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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/19

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IT og Humaniora

! Journal ISSN
1551-3696 A A C E Journal
1073-0516 A C M Transactions on Computer Human Interaction
1286-4986 A L S I C
0968-7769 A L T J
1476-7503 Action Research
0163-9676 American Educational Research Association. Annual Meeting Program
1532-2882 American Society for Information Science and Technology. Journal
1738-3285 Asia-Pacific Cybereducation Journal
1449-5554 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (Online)
0816-9020 Australian Educational Computing
0007-1013 British Journal of Educational Technology
1205-5743 C H Working Papers
1435-5558 Cognition, Technology and Work
0958-8221 Computer Assisted Language Learning
0925-9724 Computer Supported Cooperative Work
0360-1315 Computers & Education
0747-5632 Computers in Human Behavior
1093-0175 Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training. Proceedings
1528-5804 Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education
0105-8517 D A I M I P B
1654-7608 Design for Learning
0809-6724 Digital Kompetanse
1472-4499 E C & T
1360-2357 Education and Information Technologies
1436-4522 Educational Technology & Society
1042-1629 Educational Technology Research & Development
1860-7470 E-Learning and Education
1553-1139 Electronic Book Review
1479-4403 Electronic Journal of E-Learning
1743-3010 Ethicomp
1388-1957 Ethics and Information Technology
0337-307X Futuribles
0971-8524 Gender, Technology & Development
0737-0024 Human -Computer Interaction (Mahwah)
1402-151X Human I T (Online Edition)
1073-5127 Information Technology and Disabilities
1137-3601 Inteligencia Artificial
0953-5438 Interacting with Computers
1576-4990 Interactive Educational Multimedia
1049-4820 Interactive Learning Environments
1741-5659 Interactive Technology and Smart Education
1754-8853 International Journal of Arts and Technology
1542-8060 International Journal of Computational Cognition
1556-1607 International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
1814-0556 International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology
1071-5819 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
1753-8548 International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing
1550-6908 International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning
1477-8386 International Journal of Learning Technology
1565-012X International Journal on Disability and Human Development
1537-2456 International Journal on E-learning
1492-3831 International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
0266-4909 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
1874-4753 Journal of Information Technology in Construction
1093-023X Journal of Interactive Learning Research
1539-1523 Journal of Research on Technology in Education
1059-7069 Journal of Technology and Teacher Education
1522-8835 Journal of Technology in Human Services
1050-8406 Journal of the Learning Sciences
1094-3501 Language Learning & Technology
0023-8503 Lares
0924-6495 Minds and Machines
0308-0587 Modern English Teacher
1750-497X Multicultural Educational & Technology Journal
Nät och bildning. Tidsskrift för folkbildningens flexible lärande
1793-2068 Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
1696-4713 Revista Electronica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educacion
0971-7218 Science, Technology & Society
1046-8781 Simulation & Gaming
1477-7487 Surveillance and Society
0160-791X Technology in Society
1475-939X Technology, Pedagogy and Education
8756-3894 TechTrends
1820-4511 Transactions on Advanced Research