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Wikipedia:Update/1/Deletion policy changes during January 2009

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Wikipedia:Oversight
    • Changed "Oversighted edits differ from normal deletion performed by administrators, since once removed, they cannot be seen even by administrators, nor can they easily be restored to the database." to "When using the oversight function on an edit, it is possible to supress the text of a revision, the username of a contributor, and the edit summary of a contribution, or any combination thereof. It is also possible to completely supress the revision from being viewed by anyone except other users with the Oversight permission. In this way it differs from normal administrator deletion."
    • Reworded: "All other oversighted revisions remain viewable by every user, minus the offending material that was removed.
    • Updated list of oversighters
    • Removed WP:OVERSIGHT#Oversighting of log entries and part of WP:OVERSIGHT#Assignment and revocation