridge United States of America
Q4545293 .356 Winchester cartridge United States of America
Q158754 .357 Magnum Revolver cartridge designed by Elmer Keith and Phillip B. Sharpe United States of America
Q4545296 .357 Remington Maximum revolver cartridge designed by Remington Arms Company, LLC and Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. United States of America
Q158755 .357 SIG pistol cartridge designed by SIG Sauer and Federal Premium Ammunition Germany
United States of America
Q4545294 .357/44 Bain & Davis cartridge
Q4545298 .358 Norma Magnum cartridge Sweden
Q4545300 .358 Winchester cartridge
Q116845650 .360 Buckhammer centerfire rifle cartridge
Q30250519 .360 No 2 Nitro Express centerfire rifle cartridge
Q30250511 .360 No 5 Rook centerfire rifle cartridge
Q19562909 .369 Nitro Express rifle cartridge
Q19605914 .375 Chey Tac rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545304 .375 Dakota cartridge
Q19562911 .375 Flanged Nitro Express rifle cartridge
Q158761 .375 Holland & Holland Magnum rifle cartridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q110233053 .375 Hölderlin rifle cartridge Germany
Q4545307 .375 Remington Ultra Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q4545308 .375 Ruger cartridge
Q4545309 .375 Viersco Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q4545310 .375 Weatherby Magnum cartridge
Q4545311 .375 Whelen cartridge United States of America
Q2806382 .375 Winchester cartridge
Q4545312 .376 Steyr cartridge Austria
Q4545313 .378 Weatherby Magnum rifle cartridge
Q2660322 .38 ACP cartridge United States of America
Q1797555 .38 Long Colt revolver cartridge by Colt's Manufacturing Company, LLC
Q158764 .38 S&W Revolver cartridge designed by Smith & Wesson (S&W)
Q2806386 .38 Short Colt Revolver cartridge designed by Colt's Manufacturing Company, LLC
Q24634 .38 Special revolver cartridge designed by Smith & Wesson
Q158769 .38 Super pistol cartridge designed by Colt's Manufacturing Company, LLC
Q4545320 .38 rimfire Revolver cartridge United States of America
Q2806385 .38-200 cartridge
Q158757 .38-40 Winchester cartridge United States of America
Q2806383 .38-55 Winchester Rifle cartridge designed by the Ballard Rifle & Cartridge Company United States of America
Q4545315 .38-56 WCF cartridge
Q4545317 .38-72 Winchester cartridge
Q4545318 .38/.45 Clerke pistol cartridge United States of America
Q158766 .380 ACP pistol cartridge designed by John Moses Browning United States of America
Q30250514 .380 Long centerfire rifle cartridge
Q158782 .40 S&W Pistol cartridge (.40 caliber) United States of America
Q4545333 .40 Super Pistol cartridge designed by Fernando Coelho and Tom Burczynski United States of America
Q20087681 .40-60 Winchester rifle cartridge
Q4545319 .40-65 Winchester cartridge
Q4545321 .40-72 Winchester rifle cartridge
Q158773 .400 Corbon Pistol cartridge
Q4545322 .400 H&H Magnum cartridge
Q102035945 .400 Jeffery Nitro Express cartridge
Q118899075 .400 Legend hunting cartridge by Winchester Repeating Arms
Q30250493 .400 Purdey centerfire rifle cartridge
Q16000521 .400 Taylor Magnum rifle cartridge
Q99774856 .400 Whelen rifle cartridge United States of America
Q19562914 .400/350 Nitro Express rifle cartridge
Q30250517 .400/360 Nitro Express centerfire rifle cartridge
Q19562915 .400/375 Belted Nitro Express rifle cartridge
Q4545328 .401 Winchester Self-Loading Rifle cartridge
Q4545332 .404 Jeffery Rifle cartridge
Q4545330 .405 Winchester rifle cartridge
Q158774 .408 Chey Tac cartridge United States of America
Q2894884 .41 Action Express Pistol cartridge designed by Evan Whildin United States of America
Q4545340 .41 Long Colt Revolver cartridge designed by Colt's Manufacturing Company, LLC
