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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/17

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Pædagogik, Uddannelse, Didaktik

! Journal ISSN
0311-6999 A E R
1056-8077 A S E E Prism
1551-6970 A S H E Higher Education Report Series
0190-2946 Academe
1533-7812 Academic Leadership (Hernando)
1537-260X Academy of Management Learning and Education
1504-9922 Acta Didaktica Norge
1476-7333 Action Learning
1469-7874 Active Learning in Higher Education
1934-2322 Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal
0342-7633 Adult Education and Development
1395-6833 Adult Education and the Labour Market (ESREA refered skriftserie)
0793-033X Adult Education in Israel
0741-7136 Adult Education Quarterly
1045-1595 Adult Learning
1941-1766 Advances in Engineering Education
1382-4996 Advances in Health Sciences Education
1043-4046 Advances in Physiology Education
1028-8457 African Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
0358-6197 Aikuiskasvatus
0002-4805 Alberta Journal of Educational Research
1982-5153 Alexandria: Journal of Science and Technology Education
0002-7685 American Biology Teacher
0002-8312 American Educational Research Journal
0892-3647 American Journal of Distance Education
0195-6744 American Journal of Education
0002-9459 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
0987-7576 Annales de didactiques et de sciences cognitives
0161-7761 Anthropology & Education Quarterly
1533-015X Applied Environmental Education and Communication
0895-7347 Applied Measurement in Education
0004-3125 Art Education
1474-0222 Arts and Humanities in Higher Education
1534-3499 Arts and Learning Research
1063-2913 Arts Education Policy Review
1359-866X Asia -Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
1598-1037 Asia Pacific Education Review
0218-8791 Asia Pacific Journal of Education
1075-2935 Assessing Writing
0260-2938 Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
0969-594X Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice
1539-1515 Astronomy Education Review
0312-5033 Australian Journal of Early Childhood
0004-9441 Australian Journal of Education
1325-4340 Australian Journal of Engineering Education (Online)
0814-0626 Australian Journal of Environmental Education
1320-6648 Australian Research in Early Childhood Education
1651-3762 B R I S Tidningen Barn och Ungdom
1357-4256 Barn
0006-2456 Bildung und Erziehung
1860-8213 Bildungsforschung
1470-8175 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education
1479-7860 Bioscience Education Electronic Journal
1617-3287 Bochum Studies in International Adult Education
0141-1926 British Educational Research Journal
0007-1005 British Journal of Educational Studies
1470-4692 British Journal of Engineering Education
0306-9885 British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
1354-4187 British Journal of Learning Disabilities
0142-5692 British Journal of Sociology of Education
0952-3383 British Journal of Special Education
1096-2719 Brookings Papers on Education Policy (Year)
1931-7913 C B E Life Sciences Education
1871-1502 C S S E
0305-764X Cambridge Journal of Education
1065-0741 Campus Wide Information Systems
0835-4944 Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education
0380-2361 Canadian Journal of Education
1207-7798 Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy
1205-5352 Canadian Journal of Environmental Education
0316-1218 Canadian Journal of Higher Education
1492-6156 Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
0889-4019 Career Development Quarterly
0009-1383 Change
1441-9319 Change. Transformations in Education
1430-4171 Chemical Educator
0009-2479 Chemical Engineering Education
1756-1108 Chemistry Education Research and Practice
1053-1890 Child and Youth Care Forum
0265-6590 Child Language Teaching and Therapy
0009-4056 Childhood Education
0045-6713 Children's Literature in Education
1004-3667 China Higher Education Research
1061-1932 Chinese Education and Society
0009-5982 Chronicle of Higher Education
1478-8047 Citizenship, Social and Economics Education
0737-0008 Cognition and Instruction
0010-0889 College and University
0146-3934 College Student Journal
8756-7555 College Teaching
1066-8926 Community College Journal of Research and Practice
0305-0068 Comparative Education
0010-4086 Comparative Education Review
0305-7925 Compare
1061-3773 Computer Applications in Engineering Education
0899-3408 Computer Science Education
1069-3769 Computers in Education Journal
0361-476X Contemporary Educational Psychology
1463-9491 Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
0011-0035 Counselor Education and Supervision
