Wikipedia:University of Edinburgh/61st month report
Institution | Resident's Name | Period Covered | Date of Report | List of reports to date |
University of Edinburgh | Ewan McAndrew | 1 January 2021 - 31 January 2021 (Sixty-first month of the residency) | 2 February 2021 | Click here to view all reports. |
Running total of staff & student engagement
[edit]Institution | Resident's Name | Number of training sessions delivered | Number of students trained | Number of staff trained | Members of the public trained | Number of editathons | Total articles created | Total articles improved |
University of Edinburgh | Ewan McAndrew | 262 | 1,354 | 541 | 523 | 105 | 900 | 3,117 |
Projects delivered
[edit]Strategic Aim 1 - Knowledge Equity
[edit]- Develop partnerships that increase access to underrepresented cultural heritage
- Support the development of minority and indigenous language Wikipedias
- Encourage new and existing partners to help tackle the gender gap on Wikimedia
- Identify other areas of inequality and bias and create partnerships to help address these
- Engage with volunteers and partners across the UK, widening the charity’s geographic reach
- Diversify content producers by recruiting new editors from under-represented communities
- Support the development of a more inclusive culture across the Wikimedia projects
- Ensure that Wikimedia UK’s own policies and practices support diversity and inclusion

[edit]Women in Red workshop
[edit]- One new Women in Red workshops was held on 15 January 2021 for Wikipedia's 20th birthday. The resident prepared 3 years' worth of obituaries to make sure these women were celebrated and remembered on Wikipedia.
- 6 new articles were created at the 15 January event inc. Margaret Meek Spencer, a British educationalist in the field of literacy. The UK Children's Laureate, Michael Rosen stated that she supervised his postgraduate work and continued that support through her life. Michael Rosen retweeted his acknowledgment of her contribution and generosity.
- 25 more articles were edited.
- 188 edits in total.
- 9 editors.
- 9.23K words added.
HIV Scotland editathon
[edit]- Following the instigation, and inspiration, from Lorna Campbell, University of Edinburgh OER Service, we held an HIV Scotland editathon with Siobhan Carroll, Staff Pride Network at the University of Edinburgh, and Henry Gray, HIV Scotland, on 28 January 2021 focused on improving coverage of the organisations and activists involved in HIV/AIDS awareness and treatment in Scotland. Discussing further events to celebrate LGBT History month and improve content about HIV in Scotland. Created new Navigation Box template to pull the history of HIV/AIDS organisations and activists in Scotland.
- 6 new articles were created at the 28 January event inc. Scottish AIDS Monitor (SAM), a Scottish HIV and AIDS awareness organisation that was active between 1983 and 1996.
- 22 more articles were edited.
- 259 edits in total.
- 20 editors.
- 6.1K words added.
Scotland, Slavery and Black History
[edit]- Held three further workshops with Professor Diana Paton and the University of Edinburgh History Society as part of a 4 week project to improve Wikipedia's coverage of Scotland, Slavery and Black History.
- 4 new articles were created at the 27 January event inc. Jesse Ewing Glasgow, a Philadelphian-born African American intellectual and student at the University of Edinburgh from 1858 to 1860. He authored the radical pamphlet on John Brown's Harper's Ferry Raid in 1859.
- 55 more articles were edited.
- 586 edits in total.
- 11 editors.
- 14.9K words added.
International Women's Day planning
[edit]- Sarah Lappin, President of the Edinburgh University Women in STEM Society has approached the resident about holding an International Women's Day editathon, keynoted by Linda Bauld, focused on women activists and involving multiple other student societies. Further discussions are afoot. So far the societies involved will be Women in STEM, Women in Law, Women in Business, Women in Politics and International Relations, EconWomen and Hoppers (women and gender minorities in Informatics). The theme for IWD2021 is #ChooseToChallenge so we'll be focusing on female mobility in our main event but also plan to have a case study discussion on abortion rights in Poland, an inclusivity panel and feminist movie screening along with some other fun activites. To continue with the theme, we want to focus the editathon on Edinburgh based or Scottish female activists but can include notable women from the different fields of our societies as well.