Q4545348 .41 Remington Magnum Revolver cartridge designed by Elmer Keith and Bill Jordan
Q4545343 .41 Rimfire Cartridge Revolver cartridge
Q107359670 .41 Short Colt Type of bullet cartridge
Q20087684 .41 Special Revolver cartridge designed by Elmer Keith
Q16823928 .41 rimfire revolver cartridge
Q782168 .410 bore shotgun bore designed by Charles Eley and William Eley
Q4545334 .416 Barrett cartridge United States of America
Q11955937 .416 Hoffman rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545339 .416 Remington Magnum cartridge
Q2510141 .416 Rigby cartridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q4545337 .416 Ruger cartridge United States of America
Q110280922 .416 TYR ammunition cartridge Turkey
Q4545341 .416 Taylor cartridge
Q4545342 .416 Weatherby Magnum cartridge
Q4545345 .425 Westley Richards cartridge
Q15964370 .43 Egyptian
Q15964371 .43 Spanish rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545349 .44 Bull Dog revolver cartridge
Q4545350 .44 Colt revolver cartridge designed by Colt's Manufacturing Company, LLC
Q158781 .44 Henry rimfire revolver and rifle cartridge
Q94598 .44 Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q13422997 .44 Remington Centerfire revolver cartridge United States of America
Q4027899 .44 Russian black-powder center-fire metallic revolver cartridge United States of America
Q4545352 .44 S&W American revolver cartridge designed by Smith & Wesson (S&W)
Q667409 .44 Special smokeless centerfire revolver cartridge United States of America
Q158779 .44-40 Winchester rifle/pistol cartridge
Q4545346 .440 Cor-bon Pistol cartridge
Q2806390 .442 Webley cartridge
Q4545347 .444 Marlin cartridge
Q158803 .45 ACP Pistol cartridge (.45 ACP) United States of America
Q2806391 .45 Auto Rim Revolver cartridge designed by the Peters Cartridge Company United States of America
Q4545362 .45 Black Powder Magnum Revolver cartridge designed by Dieska
Q158794 .45 Blaser
Q1820043 .45 Colt revolver cartridge designed by Colt's Manufacturing Company, LLC and the Union Metallic Cartridge Company (UMC)
Q158801 .45 GAP pistol cartridge designed by Ernest Durham Austria
United States of America
Q105502711 .45 Gardner Gatling
Q4545364 .45 Mars Long cartridge
Q4545367 .45 Schofield cartridge
Q4545366 .45 Super Pistol cartridge designed by Dean Grennell
Q4545370 .45 Winchester Magnum pistol cartridge designed by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company United States of America
Q20087692 .45-60 Winchester rifle cartridge
Q158787 .45-70 rifle cartridge designed by the United States Government
Q20087688 .45-75 Winchester rifle cartridge
Q4545353 .45-90 Sharps cartridge
Q4545355 .450 Adams British black powder centrefire revolver cartridge
Q25348796 .450 Black Powder Express rifle cartridge England
Q4545356 .450 Bushmaster cartridge
Q4027900 .450 Marlin Rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4027901 .450 Nitro Express cartridge
Q20087686 .450 No 2 Nitro Express rifle cartridge
Q4545357 .450 Rigby cartridge
Q25100076 .450/400 Black Powder Express rifle cartridge
Q4545354 .450/400 Nitro Express cartridge
Q30300666 .451 Detonics Magnum pistol cartridge
Q158791 .454 Casull revolver cartridge designed by Dick Casull, Duane Marsh, and Jack Fullmer United States of America
Q158789 .455 Webley revolver cartridge
Q4545358 .458 Express cartridge
Q1813388 .458 Lott rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545359 .458 SOCOM rifle cartridge United States of America
Q158792 .458 Winchester Magnum rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4545360 .458×2-inch American cartridge
Q15964369 .46 rimfire revolver cartridge United States of America