1750-8487 Critical Studies in Education
1135-6405 Cultura y Educacion
1354-067X Culture & Psychology
1523-1615 Current Issues in Comparative Education (CISE)
1099-839X Current Issues in Education
0362-6784 Curriculum Inquiry
0958-5176 Curriculum Journal
1901-8878 Cursiv
0945-3164 D I E
0904-2393 Dansk Paedagogisk Tidsskrift
1901-5089 Dansk Universitetspaedagogisk Tidsskrift
1362-3125 Deaf Worlds
1464-3154 Deafness and Education International
1085-3545 Democracy & Education
0012-0332 Deutsche Jugend
0012-0731 Deutsche Schule
0862-013X Didactics of music education
Didaktisk Tidskrift (Online)
0159-6306 Discourse (Abingdon)
1741-4164 Discourse (Heslington)
Diskurs Kindheits-und Jugendforschung
0158-7919 Distance Education
1765-0887 Distances et Savoirs
1076-9242 Dyslexia
0300-4430 Early Child Development and Care
1082-3301 Early Childhood Education Journal
0885-2006 Early Childhood Research Quarterly
0957-5146 Early Years
0272-7757 Economics of Education Review
0211-819X Educar
0040-0912 Education & Training
1085-4908 Education and Culture (Ashland)
0953-9964 Education and the Law
1547-0350 Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities
0964-5292 Education Economics
1956-3485 Éducation et Didactique
1373-847X Education et Societes
1749-7728 Education for Chemical Engineers
1539-9664 Education Next
1068-2341 Education Policy Analysis Archives
0311-2543 Education Research and Perspectives
1749-6896 Education, Knowledge & Economy
0965-0792 Educational Action Research
0013-161X Educational Administration Quarterly
0013-1644 Educational and Psychological Measurement
1062-7197 Educational Assessment
1874-8597 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability (Print)
0162-3737 Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis
0013-1725 Educational Forum
0013-1784 Educational Leadership
1741-1432 Educational Management, Administration & Leadership (Print)
0731-1745 Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
0895-9048 Educational Policy
0046-1520 Educational Psychologist
0144-3410 Educational Psychology
0013-1881 Educational Research
1380-3611 Educational Research and Evaluation
1570-2081 Educational Research for Policy and Practice
1747-938X Educational Research Review
0013-189X Educational Researcher
0013-1911 Educational Review
0305-5698 Educational Studies
0013-1946 Educational Studies
0013-2004 Educational Theory
1528-5324 Educause Quarterly
1741-8887 E-Learning
0013-5984 Elementary School Journal
0931-5020 Empirische Paedagogik
1750-9637 Engineering & Technology
1750-0044 Engineering Education
1937-8629 Engineering Studies
0212-4521 Ensenanza de las Ciencias
1350-4622 Environmental Education Research
1810-0333 Environmental Education, Ethics and Action in Southern Africa
1066-5684 Equity & Excellence in Education
0014-0325 Erziehung und Unterricht
1527-9359 Essays in Education
1744-9642 Ethics and Education
1745-7823 Ethnography and Education
1305-8223 Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education
0809-8026 Eureka Forskningsserie
1350-293X European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
1056-4934 European Education
1474-9041 European Educational Research Journal
0141-8211 European Journal of Education
0304-3797 European Journal of Engineering Education
1684-1360 European Journal of Legal Education
1027-5207 European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning
0256-2928 European Journal of Psychology of Education
0885-6257 European Journal of Special Needs Education
0261-9768 European Journal of Teacher Education
European Journal of Vocational Training
0378-5068 European Journal Vocational Training
0950-0790 Evaluation and Research in Education
1504-6893 FoU i Praksis
1673-341X Frontiers of Education in China
1710-6923 Gems / Gender, Education, Music and society
0954-0253 Gender and Education
0016-9862 Gifted Child Quarterly
1328-3154 Global Journal of Engineering Education
1476-7724 Globalisation, Societies and Education
0017-8055 Harvard Educational Review
0965-4283 Health Education
0268-1153 Health Education Research
1359-8139 High Ability Studies
0018-1560 Higher Education
0882-4126 Higher Education
1571-0378 Higher Education Dynamics
0379-7724 Higher Education in Europe
1682-3451 Higher Education Management and Policy
0952-8733 Higher Education Policy
0951-5224 Higher Education Quarterly
0729-4360 Higher Education Research and Development
0046-760X History of Education
0018-2680 History of Education Quarterly
1740-2433 History of Education Researcher
0018-2974 Hochschulwesen
1000-5560 Huadong Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Jiaoyu Ban)
0018-9359 I E E E Transactions on Education
1532-0545 I N F O R M S Transactions on Education