Women in Digital Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
[edit]- Lisa Otty and Cathy Naughton at the Edinburgh Centre for Data, Culture and Society have discussed with the resident an editathon themed on improving coverage of Women in Digital Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. This event will take place 17 March 2021.
Wikimedia student internships in Summer 2021
[edit]- Received notification that we can go ahead with recruiting an Open Collections ('Wikisourceror') student internship next Summer to support the Library & University Collections team develop workflows to share collections to Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource.
- Received notification that we can go ahead with recruiting an Open Edinburgh (Open Data and Knowledge Equity) student internship next Summer to develop new resources, and course activities to support the teaching of data science and support equality, diversity and inclusion in teaching and learning at the university.
Activities delivered with stats:
[edit]Partnership interactions
[edit]Activity /Purpose of Meeting | Date and duration | Institute | Location | Names of Attendees | Links, if any, to Meeting/Presentation/ Conference Talk |
Planning meeting with Sarah Lappin, President of the Edinburgh University Women in STEM Society | 28 January 2021 1 hour |
University of Edinburgh | MS Teams meeting | Sarah Lappin, University of Edinburgh Women in STEM Society | n/a |
Image statistics - as of 2nd February 2021
262,035 pageviews on English Wikipedia
194,605 views on French Wikipedia
and 79,571 views on German Wikipedia

- All uploads can be monitored via Images uploaded in collaboration between WMUK and the University of Edinburgh.
- Baglama2 (page views for only those images released by the Centre for Research Collections
- Baglama2 (page views for images in the parent category - Images uploaded in collaboration between WMUK and the University of Edinburgh.
UoE Centre for Research Collections images | Total for January 2021 | 781,437 views |
All images uploaded in collaboration between WMUK and the University of Edinburgh | Total for January 2021 | 1,662,256 views |
UoE Centre for Research Collections images | Total for 61 months of monitoring | 46,314,753 views |
The most viewed images for January 2021 across all Wikipedias were:
Strategic Aim 2 - Digital Literacy
[edit]Work with partners to develop digital, data and information literacy through Wikimedia
- Support the education sector’s engagement with Wikimedia as a digital literacy tool
- Facilitate Wikimedia-based digital, data and information literacy projects with other partners
- Create content and resources for learners and educators
- Advocate for the inclusion of Wikimedia in curriculum, syllabus and course development
- Collaborate with the civil society sector and other partners to combat misinformation
[edit]Wikimedia in the Curriculum
[edit]- The Translation Studies MSc Wikipedia assignment from semester one concluded with 50 students all peer assessing one another's work and then publishing their 1,500-2,000 word translations to a different language Wikipedia this month. List of articles on assignment page.
- This represents an enormous body of work as students' peer assessment, use of referencing and problems in translation all had to be reviewed.
- Meeting being arranged to discuss how the Translation assignment can better work with Chinese Wikipedia editors given there were some issues over 'translationese' being used in students' work.
- Been approached to discuss Wikidata in the Curriculum assignments with Stacy Allison-Cassin at the University of Toronto.
- Been approached to discuss a collaboration to improve coverage of the work being done on digital age and citizens of the future by Drew Hemment at Edinburgh College of Art. [1]

Podcast on Wikimedia in education
[edit]- Glaire Anderson, Lecturer and course leader on the Stars, Talismans and Robots Honours course on Islamic Art, wrote a blogpost on her experiences teaching with Wikipedia and seems keen to repeat the experience in the following years. A 4-part podcast series with the University's influential Teaching Matters blog is being discussed with Glaire happy to take part in conversation with her students on 18 March 2021.
PhD student editathon on Women in Digital Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
[edit]- Discussed with Lisa Otty at the Edinburgh Centre for Data, Culture and Society about a Women in Digital Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences event to be held on March 17th 2021 for their PhD students. Event page now created and booking to open soon.