Q113038939 .460 Rowland US rifle cartridge
Q158804 .460 S&W Magnum centerfire revolver cartridge United States of America
Q18404479 .460 Steyr centerfire sniper rifle cartridge designed by Steyr Mannlicher Austria
Q158806 .460 Weatherby Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q48988578 .461 Gibbs rifle cartridge
Q4545373 .465 H&H Magnum cartridge
Q4545371 .470 Capstick cartridge
Q4027904 .470 Nitro Express centerfire rifle cartridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q4545374 .475 A&M Magnum cartridge United States of America
Q4545375 .475 Linebaugh cartridge United States of America
Q4545376 .475 Nitro Express cartridge United Kingdom
Q4545377 .475 No. 2 Nitro Express cartridge United Kingdom
Q4545381 .475 Wildey Magnum pistol cartridge
Q4545379 .476 Enfield revolver cartridge
Q105502697 .476 Martini-Henry
Q4545380 .476 Nitro Express cartridge
Q4545387 .480 Ruger revolver cartridge designed by Sturm, Ruger and Hornady United States of America
Q158819 .50 Action Express pistol cartridge United States of America
Q4545393 .50 Alaskan wildcat rifle cartridge
Q171628 .50 BMG rifle cartridge designed by John Moses Browning
Q625364 .50 Beowulf cartridge United States of America
Q3597229 .50 British .50-inch semi rimmed cartridge British Empire
Q158815 .50 GI pistol cartridge United States of America
Q4545395 .50 Peacekeeper wildcat rifle cartridge
Q44232118 .50 Remington Navy American rimfire handgun cartridge
Q4545382 .50-110 Winchester rifle cartridge
Q158805 .50-140 Sharps cartridge
Q44233322 .50-60-400 Joslyn American rifle cartridge
Q158809 .50-70 Government rifle cartridge
Q158810 .50-90 Sharps cartridge
Q4545383 .500 A-Square cartridge
Q4545385 .500 Black Powder Express cartridge
Q115814030 .500 Bushwhacker revolver cartridge designed by James and Keith Tow
Q4545386 .500 Jeffery Rifle cartridge England
Q4545391 .500 Linebaugh revolver cartridge United States of America
Q4545388 .500 Maximum cartridge United States of America
Q4545389 .500 Nitro Express centerfire rifle cartridge
Q4545390 .500 No. 2 Express cartridge
Q158812 .500 S&W Magnum high-powered revolver caliber United States of America
Q4545392 .500 S&W Special cartridge
Q107222813 .500 Whisper belted bottleneck cartridge United States of America
Q158811 .500 Wyoming Express cartridge United States of America
Q24893783 .500/450 Magnum Black Powder Express centerfire rifle cartridge United Kingdom
Q4545384 .500/465 Nitro Express cartridge England
Q20087696 .500/465 Nitro Express rifle cartridge
Q4027903 .505 Gibbs rifle cartridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q4545398 .510 DTC EUROP rifle cartridge based on .50 BMG France
Q45197128 .510 Kodiak Express large rifle cartridge
Q4545399 .510 Whisper beltless bottleneck cartridge
Q4545400 .55 Boys anti-tank rifle ammunition used by the Boys .55in Anti-Tank Rifle
Q158817 .56-56 Spencer American black powder rifle cartridge United States of America
Q25100083 .577 Black Powder Express rifle cartridge
Q4027908 .577 Nitro Express cartridge United Kingdom
Q4545401 .577 Snider cartridge
Q158820 .577 Tyrannosaur cartridge United States of America
Q4545402 .577/.500 Magnum Nitro Express cartridge
Q4027907 .577/450 Martini-Henry British rifle cartridge
Q105494158 .58 Berdan
Q105494114 .58 musket cartridge
Q4545404 .585 Nyati cartridge
Q4027910 .600 Nitro Express cartridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q4545406 .600 Overkill cartridge
Q158824 .700 Nitro Express cartridge United Kingdom
Q158823 .950 JDJ rifle cartridge
Q123857938 0.60 rimless, bottlenecked rifle cartridge
Q106533755 10,35 x 20 mm Kingdom of Italy
Q60983401 10,3x68 Magnum