1365-4802 Improving Schools
0950-4222 Industry and Higher Education
0210-3702 Infancia y Aprendizaje
1750-1229 Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching
1470-3297 Innovations in Education and Teaching International (Print)
0742-5627 Innovative Higher Education
1643-6318 Innowacje w edukacji akademickiej
0020-4277 Instructional Science
1079-8587 Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
1646-2335 Interaccoes
0826-4805 Interchange
1467-5986 Intercultural Education
1552-2210 Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects
1443-1475 International Education Journal
1206-9620 International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning
1360-144X International Journal for Academic Development
1873-0388 International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
1473-0111 International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning
1931-4744 International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
1867-5565 International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC)
1476-8062 International Journal of Art & Design Education
1560-4292 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
1364-436X International Journal of Children's Spirituality
1550-3984 International Journal of Construction Education and Research (Online)
1560-4624 International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning
1539-3100 International Journal of Distance Education Technologies
1556-8881 International Journal of Doctoral Studies
0966-9760 International Journal of Early Years Education
1529-8094 International Journal of Education and the Arts
1743-5234 International Journal of Education Through Art
0738-0593 International Journal of Educational Development
0951-354X International Journal of Educational Management
1056-7879 International Journal of Educational Reform
0883-0355 International Journal of Educational Research
0020-7209 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education
0949-149X International Journal of Engineering Education
1472-9466 International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research
1360-3116 International Journal of Inclusive Education
1471-8197 International Journal of Innovation and Learning
1741-1009 International Journal of Knowledge and Learning
1360-3124 International Journal of Leadership in Education
1447-9494 International Journal of Learning
1740-2875 International Journal of Learning and Change
1479-4853 International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital
0260-1370 International Journal of Lifelong Education
1750-385X International Journal of Management in Education
0306-4190 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education
1746-725X International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation
1833-4105 International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning
0951-8398 International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
1743-727X International Journal of Research and Method in Education
1571-0068 International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
0950-0693 International Journal of Science Education
0827-3383 International Journal of Special Education (Online Edition)
1467-6370 International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (Print Edition)
1749-9151 International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies
1812-9129 International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
0957-7572 International Journal of Technology and Design Education
1816-9325 International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education
1448-0220 International Journal of Training Research
1863-0383 International Journal: Emerging Technologies in Learning
1038-2046 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education
0020-8566 International Review of Education
1324-1702 International Studies in Educational Administration
0962-0214 International Studies in Sociology of Education
1053-4512 Intervention in School and Clinic
Investigations in Mathematics Learning
1215-5233 Iskolakultura
0313-7155 Issues in Educational Research
1500-7707 ITUs skriftserie
1057-896X J C T
1740-2743 Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
0162-3532 Journal for the Education of the Gifted
0748-5751 Journal of Accounting Education
1081-3004 Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
1477-9714 Journal of Adult & Continuing Education
1068-0667 Journal of Adult Development
1472-9679 Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning
0021-8510 Journal of Aesthetic Education
1389-224X Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
1053-0819 Journal of Behavioral Education