Conference submission
[edit]- Submitted abstract to the University of Edinburgh's Learning and Teaching Conference 2021 on Wikipedia in the Classroom – Student-led activism promoting knowledge equity and SDG4 - Professor Diana Paton and History Society student Scarlett Kiaras-Attari have agreed to take part and present on the project to improve coverage of Scotland, Slavery and Black History.
Proposals for student project work
[edit]- Redrafting proposal for the studentEdinburgh Award (50hrs) for Wikipedia editing. Resident to send back to the Careers Service in February 2021.
- The resident is to discuss applying for Student Experience Grants for funding student editing projects with Lorna Campbell, University of Edinburgh OER Service, on Thursday 4th February 2021.
Wikidata for Digital Humanities
[edit]Joined the Advisory Board for the Mapping the Scottish Reformation project following this feedback from Dr. Chris Langley on the project:
"We’ve received some terrific feedback on the pilot site that Hristo and Stewart (University of Edinburgh Interactive Content Team) built... Now we move onto Stage 3: where we take all that we have learned and apply it to another 45,000 pages of manuscript material to cover all of Scotland. You’ve helped drive this project and Mikki and I are immensely grateful. We’ve been thinking about ways that both recognise all of the help you’ve given us, but that will also allow us to do more with the Wikidata/open data communities. As such, we have decided to expand our Advisory Board so it includes a broader range of technical, as well as historical, expertise. It would be our pleasure if you would consider joining the Advisory Board for Stage 3 of MSR: this would involve attending a handful of meetings over the course of the project (one every six months), getting advance access to demos and tests, and generally being a part of discussions about the project."
Activities with stats:
[edit]Event Name | Date and duration | Location | Attendees | New editors | Trainers |
Introduction to Open data with Wikidata workshop |
21st January 2021, 12pm-1pm | University of Edinburgh, Zoom | 4 | 4 | Ewan McAndrew |
Partnership interactions
Strategic Aim 3 - Advocacy
[edit]Create changes in policy and practice that enable open knowledge to flourish
- Support and enable individual organisations to adopt more open policies and practice
- Promote and facilitate sector-level change towards open knowledge
- Work with national and international partners to build the case for free knowledge
- Advocate for open knowledge within the UK’s public policy and legislative arena
- Contribute to international advocacy activities and programmes as appropriate
[edit]- At the Wikimedia UK birthday celebration event for Wikipedia turning 20 years old on 15 January 2021 there was a presentation by University of Edinburgh student and former Wikimedia Training Intern, Hannah Rothmann, on the work creating new resources to make contributing to Wikipedia and Wikidata much easier (and why this is important). Of the six lightning talks showcasing work in the UK, three were on work in Scotland.
- Final draft of a chapter for the new open access book on Wikipedia and Academic Libraries on the work we do at the University of Edinburgh to address gender inequality has been submitted (and reviewed by Karen Howie and Dr. Melissa Highton also) on 29 January 2021.
- Attended Wikimedia UK meeting on Wednesday 20 January 2021 to share developments and challenges experienced with Wikimedia UK and other Wikimedians in Residence at other institutions. Next meeting planned for February 2021.
Activities delivered with stats:
[edit]No events this month.
Partnership interactions
[edit]Activity /Purpose of Meeting | Date and duration | Institute | Location | Names of Attendees | Links, if any, to Meeting/Presentation/ Conference Talk |
Wikipedia at 20 - Wikimedia UK celebration event | 15 January 2021 | Wikimedia UK | Zoom Meeting | Meeting with UK Wikimedians | Presentation by University of Edinburgh student and former Wikimedia Training Intern, Hannah Rothmann, on the work creating new resources to make contributing to Wikipedia and Wikidata much easier (and why this is important). |
Meeting with Wikimedia UK and UK Wikimedians in Residence | 20 January 2021 | Wikimedia UK | Zoom Meeting | Meeting with Wikimedia UK and UK Wikimedians in Residence | n/a |
Projects/events in development
- New semester two project to begin with Translation Studies MSc students on 10 February 2021.
- Revising a proposal for a Wikipedia editing 'Edinburgh Award' where students can be accredited for completing 50hrs of Wikipedia training, editing and advocacy.