Q4545910 10.15×61mmR rifle cartridge Union between Sweden and Norway
Q3596789 10.35×47 mm R Italian rifle cartridge Kingdom of Italy
Q163821 10.4 x 38mm Swiss Swiss cartridge
Q3596788 10.4 × 20 mm R revolver cartridge Switzerland
Kingdom of Italy
Q27627598 10.6×25mmR pistol cartridge
Q23012339 10.75 x 68mm Mauser rifle cartridge
Q104836877 106 x 607 mm R ammunition cartridge size United States of America
Q104836961 108 x 681 mm R ammunition cartridge size Czechoslovakia
Q169130 10mm Auto Pistol cartridge designed by Jeff Cooper and Norma Precision United States of America
Q4547224 11.35mm Schouboe pistol cartridge Denmark
Q104836976 110 x 445 mm R ammunition cartridge size Germany
Q104895699 110 x 505 mm R artillery cartridge Germany
Q41577697 114 mm HE N4A1 artillery ammunition type
Q41577829 114 mm RE artillery ammunition type
Q41577645 114 mm fixed cartridge artillery ammunition size
Q104895970 114 x 695 mm R artillery cartridge United Kingdom
Q2807123 11mm French Ordnance rimmed black powder revolver cartridge
Q17560835 11x58mmR rifle cartridge Austria-Hungary
Q66245023 11x58mmR Mannlicher Austria-Hungary
Q25497998 11×36 R Werndl rifle cartridge Austria-Hungary
Q25498012 11×42 R Werndl rifle cartridge Austria-Hungary
Q30015047 11×59mmR Gras rifle cartridge France
Q4548026 11×60mm Mauser rifle cartridge German Empire
Q2933934 12 gauge shotgun ammunition
Q107238576 12 mm Lefaucheux black powder revolver cartridge
Q4548052 12.17×42mm RF rifle cartridge Union between Sweden and Norway
Q171615 12.7×108mm rifle cartridge Soviet Union
Q4548051 12.7×55mm STs-130 Russian military subsonic intermediate rifle cartridge Soviet Union
Q4548122 120 mm M984 extended-range DPICM mortar round United States of America
Q21661381 13.2 × 96 mm Hotchkiss France
Q4548972 13.2mm TuF rifle cartridge Germany
German Empire
Q110517370 13.2×99mm Hotchkiss heavy machine gun cartridge France
Q25498725 14 x 33 mm R Austria-Hungary
Q186992 14.5 x 114 mm anti-tank rifle ammunition used by the PTRS-41 Soviet Union
Q4549587 14.5mm JDJ rifle cartridge United States of America
Q29048659 15×104mm Brno ammunition cartridge
Q42314058 2 cm PzGr 39 ammunition
Q42314071 2 cm PzGr 40 ammunition
Q42314099 2 cm Sprenggranate 39 ammunition Germany
Q222891 2 mm Kolibri centerfire pistol cartridge Austria-Hungary
Q17008122 2.34mm rimfire
Q2933951 20 mm cartridge firearm caliber
Q131530981 20 × 128 mm Oerlikon 20 mmammunition cartridge
Q116270265 20 × 42mmB cannon cartridge designed by Denel South Africa
Q116270266 20 × 82mm cannon cartridge designed by Denel South Africa
Q212866 20 × 99 mm R Soviet Union
Q110647202 20×102 mm 20 mm cartridge, known for its use in M61 Vulcan United States of America
Q112040847 20×110mm HS 20 mm ammunition
Q56303965 20×110mm USN cold War-era American autocannon cartridge United States of America
Q25380138 20×120mm 1930s 20 mm ammunition Denmark
Q20010258 20×125mm Empire of Japan
Q4630843 20×138mmB ammunition cartridge in caliber 20mm Switzerland
Q10542607 20×145mmR Sweden
Q28668929 20×82mm 20 mm ammunition cartridge Nazi Germany
South Africa
Q2815141 23×115mm Soviet low-caliber autocannon cartridge Soviet Union
Q2815146 23×152mm Powerful Soviet low-caliber autocannon cartridge Soviet Union
Q218474 25 mm grenade ammunition United States of America
Q112167739 25×137mm common caliber of western 25 mm ammunition Switzerland
United States of America
Q42333770 3.7 cm Panzergranate (t) ammunition Czechoslovakia
Q1579701 300 AAC Blackout rifle cartridge
Q57594507 30×165mm
Q867850 30×29mm cartridge Soviet Union
Q106624032 35 mm grenade grenade cartridge People's Republic of China
Q11187611 35 × 228 mm
Q25110073 375 SOCOM rifle cartridge
