Join a friendly contest in improving articles! Win the respect of your peers and the adoration of the masses!
Theare a few empty spots available for Project Coordinators. Sign up to make this project the best it can be!
An independent Aviation peer review has been created for the benefit of the project. Articles can receive significantly more feedback within the project than they did on the generic peer review page.
{{WPAVIATION Announcements}} is a great place to find something to do. Each project has their own to-do list here, and other announcements can keep you up to date on the current projects.
{{WPAVIATION}} is the project banner for use by all aviation related projects. All links to the old templates need converting to the new one.
Welcome to the second issue of the Aviation WikiProject's newsletter! Use this newsletter as a mechanism to inform yourselves about progress at the project and please be inspired to take more active roles in what we do.
We would encourage all members to get more involved and if you are wondering what with, please ask.
Volunteers needed - if any members feel able to take on project tasks such as leading Task Forces, editing this Newsletter, monitoring and maintaining the Announcements template, heading up Outreach activity, managing Collaboration or Assessment activity or anything else you believe needs special attention, please let us know, or sign up here!
To stop receiving this newsletter, or to receive it in a different format, please list yourself in the appropriate section here.
Wikipedia:WikiProject Aviation/Outreach/Newsletter October 2007