- International Women's Day event with Edinburgh University Women in STEM Society, keynoted by Linda Bauld.
- Women in Digital Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences editing event with the PhD students at the Edinburgh Centre for Data, Culture and Society on 17 March 2021.
- Phase Two of the Mapping the Scottish Reformation Wikidata project with Dr. Chris Langley (Newman University, Birmingham) and Professor Mikki Brock (Washington and Lee University, USA).
Upcoming events in 2021
[edit]- February 1 - Translation Studies MSc - Semester Two workshop
- February 3 - Women in Red monthly editathon.
- February 5 - Introduction to Wikidata workshop.
- February 10 - Teaching with Wikipedia workshop.
- February 12 - Introduction to Wikisource workshop.
- February 25 - LGBT+ History Month editathon event with the Staff Pride Network.
- March 3 - Introduction to Wikidata workshop.
- March 5 - Women in Red monthly editathon.
- March 8 - International Women's Day editathon with Edinburgh University Women in STEM Society.
- March 10 - Teaching with Wikipedia workshop.
- March 12 - Introduction to Wikisource workshop.
- March 17 - Women in Digital Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences editathon event with Edinburgh Centre for Data, Culture and Society.
- March 31 - Women in Red monthly editathon.
- April 2 - Teaching with Wikipedia workshop.
- April 2 - Introduction to Wikidata workshop.
- April 7-9 - LILAC Information Literacy Conference 2021.
[edit]New website on the Wikimedia residency
[edit]- New 41 webpage site created by Hannah Rothmann, student intern, on University of Edinburgh's Digital Skills site.
New articles and blogposts
[edit]- Happy Birthday Wikipedia - guest blog post by Classics undergraduate student, Hannah Rothmann, for Wikipedia's 20th birthday.
- 3,000 word chapter submitted for the Wikipedia and Academic Libraries book on the work of the Wikimedia residency in addressing the gender gap over the last 5 years. Final version submitted on 29 January 2021.
- Editing Wikipedia: Stars, robots and talismans honours course by Glaire Anderson
[edit]- Click to see the number of pageviews on Wikipedia for January 2021 for the MOOC snippets on Wikimedia Commons.
Wikimedian in Residence - University of Edinburgh Media Hopper channel
[edit]- The Wikimedian in Residence channel on Media Hopper now has 332 videos. 320 plays since 31 December 2020.
1 January 2021 to 31 January 2021
Number of videos | Impressions | Minutes viewed | Number of plays since 31 December |
332 | 993 | 1,472 | 320 |
The most played videos were:
Position | Video | Plays | Total plays |
1 | Moving a drafted article into Wikipedia's live space. | 60 plays | 1,236 plays |
2 | OpenRefine Beginners Tutorial. | 22 plays | 329 plays |
3 | How to add a citation on Wikipedia | 3 plays | 8 plays |
4 | How to structure an article on Wikipedia - the Featured Article | 2 plays | 46 plays |
5 | How to use QuickStatements - a tool to bulk upload data onto Wikidata. | 1 play | 11 plays |
Wikimedian in Residence - Youtube channel
[edit]- The Wikimedian in Residence channel on Youtube which has now received over 148,326 views in total of its 95 videos with 592 subscribers. These videos have been viewed in 168 countries around the world over the course of the channel's lifetime.
Number of videos | Views this period | Hours watched this period | New subscribers | Total subscribers | Total views | Total number of countries viewing the channel |
95 | 8,500 (2,900 more than usual) | 430.8 (80.8 more than usual) | +34 | 592 | 148,326 | 168 |
Image uploads to Wikimedia Commons
Haggis - uploaded to the article for Burns Supper by Dr. Melissa Highton on the occasion of renowned Scots poet Robert Burns birthday celebrations on 25 January 2021.
Haggis, neeps and tatties - uploaded to the article for Burns Supper by Dr. Melissa Highton renowned Scots poet Robert Burns birthday celebrations on 25 January 2021.
Neeps (turnips) - uploaded to the article for Burns Supper by Dr. Melissa Highton renowned Scots poet Robert Burns birthday celebrations on 25 January 2021.