0021-9266 Journal of Biological Education
1077-3711 Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
0021-9584 Journal of Chemical Education
1743-0526 Journal of Children's Literature Studies
0897-5264 Journal of College Student Development
1521-0251 Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice
0737-7363 Journal of Continuing Higher Education
0740-2708 Journal of Correctional Education
0748-9633 Journal of Counseling & Development
0022-0272 Journal of Curriculum Studies
1081-4159 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
0022-0337 Journal of Dental Education
1468-7984 Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
1476-718X Journal of Early Childhood Research
1090-1027 Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education
1934-7200 Journal of Education & Human Development
1363-9080 Journal of Education and Work
0883-2323 Journal of Education for Business
1554-2262 Journal of Education for International Development
1082-4669 Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk
0973-4082 Journal of Education for Sustainable Development
0260-7476 Journal of Education for Teaching
0260-9126 Journal of Education in Museums
0268-0939 Journal of Education Policy
1935-052X Journal of Education Research
0957-8234 Journal of Educational Administration
0022-0620 Journal of Educational Administration and History
1076-9986 Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
1389-2843 Journal of Educational Change
1444-5530 Journal of Educational Enquiry
0022-0671 Journal of Educational Research
1303-6475 Journal of educational Sciences and practices
0047-2395 Journal of Educational Technology Systems
0095-8964 Journal of Environmental Education
0309-0590 Journal of European Industrial Training
0736-7627 Journal of Faculty Development
0309-877X Journal of Further and Higher Education
0021-3667 Journal of General Education
0309-8265 Journal of Geography in Higher Education
1089-9995 Journal of Geoscience Education
1068-6096 Journal of Graduate Teaching Assistant Development
0022-1546 Journal of Higher Education
0851-7762 Journal of Higher Education in Africa
1360-080X Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
1538-1927 Journal of Hispanic Higher Education
1055-3096 Journal of Information Systems Education
1539-3585 Journal of Information Technology Education
1366-8250 Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability
1469-1930 Journal of Intellectual Capital
0964-2633 Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
1344-2996 Journal of International Cooperation in Education
1534-8458 Journal of Language, Identity, and Education
1534-8431 Journal of Latinos and Education
0022-2194 Journal of Learning Disabilities
1052-5629 Journal of Management Education
1386-4416 Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
0305-7240 Journal of Moral Education
1059-8650 Journal of Museum Education
1059-9053 Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
0022-2984 Journal of Negro Education
1499-4046 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
1740-0201 Journal of Peace Education
0309-8249 Journal of Philosophy of Education
1741-1122 Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities
1052-3928 Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
0734-2829 Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
0334-228X Journal of Psychology and Counselling
0256-8543 Journal of Research in Childhood Education
1475-2409 Journal of Research in International Education
0141-0423 Journal of Research in Reading
1551-0670 Journal of Research in Rural Education (Online Edition)
0022-4308 Journal of Research in Science Teaching
1471-3802 Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
1557-5284 Journal of S T E M Education (Online)
0022-4391 Journal of School Health
1059-0145 Journal of Science Education and Technology
1046-560X Journal of Science Teacher Education
1618-5293 Journal of Social Science Education
1043-7797 Journal of Social Work Education
0022-4669 Journal of Special Education
1028-3153 Journal of Studies in International Education
0022-4871 Journal of Teacher Education
1407-8724 Journal of Teacher Education and Training
1492-1154 Journal of Teaching and Learning
0273-5024 Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
1531-3220 Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism
1045-1064 Journal of Technology Education
1540-2525 Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment
2030-1006 Journal of the Writing Research
1541-3446 Journal of Transformative Education
1449-9789 Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice
Journal of urban mathematics education / JUME