Q17009599 37x145mmR M4 type of Cannon Ammunition
Q104832611 37×268 mm R ammunition cartridge size Czechoslovakia
Q229865 4,6 x 36 mm CETME cartridge for the experimental assault rifle HK36
Q229829 4.25mm Liliput cartridge
Q4637252 4.38×30mm Libra cartridge for personal defence weapons
Q4637259 4.5×26mm MKR Swedish prototype rifle cartridge
Q4637260 4.6×36 mm rifle cartridge
Q104752750 4.7 cm Pzgr 36(t) anti-tank cartridge Czechoslovakia
Q4637262 4.85x49mm intermediate cartridge
Q17747931 40 mm hylseløs
Q231328 40mm grenade cartridge
Q11788613 40×46 mm low-velocity grenade used in hand-held launchers United States of America
Q11788612 40×47 mm SR grenade Polish grenade cartridge Poland
Q11788614 40×53 mm grenade round United States of America
Q17009671 45 Raptor Rifle cartridge designed by Arne Brennan
Q42302411 5 cm Granate ammunition family
Q42302102 5 cm Panzergranate ammunition series
Q42302084 5 cm Panzergranate 39 armor piercing artillery ammunition
Q42302281 5 cm Panzergranate 40 ammunition Germany
Q42302409 5 cm Sprenggranate ammunition
Q15964355 5 mm Remington Rimfire Magnum bottlenecked rimfire cartridge introduced by Remington Arms Company
Q4641193 5 mm/35 SMc wildcat rifle cartridge
Q10397329 5,7 × 33 mm Swedish cartridge Sweden
Q238418 5.45×18mm cartridge
Q238437 5.45×39mm Soviet intermediate cartridge Soviet Union
Q4639679 5.56×21mm PINDAD weapon round from Indonesia
Q4639683 5.56×30mm MINSAS personal defense weapon round from India
Q238456 5.56×45mm NATO intermediate firearms cartridge United States of America
Q44645734 5.6mm Gewehrpatrone 90 Swiss equivalent of the 5.56x45 mm NATO round
Q3919618 5.6×39mm ammunition cartridge Soviet Union
Q4639682 5.6×50mm Magnum rifle cartridge
Q15964352 5.6×52mmR
Q4639688 5.6×57mm rifle cartridge
Q4639689 5.6×57mmR rifle cartridge
Q4639690 5.6×61mm VHSE rifle cartridge
Q110271692 5.75mm Velodog cartridge France
Q4215890 5.8×21mm DAP92 Chinese armor-piercing pistol cartridge People's Republic of China
Q2667492 5.8×42mm intermediate rifle cartridge of China People's Republic of China
Q113625949 57 × 438 mm
Q11124235 5mm Bergmann pistol cartridge German Empire
Q4641207 5mm Clement Belgian centerfire pistol cartridge
Q4642545 6 mm XC US rimless rifle cartridge
Q104526061 6,5 × 58 R ammunition cartridge Germany
Q104526168 6,5 × 65 R RWS ammunition cartridge Germany
Q104526167 6,5 × 65 RWS ammunition cartridge Germany
Q4641585 6.45×48mm XPL Swiss experimental intermediate cartridge
Q4641586 6.5-06 A-Square US centerfire rifle cartridge
Q4031907 6.5-284 Norma Swedish rifle cartridge Finland
Q28448666 6.5-300 Weatherby Magnum rifle cartridge
Q2817905 6.5mm Bergmann pistol cartridge
Q15964357 6.5mm Creedmoor centerfire rifle cartridge United States of America
Q245478 6.5mm Grendel cartridge United States of America
Q4641588 6.5mm Remington Magnum rifle cartridge
Q4641590 6.5×25mm pistol cartridge
Q623148 6.5×47mm Lapua cartridge
Q2985262 6.5×50mmSR Arisaka Japanese military rifle cartridge
Q2713807 6.5×52mm Mannlicher-Carcano Italian military rifle cartridge Kingdom of Italy
Q15964376 6.5×53mmR rifle cartridge Austria-Hungary
Q4641594 6.5×54mm Mannlicher-Schönauer Austro–Hungarian military rifle cartridge
Q245482 6.5×55 mm Nordic 6mm centerfire cartridge
Q245485 6.5×57mm ball cartridge developed for hunting
Q15964375 6.5×58mm Vergueiro Portuguese rifle cartridge
Q4641592 6.5×68mm rifle cartridge
Q109317261 6.8 Western centerfire rifle cartridge United States of America
Q245493 6.8 mm Remington SPC cartridge United States of America
Q96246407 6.8x51 mm centerfire rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4642555 6mm AR US centerfire wildcat rifle cartridge