Press about the residency
[edit]- Edinburgh University searches for 'Wikimedians' - Edinburgh Evening News, 8th October 2015.
- University of Edinburgh to employ ‘Wikimedian in Residence’ web editor - The Student, October 13th 2015.
- The History of Medicine gets mentioned in the ILW Awards 2016
- The OER16 Conference, co-chaired by Melissa Highton and Lorna M. Campbell, won Wikimedia UK’s Partnership of the Year Award
- 'Wikidata and Wikisource Showcase' mentioned on IS News site.
- The Wikimedia Residency, as part of the University Of Edinburgh's Open Education team, won 3rd place in ALT's Learning Technologist of the Year awards.
- Open Education team (including Wikimedia residency) come third in ALT Learning Technologist of the Year awards - story on the IS News site.
- Wikipedia's women problem - Melissa Highton writes for the Dangerous Women project 10th October 2016
- STV News 'Live at Five' covers the Ada Lovelace Day - Women in STEM Wikipedia editathon.
- New College take on Wikipedia edit-a-thon - Women and Religion 2 November 2016.
- Brenda Moon remembered in Wikipedia editathon - article in IS News
- Wikipedia editathon and Mary Stewart - Edinburgh Gothic Sat 12 November.
- Wikipedia editathon at the University of Sheffield's Centre for the History of the Gothic
- Collaborating to built a city of information literacy, a city of Wikipedia - Interview by OEPS Scotland
- #1Lib1Ref at the University of Edinburgh - Blog article by Gavin Willshaw, Digital Curator - 2nd February 2017
- Fake News and Wikidata - a roundup of the Wikimedia UK Education Summit
- Host a Wikimedian - You can't afford not to (blog article)
- 'Wikipedia, research and representation- - Dr Amy Burge, Academic Developer at the Institute for Academic Development, University of Edinburgh.
- Mary Susan McIntosh and the Women in Red - Lorna Campbell.
- What do you do with a dead chemist? - Anne-Marie Scott.
- Wikipedia and Writing - Michael Seery, Reader in Education, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh.
- Language and Politics - my takeaways by Mina Theofilatou.
- How is it almost August? - Lorna Campbell.
- While in Scotland - Käbi Suvi, Wikimedia Estonia.
- Celtic Knot Conference 2017 in Edinburgh - Astrid Carlsen, Wikimedia Norge.
- Wikipedia in the Classroom: developing information literacy, online citizenship and digital research skills - Teaching Matters blog 13th June 2017.
- Congratulations to our Wikimedian of the Year - Wikimedia UK blog 1st August 2017.
- University of Edinburgh journal vol.48 no.1 - Article about the Edinburgh residency on p.25
- Ada Lovelace Day 2017 - celebrating Women in STEM - article on the WiR blog on 1st September 2017.
- Scotland loves monuments - article for Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 on the Wir Blog - Friday 8 September 2017.
- Wanderings with a Wikimedian - Blog article by Anne-Marie Scott for Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 - Monday 11 September 2017.
- Mortuary Chapel, Revisited - Anne-Marie Scott's blog September 30 2017.
- Ada Lovelace Day – Professor Elizabeth Slater - Lorna Campbell's blog on October 10 2017.
- Ada Lovelace Day - knitting resources
- Ada Lovelace Day 2017 photos.
- Wikipedia is a very lovely place to be - Anne-Marie Scott's blog.
- The 17th century map of Iceland released by the University of Edinburgh's Centre for Research Collections gets a mention in Creative Commons' influential 'State of the Commons report'.
- Wikipedia has always depended on the kindness of strangers - Outcomes of Ada Lovelace 2017 on the Wikimedian in Residence blog 19 October 2017.
- Wikipedia assignments – getting past the ‘Penguin effect’ and down to the brass tacks of sharing open knowledge - Teaching Matters blog.
- Ada Lovelace Day 2017 – Celebrating women in STEM - Edinburgh University Science Magazine.
- Another Story about Maps - Blogpost by Anne-Marie Scott 27 October 2017.
