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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/14

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! Journal ISSN
0106-0627 1066
1065-3112 1650–1850: Ideas, Aesthetics and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era
0044-5851 Acadiensis
0783-6678 Acta Antiqua Ostrobotniensia
1743-5285 Adam Smith Review
0145-2258 African Economic History
0002-1482 Agricultural History
0002-1490 Agricultural History Review
Akten der Gesellschaft für Griechische und Hellenistische Rechtsgeschichte
0002-6980 Ambix
0044-751X American Antiquarian Society. Proceedings
1474-3892 American Communist History
0002-8738 American Heritage
0002-8762 American Historical Review
1076-8866 American History (Leesburg)
0164-0178 American Jewish History
1466-4658 American Nineteenth Century History
0003-1615 Americas
0929-077X Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia
0835-3638 Ancient History Bulletin
1570-1921 Ancient West and East
0263-6751 Anglo-Saxon England
0395-2649 Annales (Paris)
0003-3901 Annales de Bourgogne
0066-2062 Annales de Demographie Historique
0003-4436 Annales Historiques de la Revolution Francaise
0304-4319 Anuario de Historia del Derecho Espanol
0801-7778 Arbeiderhistorie
0107-8461 Arbejderhistorie
0281-7446 Arbetarhistoria
0066-6505 Archiv für Sozialgeschichte
0260-9541 Archives of Natural History
0391-7770 Archivio Storico Italian
0004-1823 The Arkansas Historical Quarterly
1741-6124 Arms & Armour
0809-912X Arran Julevsame Guovdasj. Tjalarajddo
0004-8992 Australian Economic History Review
1031-461X Australian Historical Studies
0004-9522 Australian Journal of Politics and History
0341-6208 Bankhistorisches Archiv
0942-3060 Beitraege zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
1238-3503 Bibliotheca Historica
0373-6237 Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes
0006-7237 Book Collector
1386-4165 Brill's Series on the Early Middle Ages
0920-8607 Brill's Studies in Intellectual History
0068-113X Britannia
0007-5140 Bulletin of the History of Medicine
0007-6791 Business History
0007-6805 Business History Review
1123-7023 C R O M O H S
0007-9731 Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale
0317-5065 Cahiers des Etudes Anciennes
0220-5610 Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens
0162-2897 California History (San Francisco)
0008-3755 Canadian Historical Review
0008-4107 Canadian Journal of History
0008-8080 The Catholic Historical Review
1059-8308 Cauda Pavonis
0008-9389 Central European History
1016-9008 Centre Gustave Glotz. Cahiers
0009-4633 Chinese Studies in History
0009-8078 Civil War History
0106-5815 Classica et Mediaevalia
1568-9999 Clavis Commentariorum Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi
1863-2505 Cliometrica
1468-2745 Cold War History
0801-9282 Collegium Medievale
0069-6412 Comitatus
0010-4175 Comparative Studies in Society and History
1361-9462 Contemporary British History
0960-7773 Contemporary European History
0268-4160 Continuity and Change
1807-9326 Contributions to the History of Concepts
1133-7613 Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho
0214-4018 Cuadernos de Historia Moderna
1478-0038 Cultural and Social History
0932-1632 Demokratische Geschichte. Jahrbuch für Schleswig-Holstein
0069-9896 Denmark. Kongelige Bibliotek. Fund og Forskning
0071-1152 Denmark. Statens Arkiver. Erhvervsarkivet. Aarbog (year)
0012-1223 Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters
0343-3668 Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv
0755-7256 Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne
0145-2096 Diplomatic History
0070-6760 Dix-Huitieme Siecle
0419-8824 Dzieje Najnowsze
0963-9462 Early Medieval Europe
0926-6070 Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
1320-3606 Electronic Antiquity
1324-2342 Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History
0013-8266 The English Historical Review