Q97626763 6mm ARC American rifle cartridge by Hornady
Q258942 6mm BR rifle cartridge by Norma Precision Sweden
Q607215 6mm Lee Navy cartridge
Q4642558 6mm Musgrave rifle cartridge
Q258947 6mm PPC rifle cartridge
Q2818104 6mm Remington rifle cartridge
Q4642843 6×45mm rifle and handgun cartridge
Q4642544 6×45mm SAW experimental series of rimless bottlenecked intermediate cartridges for US Army
Q259204 7,65×25 Mannlicher pistol cartridge
Q4642860 7-30 Waters rifle and pistol cartridge
Q3599676 7.35×51mm Carcano Italian rifle caliber (now obsolete) Kingdom of Italy
Q48989835 7.5 FK bottlenecked rimless centerfire automatic pistol cartridge Czech Republic
Q2818185 7.5 mm GP 90 rifle cartridge Switzerland
Q106875045 7.5 mm cartridge cartridge size
Q2818187 7.5mm 1882 Ordnance black powder center-fire revolver cartridge
Q259134 7.5×54mm French French military rifle cartridge France
Q259142 7.5×55mm Swiss Swiss rifle cartridge
Q4642908 7.5×57mm MAS French military rifle cartridge France
Q105815889 7.62 × 45 mm SP-16
Q4642912 7.62mm UKM rifle cartridge
Q16911093 7.62x37mm Musang assault rifle cartridge
Q116742763 7.62×17mm Type 64 Pistol cartridge People's Republic of China
Q259170 7.62×25mm Tokarev Pistol cartridge Soviet Union
Q259166 7.62×38mmR Revolver cartridge
Q259196 7.62×39mm intermediate cartridge by Nikolai Mikhailovich Yelizarov and Boris Syomin Soviet Union
Q4642914 7.62×40mm Wilson Tactical rifle cartridge
Q1407232 7.62×42 mm SP-4 silent pistol ammunition from the Soviet Union Soviet Union
Q2818191 7.62×45mm intermediate rifle cartridge
Q15964365 7.62×51mm CETME 7.62×51mm NATO rifle cartridge variant with a plastic-cored lead bullet and a reduced propellant charge
Q259210 7.62×51mm NATO 6.5 x 55 United States of America
Q3439781 7.62×53mmR Finnish rifle cartridge Finland
Q259199 7.62×54mmR Russian rimmed rifle cartridge Russian Empire
Q259228 7.63×25mm Mauser pistol cartridge designed by the Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken Aktiengesellschaft (DWM) German Empire
Q4642915 7.65mm Roth-Sauer Type of centerfire cartridge
Q2818192 7.65×20mm Longue type of ammunition France
Q4642916 7.65×21mm Mannlicher pistol cartridge
Q259237 7.65×21mm Parabellum cartridge
Q259234 7.65×25mm Borchardt pistol cartridge designed by Hugo Borchardt German Empire
Q304635 7.65×53mm Argentine cartridge
Q259249 7.7×58mm Arisaka Japanese military rifle cartridge Japan
Q25345656 7.92 x 94 mm Patronen anti-tank rifle ammunition used by the Panzerbüchse 39
Q259245 7.92mm DS rifle cartridge
Q4642925 7.92×24mm personal defense weapon cartridge
Q259269 7.92×33mm Kurz firearm cartridge Nazi Germany
Q4642922 7.92×36mm EPK rifle cartridge
Q259287 7.92×57mm Mauser rifle cartridge German Empire
Nazi Germany
United States of America
Q4643926 7mm BR Remington rifle cartridge
Q4643927 7mm Fournier rifle cartridge
Q4643930 7mm Penna Italian pistol cartridge Italy
Q3387967 7mm Remington Magnum rifle cartridge
Q4643932 7mm Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum rifle cartridge
Q4643933 7mm Remington Ultra Magnum rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4643934 7mm Shooting Times Westerner wildcat rifle cartridge
Q4643935 7mm Weatherby Magnum rifle cartridge United States of America
Q4643936 7mm Winchester Short Magnum rifle cartridge
Q3388221 7mm-08 Remington necked down .308 Winchester rifle cartridge United States of America
Q270067 7×20mm Nambu cartridge
Q4644242 7×33mm Sako Finnish rifle cartridge Finland
Q4644240 7×54mm Finnish Finnish rifle cartridge Finland
Q4644241 7×54mm Fournier rifle cartridge France
Q270069 7×57mm Mauser German military rifle cartridge German Empire