- Open Tumshies for Halloween - blogpost by Lorna Campbell 31 October 2017.
- Internet Transmitted Infections – I’ve got the SPLOTS - Anne-Marie Scott, 16 November 2017.
- Wikidata in the Classroom on the Wikimedian in Residence blog 22 November 2017.
- Open for all - Mansfield Traquair images hosted on Wikimedia Commons. Blog by Anne-Marie Scott 23 November 2017.
- Take an Equal Bite - Blogpost by Melissa Highton about EqualBITE: Gender equality in higher education and the the positive power of wikipedia editathons. 2nd December 2017.
- Wikipedia Games / SPLOTPoint - Anne-Marie Scott blog, January 1st 2018.
- 2017 Highs, Lows and Losses - Lorna Campbell blog, January 3rd 2018
- Wikipedia at 17 – Facts matter. - January 16th 2018.
- Reflections on International Women’s Day 2018 and Wikipedia – A Gude Cause - 8 March 2018.
- New SPLOT Wikidata tutorial - Wikidata Basics.
- Collaborated with John Lubbock at Wikimedia UK to produce Wikimedia UK blogpost: Data on the history of Scottish witch trials added to Wikidata on 9 March 2018.
- Libraries, Literacies & Learning – presentation at SCURL event 23 March 2018
- Digital Transformation and Data — The Wikimedia Residency at the University of Edinburgh on
- Wikimedia resources – how to get started.
- The OER 18 EdTech editathon 'SPLOT' resource.
- Wikimedia at the Open Educational Resources Conference 2018
- Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye – reflection on 12 months by Ruth Jenkins, Academic Support Librarian at the University of Edinburgh Medical School.
- Wikipedia in Higher Education (co-authored with Jemima John, 4th year Law undergraduate student.
- Wikipedia in Higher Education… How students are shaping the open web.
- Tracings (don’t look too closely)
- NEW SPLOT resource created for the Wikidata Workshop at the Digital Day of Ideas.
- NEW 'SPLOT' resource for running a Wikipedia translation workshop created for the Celtic Knot 2018 conference at the National Library of Wales on 5-6 July.
- NEW 'SPLOT' resource for running a Wikipedia 'micro' editathon workshop initially created by the resident and then Academic Support Librarian colleagues tailored & populated the resource for use at the EAHIL conference in Cardiff on 13 July.
- Wikipedia in the Classroom – how students are shaping the open web - Teaching Matters blog
- Case study about the Wikidata in the Classroom project on the Data Science for Design MSc course. Uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and shared in Wikidata Status Updates.
- Towards Open-ish? - a hybrid conversation organised as part of the Wikimania conference in Cape Town.
- Languages - blog about whether other language Wikipedias should refer to all places in Scotland by their Gaelic names.
- Newspapers - created a Wikipedia page as part of Mike Caulfield’s Newspapers on Wikipedia project.
- Reflections on CELT Symposium 2018 - includes mention of our Open Content Curation Student Interns and the Wikimedia in the Classroom initiatives.
- The Soul of Liberty: Openness, Equality and Co-creation - transcript of Lorna Campbell's keynote at CELT 2018 - includes Wikipedia in the classroom initiatives and Wikidata projects at the University of Edinburgh.
- Circular Records Hall on Atlas Obscura - one of Lorna's photographs was featured in Atlas Obscura. It was one that she uploaded to Wikimedia Commons as part of the Wiki Loves Monuments competition last year.
- What I did on my holidays - taking pictures for Wiki Loves Monuments.
- Academia and Wikipedia – a presentation at Maynooth University on 18 June 2018.
- Celebrating 100 years of Votes for Women
- Ada Lovelace Day 2018 – nominate Women in STEM heroines.
- Open.Ed – OER and Open Knowledge at the University of Edinburgh.
- Wikidata in the Classroom and the WikiCite project - presentation at Repository Fringe 2018.
- University wins Wikimedia UK’s Partnership of the Year award
- University of Edinburgh wins Wikimedia UK Partnership of the Year Award.