0748-321X Journal of Veterinary Medical Education
1051-144X Journal of Visual Literacy
1363-6820 Journal of Vocational Education and Training
1366-5626 Journal of Workplace Learning
1567-6617 L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature
0950-0782 Language and Education
0023-8333 Language Learning
0957-1736 Language Learning Journal
0261-4448 Language Teaching
1362-1688 Language Teaching Research
1796-3877 Lapin yliopiston kasvatustieteellisiä raportteja (Painettu) / Report in educational sciences
1570-0763 Leadership and Policy in Schools
1041-6080 Learning and Individual Differences
0959-4752 Learning and Instruction
1755-2273 Learning and Teaching
1742-240X Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
0938-8982 Learning Disabilities Research and Practice
0731-9487 Learning Disability Quarterly
1387-1579 Learning Environments Research
1743-4912 Learning for Democracy
1473-6853 Learning in Health and Social Care
1558-2973 Learning Inquiry
0969-6474 Learning Organization
1239-6826 Lifelong Learning in Europe
1441-0559 Literacy & Numeracy Studies
1938-8071 Literacy Research and Instruction
1401-5439 Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology
1474-8460 London Review of Education
1350-5076 Management Learning
1353-5080 Mathematics Education Review
1062-9017 Mathematics Educator
0025-5769 Mathematics Teacher
0025-5807 Mathematikunterricht
0308-0110 Medical Education
0142-159X Medical Teacher
0176-4918 Medien und Erziehung
1424-3636 MedienPaedagogik
1361-1267 Mentoring & Tutoring
1332-7879 Metodika
1604-8628 MONA: Matematik og Naturfagsdidaktik
1521-0960 Multicultural Perspectives
1559-5455 N A S P A Journal (Online)
1387-6740 Narrative Inquiry
0028-3355 Neue Sammlung
1052-2891 New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education
0194-3081 New Directions for Community Colleges
1097-6736 New Directions for Evaluation
0271-0560 New Directions for Higher Education
0164-7970 New Directions for Student Services
0271-0633 New Directions for Teaching and Learning
1732-6729 New Educational Review
1939-4225 New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development
0028-8276 New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies
1331-534X Nomad
0809-9227 Nordand
1504-4556 NorDiNa
1104-2176 Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk
1504-5021 Nordisk Musikkpedagogisk Forskning
0901-8050 Nordisk Pedagogik
1651-6036 Nordisk tidskrift för hörsel-och dövundervisning NTD
0029-2052 Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift
0332-7256 Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi
1957-0341 Nouvelle Revue de l'Adaptation et de la Scolarisation
1074-8121 On the Horizon
0268-0513 Open Learning
0305-4985 Oxford Review of Education
0961-2149 Oxford Studies in Comparative Education
1554-5903 P A A C E Journal of Lifelong Learning
0161-956X P J E, Peabody Journal of Education
1357-938X P L A Notes
1051-1970 P R I M U S
0030-9230 Paedagogica Historica
0030-9273 Paedagogische Rundschau
1903-0002 Paedagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift
1916-0348 Paideusis (Online)
0264-3944 Pastoral Care in Education
1401-6788 Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige
1531-4200 Pedagogy
1468-1366 Pedagogy, Culture and Society
1860-3033 Personal-und Organisationsentwicklung in Einrichtungen der Lehre und Forschung
1360-3108 Perspectives (London, 1997)
0258-2236 Perspectives in Education
1542-1422 Perspectives in Learning
1560-2214 Pharmacy Education
0031-7217 Phi Delta Kappan
0031-9120 Physics Education
0031-921X Physics Teacher
1478-2103 Policy Futures in Education
1531-7714 Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation
0298-055X Pratiques de Formation
0032-8847 Prismet
1822-7864 Problems of Education in the 21st Century
1941-5257 Professional Development in Education
0392-2790 Professionalita
0033-1538 Prospects
0968-4883 Quality Assurance in Education
1353-8322 Quality in Higher Education
1134-4032 R E L I E V E: Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa
1478-8551 Race Equality Teaching
1361-3324 Race, Ethnicity and Education
1524-6345 Radical Pedagogy
0356-6986 Rapporter från Pedagogiska fakulteten (Åbo)
0922-4777 Reading and Writing
1057-3569 Reading and Writing Quarterly
1096-1232 Reading Online
0034-0561 Reading Teacher
0958-3440 ReCall
0325-2221 Relaciones
0741-9325 Remedial and Special Education
1745-4999 Research in Comparative and International Education
0034-5237 Research in Education (Manchester)
0361-0365 Research in Higher Education
1001-4233 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
1359-6748 Research in Post-Compulsory Education
0263-5143 Research in Science & Technological Education