Q4644244 7×61mm Sharpe & Hart Type of belted cartridge
Q270071 7×64mm cartridge
Q270072 7×65 mm R rifle cartridge
Q3600077 8 mm caliber firearm cartridge classification
Q4644307 8.5mm Mars pistol cartridge
Q2818599 8mm French Ordnance Revolver cartridge
Q2818590 8mm Gasser revolver cartridge Austria-Hungary
Q274935 8mm Lebel first military smokeless gunpowder cartridge French Third Republic
Q4645273 8mm Remington Magnum rifle cartridge
Q4645272 8mm Roth-Steyr pistol cartridge Austria-Hungary
Q22969556 8x57 JRS
Q22815042 8x57 mm Patrone 88 rifle cartridge German Empire
Q99876796 8x64 S rifle cartridge Germany
Q274920 8×22mm Nambu Pistol cartridge designed by Kijiro Nambu
Q3313404 8×50mmR Mannlicher cartridge of Austria-Hungary from 1890 Austria-Hungary
Q20856050 8×52mmR Mannlicher rifle cartridge
Q430184 8×56mmR cartridge First Republic of Austria
Q15964373 8×58mmR rifle cartridge Denmark
Q3600078 8×59mm RB Breda machine gun cartridge Kingdom of Italy
Q2818598 8×60mm S rifle cartridge
Q6380646 8×63mm cartridge m/32 bottlenecked centerfire cartridge Sweden
Q274932 8×68mm S rifle cartridge Nazi Germany
Q101686517 8×72mm R cartridge ammunition Germany
Q12813368 9 mm Major
Q277454 9 mm P.A.K. Caliber of the blank cartridges and tear gas cartridges for pistols
Q10397445 9 mm m/39 Swedish cartridge Sweden
Q12783815 9.3x66 mm SAKO Finnish rifle cartridge Finland
Q10397421 9.3×57mm rifle cartridge
Q274993 9.3×62mm cartridge German Empire
Q274998 9.3×64mm Brenneke cartridge Weimar Republic
Q4032661 9.3×74mmR rifle cartridge Germany
German Empire
Q4645543 9.5×57mm Mannlicher-Schönauer Type of Rifle
Q106875044 93 mm cartridge cartridge size
Q4646472 9mm Browning Long Pistol cartridge designed by John Moses Browning Belgium
Q277453 9mm Glisenti cartridge Kingdom of Italy
Q4646474 9mm Japanese revolver revolver cartridge
Q4646471 9mm Mars pistol cartridge
Q4646477 9mm Winchester Magnum handgun cartridge United States of America
Q277462 9×18mm Makarov Pistol cartridge Soviet Union
Q277465 9×18mm Ultra Pistol cartridge Austria
Q135550 9×19 mm Parabellum pistol cartridge with cal. 9 mm designed by Georg Luger in 1901, standard ammunition for a significant part of pistols on the market today (2023) German Empire
Q44137566 9×19mm 7N31 overpressure 9mm Russian pistol cartridge Russia
Q649326 9×21mm Pistol cartridge Israel
Q4646729 9×21mm Gyurza Russian munition Russia
Q2818782 9×23mm Largo pistol cartridge German Empire
Q2818772 9×23mm Steyr Austro-Hungarian pistol cartridge Austria-Hungary
Q4646728 9×23mm Winchester pistol cartridge designed by John Ricco and Anthony Valdez
Q4646727 9×25mm Dillon pistol cartridge
Q749063 9×25mm Mauser ammunition cartridge
Q4646730 9×25mm Super Auto G Austrian pistol cartridge
Q53949299 9×26 R Gasser Austria-Hungary
Q123232186 9×30mm Grom Russian munition
Q277494 9×39mm Russian military subsonic rifle cartridge
Q4032814 9×53mmR rifle cartridge Soviet Union
Q4032657 9×57mm Mauser rifle cartridge German Empire
Q4646733 9×90mm MEN
Q5222454 Dardick tround Triangular firearms cartridge
Q1426928 Dragon's breath incendiary-effect round for shotgun
Q238461 FN 5.7×28mm Handgun cartridge manufactured by FN Herstal Belgium
Q631053 German Sport Guns GSG-5 type of Rimfire semi-automatic rifle
.22 long rifle
Q229873 HK 4.6×30mm cartridge Germany
Q5954119 Hydra-Shok type of hollow-point projectile
Q105959498 Iron Sting networked precision fire system Israel
Q1718803 KM-8 Gran type of Precision-guided mortar projectile Russia
Q6506195 Lazzeroni cartridge
Q6712028 M-940 20mm MPT-SD Round type of 20×102mm ammunition 20×102 mm
Q6713475 M104 155mm Cartridge chemical artillery shell
Q6713492 M110 155mm Cartridge chemical artillery shell