- Open.Ed at RepoFringe18
- Scotland loves Monuments 2018
- Wiki Loves Monuments 2018
- The internet’s favourite website for information.
- How to run a Wikipedia editathon – a workshop for health information professionals at the EAHIL conference - This post was authored by Ruth Jenkins, Academic Support Librarian at the University of Edinburgh.
- Ada Lovelace Day – 1 month to go!
- Facts and Fallacies: Cultural Representations of Mental Health
- Edinburgh Gothic for Robert Louis Stevenson Day 2018
- Witchy Wikidata – a 6th birthday celebration event for Halloween
- Editing Wikipedia as part of teaching public health? by Felix Stein, by Global Health MSc course leader at the University of Edinburgh.
- JISC Case study:Wikimedia in the curriculum - addressing the challenges of digital and information literacy, digital scholarship and open knowledge at the University of Edinburgh.
- The New Statesman:From Chinese spies to award-winning geologists, we’re making women visible on Wikipedia - co-authored with Siobhan O'Connor, Sara Thomas and Alice White.
- Wikimedian in Residence blog:You can’t be what you can’t see - creating new role models on Wikipedia to encourage the next generation of #ImmodestWomen.
- Article in the Scotsman: Women scientists being whitewashed from Wikipedia – Ewan McAndrew, Siobhan O’Connor, Dr Sara Thomas and Dr Alice White
- Women and Wikipedia….Open Learning and a hobby for life!
- Translation and Open Education – An Experiment using Wikipedia
- Wikipedia in Higher Education: How students are shaping the open web
- Diversifying Wikipedia for the Festival of Creative Learning 2019
- JISC case study – Wikimedia in the curriculum: Addressing the challenges of digital and information literacy, digital scholarship and open knowledge at the University of Edinburgh
- You can’t be what you can’t see: Creating new role models on Wikipedia to encourage the next generation of Immodest Women
- International Women’s Day 2019
- Recruiting a Witchfinder General
- Wikimedia at the LILAC Information Literacy Conference 2019
- Balance for Better – recognising notable Edinburgh women
- Balance for Better – Teaching Matters
- Wikimania 2019 - Digital Support Librarian Lauren Smith reports on her first-time attendance at Wikimania 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden.
- Scotland Loves Monuments 2019 - Get involved in Wiki Loves Monuments!
- Learning to become an online editor: the editathon as a learning environment by Allison Littlejohn, Nina Hood, Martin Rehm, Lou McGill, Bart Rienties and Melissa Highton.
- Wikipedia on Olive Schreiner, like it or what? by Professor Liz Stanley.
- Celebrating notable women of Edinburgh
- Wikimedia Women in Red internship
- Four page spread on the Map of Accused Witches Wikidata project in the May/June 2020 publication of History Scotland magazine.
- Shifting Gears and Finding Female Pioneers
- To the Future of Women in Red and Online Diversity
- My first week as a Wikimedia Training Intern - blogpost by Hannah Rothmann
- 4 weeks into my Wikimedia Internship by Hannah Rothmann on the residency blog.
- #WCCWiki Colloquium 2020 by Hannah Rothmann on the residency blog.
- Final reflections on my Wikimedia Training Internship by Hannah Rothmann on the residency blog.
- Scotland Loves Monuments 2020 on the residency blog.
- Wikipedia as Learning Technology: Teaching Knowledge Activism vs Passive Consumption by Hannah Rothmann, Wikimedia Training Intern, for the University of Edinburgh's Teaching Matters blog.
- Introducing Mapping the Scottish Reformation: Clerics, Manuscripts, and Open Data on the Wikimedia UK blog.
- Article on Mapping of Scotland's Accused Witches with Open Data project appeared in an article on the Heritage Fund UK website on 27 October 2020 in the run up to Halloween.
- Editing Wikipedia: Stars, robots and talismans Honours course by Glaire Anderson for the Wikimedia UK blog
- Happy Birthday Wikipedia - guest blog post by Classics undergraduate student, Hannah Rothmann, for Wikipedia's 20th birthday.