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Wikipedia:WikiProject Elements/PTG/set/R8R-2017

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User:R8R/Template:element_color (as of 7 Jan 2021)

  alkalimetal = #B4F7CA
   alkalineearthmetal = #B4F7F7
   lanthanide = #B4CAF7
   actinide = #DBB4F7
   superactinide = #F7B4F7
   ekasuperactinide; eka-superactinide = #ccb2ff
   transitionmetal = #F7B4DB
   posttransitionmetal; post-transitionmetal = #F7BAB4
   metalloid = #F7DBB4
   polyatomicnonmetal; polyatomicnon-metal = #B4F7B4
   diatomicnonmetal; diatomicnon-metal = #B4F7E1
   noblega; noblegase = #B4E1F7
   nonmetal; reactivenonmetal ; non-metal = #F1F7B4
   2noblega; 2noblegase = #D0F7B4
   unknownchemicalproperty; unknownchemicalpropertie; unknownproperty; unknownpropertie = #eeeeee
   primordial = 2px solid #110077
   fromdecay = 2px dashed #770011
   synthetic = 2px dotted #226644
   undiscovered = 2px solid transparent
   none = 2px solid transparent
   solid = #000000
   liquid = #0000cf
   2liquid = #0000cb
   ga; gase = #cf0000
   2ga; 2gase = #cb0000
   unknown; unknownphase = #646464