Q6713526 M121 155mm Cartridge chemical artillery shell
Q6713529 M122 155mm Cartridge chemical artillery shell
Q6713759 M360 105mm Cartridge chemical artillery shell
Q6713883 M60 105mm Cartridge US artillery shell that carried a sulfur mustard chemical agent
Q10575309 Magnum (vapen)
Q3087403 Magnum cartridge firearms cartridge with a larger case size than, or derived from, a similar cartridge of the same bullet caliber and case shoulder shape
Q117316056 Mark 149
Q11884059 Naturalis
Q3507446 Nitro Express cartridge family
Q11819803 Pluton-1 Polish fragmentation shell for 60 mm caliber mortars
Q11833326 Rad-2 Polish mortar cartridge Poland
Q7295371 Rat-shot Type of handgun and rifle cartridge loaded with small lead shot that is generally used for shooting snakes, rodents, birds, and other pests at very close range
Q7311841 Remington Model 241 type of Autoloading rimfire rifle .22 short
Q17142227 SCMITR experimental military shotgun ammunition
Q7691860 Teat-fire cartridge Type of firearm (pistol) cartridge
Q7993923 Whisper family of firearm cartridges
Q17143910 Winchester Short Magnum family of rifle cartridges
Q8023861 Winchester Super Short Magnum cartridge family
Q2597486 XM1018 High Explosive Air Bursting (HEAB) round
Q4876263 bean bag round less than lethal round for shotgun
Q4884734 belted magnum any cartridge, but generally a rifle cartridge, with a shell casing that has a pronounced "belt" around its base that continues 2–4 mm past the extractor groove
Q9150210 black powder cartridge
Q1424040 blank type of cartridge for a firearm that contains gunpowder but no bullet or shot
Q4959119 breaching round shotgun round for breaching doors or obstructions
Q114049578 brok small shot
Q29825322 cannon cartridge
Q190476 centerfire cartridge type of firearm cartridge where the firing pin strikes the primer located in the center of the cartridge case head to fire it
Q3366716 dummy round ammunition type used for training
Q17019157 green bullet
Q108840948 green tip ammo a 5.56 ammunition color-coded with a green tip
Q9150229 hunting cartridge cartridge intended for use in hunting
Q9150217 indoor shooting cartridge
Q1076124 intermediate cartridge rifle/carbine cartridge less powerful than battle rifle cartridges
Q554308 mortar ammunition explosive projectile fired from a mortar
Q106875048 musket cartridge cartridge class
Q248274 needle cartridge German needle gun paper cartridge
Q44100001 personal defense weapon cartridge firearms cartridge specifically made for personal defense weapons
Q392892 pinfire cartridge Type of firearm cartridge where the hammer strikes a small pin which protrudes radially from just above the base of the cartridge to ignite the primer and fire it
Q9150231 pistol cartridge cartridge intended for use in pistols and submachine guns
Q11961684 plastic short range training ammunition practice ammunition with similar flight characteristics to ordinary ammunition at short distances, but with significantly shorter range
Q9150235 revolver cartridge
Q29820118 revolver cartridge handgun cartridge for a revolver
Q7333267 rifle cartridge cartridge primarily designed and intended for use in a rifle, carbine or machine gun
Q123760157 rifle or pistol cartridge
Q1289462 rimfire cartridge type of firearm cartridge where the firing pin crushes the primer located in the rim of the cartridge to fire it
Q12536667 self-contained cartridge
Q1763371 shotgun cartridge ammunition for a shotgun
Q11981161 snap cap firearm accessory device
Q158777 super magnum type of firearm cartridge that is a longer and/or more powerful version of a "magnum" cartridge
Q608465 wildcat cartridge cartridge
End of auto-generated list.