0157-244X Research in Science Education
0034-527X Research in the Teaching of English
0267-1522 Research Papers in Education
1402-9359 Researching Early Childhood
1071-4413 Review of Education -Pedagogy Cultural Studies
0034-6543 Review of Educational Research
0162-5748 Review of Higher Education
0091-732X Review of Research in Education
1699-5880 Revista Electrónica de Investigación Psicoeducativa
1137-8654 Revista Espanola de Educacion Comparada
1405-6666 Revista Mexicana de Investigacion Educativa
1571-4667 Revista redELE
0104-4877 Revista Zetetiké
0556-7807 Revue Francaise de Pedagogie
1060-9393 Russian Education and Society
0031-3831 Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
0924-3453 School Effectiveness and School Improvement
1363-2434 School Leadership & Management (Print Edition)
0036-6803 School Science and Mathematics
0036-6811 School Science Review
1424-3946 Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Bildungswissenschaften
0926-7220 Science & Education
0036-8148 Science and Children
0036-8326 Science Education
1094-3277 Science Educator
1088-8438 Scientific Studies of Reading
1468-1811 Sex Education
1381-2890 Social Psychology of Education
0038-0407 Sociology of Education
1011-3487 South African Journal of Higher Education
0107-0649 Specialpaedagogik
0332-8457 Spesialpedagogikk
0342-0477 Sprache -Stimme -Gehoer
1448-6156 Spreadsheets in Education
1822-2196 Spring University. Changing education in a changing society
1736-7085 Studies for the Learning Society
0039-3541 Studies in Art Education
0348-9523 Studies in Comparative and International Education
0158-037X Studies in Continuing Education
0191-491X Studies in Educational Evaluation
0307-5079 Studies in Higher Education
0039-3746 Studies in Philosophy and Education
0305-7267 Studies in Science Education
0272-2631 Studies in Second Language Acquisition
0266-0830 Studies in the Education of Adults
1742-5964 Studying Teacher Education
1458-1094 Suomen Kasvatustieteellinen Seura. Kasvatusalan Tutkimuksia
0268-2141 Support for Learning
0039-8322 T E S O L Quarterly
1303-6521 T O J E T
1080-5400 Taboo
1366-4530 Teacher Development
0888-4064 Teacher Education and Special Education
1354-0602 Teachers and Teaching
0161-4681 Teachers College Record
1040-1334 Teaching and Learning in Medicine
0742-051X Teaching and Teacher Education
1047-6210 Teaching Education
0040-0610 Teaching History
1356-2517 Teaching in Higher Education
1449-6313 Teaching Science
1238-9501 Techne series : Research in sloyd education and crafts science. A
1540-0182 Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning
1130-3743 Teoria de la Educacion
1505-8808 Terazniejszosc, Czlowiek, Edukacja
1358-3883 Tertiary Education and Management
0947-9732 Tertium Comparationis
1327-9556 Text
1446-6120 The Science Education Review
1477-8785 Theory and Research in Education (Print Edition)
0093-3104 Theory and Research in Social Education
0040-5841 Theory into Practice
1871-1871 Thinking Skills and Creativity
0907-6581 Tidsskrift for Boerne-og Ungdomskultur
1398-3717 Tidsskrift for Socialpædagogik
1603-5518 Tidsskrift for Universiteternes efterog videreuddannelse
0049-3929 Times Higher Education
0271-1214 Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
1302-6488 Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
0900-226X Uddannelseshistorie (year)
0106-5386 Unge Paedagoger
1500-4538 UNIPED (Tromsø)
0077-2712 Universite de Nancy II. Centre de Recherches et d'Applications Pedagogiques en Langues. Melanges
0340-4099 Unterrichtswissenschaft
0282-2687 Uppväxtvillkor
1102-6472 Utbildning och Demokrati
0507-7230 Vierteljahrsschrift fuer Wissenschaftliche Paedagogik
1874-785X Vocations and Learning
1790-1979 W S E A S Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education
1441-340X World Studies in Education
1446-2257 World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education
1387-6732 Written Language and Literacy
1538-6619 Y C -Young Children
Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society
1025-7861 Yearbook. International Society for the Didactics of History
0579-6431 Zbornik -Institut za pedago ka istra ivanja (Beograd)
0172-2875 Zeitschrift fuer Berufs-und Wirtschaftspaedagogik
1434-663X Zeitschrift fuer Erziehungswissenschaft
1434-4688 Zeitschrift fuer Internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspaedagogik
0044-3247 Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogik
1438-8324 Zeitschrift fuer Qualitative Bildungs-, Beratungs-und Sozialforschung
1436-1957 Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation
0177-4166 Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung
1002-4417 Zhongguo Gaodeng Jiaoyu