1467-2227 Enterprise & Society
1161-2770 Entreprises et Histoire
0967-3407 Environment and History
1084-5453 Environmental History
0174-6545 Epigraphica Anatolica
1445-5218 Eras
1538-4608 Essays in Medieval Studies
0210-9093 Estudis
0169-815X Etudes sur le Judaisme Medieval
0265-6914 European History Quarterly
0967-2567 European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
1084-8770 European Legacy
1041-2573 Exemplaria
0175-3347 Exilforschung
0098-2474 Explorations in Renaissance Culture
1463-1180 Family & Community History
0164-0933 Fifteenth Century Studies
0968-5650 Financial History Review
1601-393X Folk Og Fællesskab Træk Af Fællesskabstænkningen I Mellemkrigstiden
1780-3187 Food & History
0106-4797 Fortid og Nutid
1539-3402 French Colonial History
0016-1071 French Historical Studies
0269-1191 French History
0071-9706 Fruehmittelalterliche Studien
0953-5233 Gender & History
1121-8940 Geographia Antiqua
0266-3554 German History
0933-3096 Geschichte Lernen
0937-1656 Geschichte und Gegenwart
0340-613X Geschichte und Gesellschaft
0072-4254 Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte. Zeitschrift
0073-0327 Hansische Geschichtsblaetter
0963-4959 Haskins Society Journal
0017-9841 Heimen
0018-0270 Hemecht
0182-2411 Histoire
0018-2257 Histoire Sociale
0752-5702 Histoire, Economie et Societe
0018-2311 Historia
1270-0835 Historia
1519-3314 Historia Economica & Historia de Empresas
0073-2540 Historiallinen Arkisto
0073-2559 Historiallisia Tutkimuksia
0018-2370 Historian (East Lansing)
0140-332X Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Transactions
0018-2427 Historica
0018-246X Historical Journal
1465-4466 Historical Materialism
0161-5440 Historical Methods
0315-7997 Historical Reflections
0950-3471 Historical Research
0172-6404 Historical Social Research
1529-921X Historical Society. Journal
1362-1572 Historical Studies in Industrial Relations
0107-4725 Historie
0939-5385 Historische Mitteilungen. Beihefte
0018-2613 Historische Zeitschrift
0018-2621 Historisches Jahrbuch
0345-469X Historisk Tidskrift
0046-7596 Historisk Tidskrift foer Finland
0018-263X Historisk Tidsskrift
0106-4991 Historisk Tidsskrift
0018-2648 History
0935-560X History & Memory
0734-1512 History and Technology
0018-2656 History and Theory
1478-0542 History Compass
1122-8792 History of Economic Ideas
1037-0196 History of Economics Review
1492-7810 History of Intellectual Culture
0018-2702 History of Political Economy
0307-5451 History of Technology
1081-602X History of the Family
1385-7827 History of Warfare
0018-2745 The History Teacher
0018-2753 History Today
1363-3554 History Workshop Journal
8756-6583 Holocaust and Genocide Studies
1403-8668 Hygiea Internationalis
1890-1832 Ideas in History
0308-5694 Imago Mundi
0019-4646 Indian Economic and Social History Review
0537-7919 Institut für Europaeische Geschichte, Mainz. Veroeffentlichungen. Abteilung Universalgeschichte und Abteilung für Abendlaendische Religionsgeschichte
0170-365X Institut für Europaeische Geschichte, Mainz. Veroeffentlichungen. Abteilung Universalgeschichte. Beihefte
0707-5332 The International History Review
0361-7882 International Journal of African Historical Studies
0843-8714 International Journal of Maritime History
0147-5479 International Labor and Working-Class History
0020-8590 International Review of Social History
0929-2403 Islamic History and Civilization
0391-7010 Istituto Storico Italiano per l'Eta Moderna e Contemporanea. Annuario
0165-1153 Itinerario
1436-6371 Jahrbuch für Europaeische Ueberseegeschichte
0944-629X Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung
1860-8248 Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte
0075-2800 Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Jahrbuch für europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte
0021-4019 Jahrbuecher für Geschichte Osteuropas
1462-169X Jewish Culture and History
0334-701X Jewish History
1681-7001 Journal für Begabtenfoerderung
0021-8537 The Journal of African History
0021-8723 The Journal of American History
1004-9371 Journal of Ancient Civilizations
0021-910X Journal of Asian History
1520-3972 Journal of Cold War Studies
1532-5768 Journal of Colonialism amnd Colonial History
0022-0094 Journal of Contemporary History
1385-3783 Journal of Early Modern History
0947-9511 Journal of European Integration History
0363-1990 Journal of Family History
1740-0228 Journal of Global History
0308-6534 The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
1463-6174 Journal of Industrial History
0022-1953 Journal of Interdisciplinary History
1353-1042 Journal of Israeli History
0144-0365 Journal of Legal History
1082-9636 Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
0304-4181 Journal of Medieval History
0899-3718 The Journal of Military History
1753-5654 Journal of Modern Chinese History
0022-2801 The Journal of Modern History
1538-5132 Journal of Planning History
0898-0306 Journal of Policy History
1748-538X Journal of Scottish Historical Studies
0022-4529 Journal of Social History
1059-4329 Journal of Supreme Court History
1327-0141 Journal of the Australian War Memorial
0275-1275 Journal of the Early Republic
1939-6724 Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth
1053-8372 Journal of the History of Economic Thought
1388-199X Journal of the History of International Law
0894-8410 Journal of the Southwest
0022-5169 Journal of the West
0096-1442 Journal of Urban History
1042-7961 Journal of Women's History
1045-6007 Journal of World History
0109-9280 Jyske Historiker
1562-5028 Kacike
0765-0590 Kentron: revue du monde antique et de psychologie historique
0953-217X King's College London Medieval Studies
0075-6334 Klio
0106-0481 Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-Filosofiske Meddelelser
0023-4826 Kritika (Cambridge)
0023-656X Labor History
0700-3862 Labour
0023-6942 Labour History
0961-5652 Labour History Review
1604-4878 Landbohistorisk Tidsskrift
1872-7875 Later Medieval Europe
0938-5835 Laverna
0075-8744 Leo Baeck Institute. Year Book
1209-3696 Lumen
0076-1648 Lychnos
1125-3878 Mar Nero
0025-3359 Mariner's Mirror
0025-6285 Meander
0076-5864 Mediaeval Scandinavia
0076-5872 Mediaeval Studies
0361-946X Mediaevalia
1569-1934 Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World
1380-7854 Medieval Encounters
0971-9458 Medieval History Journal
0928-5520 Medieval Mediterranean
1057-5367 Medieval Perspectives
0198-9405 Medieval Prosopography
0951-8967 Mediterranean Historical Review
1029-0737 Medium Aevum Quotidianum
0076-230X Melanges de la Casa de Velazquez
1127-0195 Memoria e Ricerca
0890-1686 Michigan Historical Review (Mt. Pleasant)
0047-729X Midland History
0147-037X Ming Studies
1457-2362 Mirator
0026-9891 Montana
0027-2671 Mouvement Social
0027-2841 Moyen Age
0722-4532 Muenstersche Beitraege zur Antiken Handelsgeschichte
0771-6494 Museon
1460-8944 National Identities
0028-6206 New Mexico Historical Review
0146-437X New York History
0028-8322 New Zealand Journal of History
0078-107X Nordisk Numismatisk Aarsskrift
1502-170X Norsk Sjoefartsmuseum. Aarbok
0078-172X Northern History
0029-5124 Novaya i Noveishaya Istoriya
0078-2734 Numismatiska Meddelanden
0029-6236 Nuova Rivista Storica
1126-0998 Nuovo Storia Comtemporanea
0378-8652 Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Anzeiger
0094-0798 Oral History Review
0030-4727 Oregon Historical Quarterly
0030-8684 Pacific Historical Review
0030-8803 Pacific Northwest Quarterly
0264-2824 Parliamentary History
0031-2746 Past and Present: A Journal of Historical Studies
0031-4587 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
0717-7224 Pensamiento critico: revista electrònica de historia
0332-1592 Peritia
0922-6001 Philosophy of History and Culture
1562-5346 Pro civitate Austriae
0033-1031 Prologue (College Park)
0272-3433 Public Historian
0309-2445 Publishing History
0391-6936 Quaderni di Storia
0392-1875 Quaderni Medievali
0301-6307 Quaderni Storici
0163-6545 Radical History Review
0033-9873 Rassegna Storica del Risorgimento
0950-3129 Reading Medieval Studies
Redescriptions. Yearbook of Political Thought and Conceptual History
0034-429X Renaissance and Reformation
1188-3928 Research in Maritime History
0743-4154 Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
1364-2529 Rethinking History
0048-7511 Reviews in American History
0034-8341 Revista de Indias
0954-6545 Revolutionary Russia
0035-0818 Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire
0035-2357 Revue d'Histoire de l'Amerique Francaise
0330-8987 Revue d'Histoire Maghrebine
0048-8003 Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine
1280-9640 Revue Europeenne des Etudes Hebraiques
0035-3264 Revue historique
0772-9235 Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquite
0035-5607 Risorgimento
0393-3415 Rivista di Storia Economica
0300-340X Rivista Storica dell'Antichita
0035-7073 Rivista Storica Italiana
1528-8129 Romantic Circles Praxis Series
0080-4401 Royal Historical Society. Transactions
0080-4487 Royal Numismatic Society. Special Publications
0035-9149 Royal Society of London. Notes and Records
0956-7933 Rural History
0080-5319 Saeculum
0256-8411 Saga
0036-5483 Scandia (Lund)
0358-5522 Scandinavian Economic History Review
0346-8755 Scandinavian Journal of History
0036-9241 The Scottish Historical Review
0334-4509 Scripta Classica Israelica
1774-4466 Seizieme Siecle
0268-117X Seventeenth Century
0361-0160 Sixteenth Century Journal
1754-1328 Sixties
1652-4772 Sjuttonhundratal
0904-1923 Sjæk'len. Årbog for Fiskeri-og Søfartsmuseet
0807-4798 Skrifter -NTNU, Senter for middelalderstudier
0144-039X Slavery and Abolition
0307-1022 Social History
0951-631X Social History of Medicine
0145-5532 Social Science History
0037-9816 Society of Archivists. Journal
0106-4452 Soenderjyske Aarboeger
1570-8721 Sources for African History
0258-2473 South African Historical Journal
0038-478X Southwestern Historical Quarterly
0392-8926 Storia della Storiografia
0039-3037 Studi Storici
1650-755X Studia Historica Lundensia
0356-8199 Studia Historica Septentrionalia
0081-6531 Studia Historica Upsaliensia
0360-2370 Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture
0257-6430 Studies in History (New Delhi)
0039-4564 Sudhoffs Archiv
0375-2038 Svenska Linne-Saellskapet. Aarsskrift
0040-117X Technikgeschichte
1385-920X Technology and Change in History
0040-165X Technology and Culture
0780-5772 Tekniikan Waiheita
0805-4487 The Bryggen Papers
0040-7518 Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis
0040-9634 Tortenelmi Szemle
0955-2359 Twentieth Century British History
1010-9161 Tyche
1102-4313 Ugglan (Lund)
1101-4148 Universidad de Gotumburgo. Instituto Ibero Americano. Anales
1504-3258 Universitetet i Oslo. Kulturhistorisk Museum. Skrifter
1602-5962 University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences
0703-0428 Urban History Review
0340-8728 V S W G -Vierteljahrschrift für Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte
0321-0391 Vestnik Drevnei Istorii
0042-5702 Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte
0305-9219 Viking Society for Northern Research. Saga Book
0048-2277 Volund
0344-3086 War and Society Newsletter
0968-3445 War in History
0043-2431 The Welsh History Review
0043-3810 Western Historical Quarterly
0961-2025 Women's History Review
0012-4273 XVIIe Siecle
0084-3296 Yad Vashem Studies
0338-9316 Yod
0256-5250 Zeitgeschichte
0044-2194 Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie
0044-2828 Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft
0340-0174 Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung
0342-2852 Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
1615-2581 Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte
1431-7451 Zeitspruenge
0800-3718 Årbok for norsk utdanningshistorie