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Wikipedia:University of Edinburgh/5th Month Report

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Institution Resident's Name Period Covered Date of Report
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 May - 11 June 2016 (Fifth month of residency) 17 May 2016

Running total of staff & student engagement

Institution Resident's Name Number of students trained Number of staff trained Members of the public trained
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 19 58 12


Event Name Date Location Attendees New Users Gender breakdown
Wikipedia Editing training workshop 27th May 2016 University of Edinburgh Teaching Studio LG.07 David Hume Tower 8 8 50% female
Wikipedia Editing training workshop 26th May 2016 University of Edinburgh Main Library - Training Room 1.10 6 6 50% female
Wikipedia Editing training workshop 19th May 2016 University of Edinburgh TLK, Fleeming Jenkins Building, College of Science & Engineering 7 6 28.6% female



Number of views of University of Edinburgh images in May:

Total number of views (after 2 months):

  • 534,469

Source: Baglama2

28 day Twitter summary (up to 15th June)

  • Tweets
  • Tweet impressions
  • Profile visits
  • Mentions
  • Followers
 245 - up 32

Articles created


No articles were created this month - only event pages in preparation for the editathons to come.

Articles improved


No articles were improved beyond the residency page, Wikipedia:University of Edinburgh, and the 'History of Veterinary Medicine' editathon page here.



Briefly outline how the projects delivered link with the general objectives of the residency, and the Wikimedia UK’s mission. This section may stay the same for the whole of the projects unless objectives change

Wikimedia UK's objectives Residency's objectives
G1: Develop Open Knowledge Be an advocate or open knowledge within the University's collections and community, which would enrich Wikipedia and sister projects and enhance the University's role in open knowledge and public engagement. Identify opportunities for content improvement and image releases.
G2a: Develop, involve & engage WMUK volunteers Organise and host workshops for University staff, students and public to enable them to directly contribute their knowledge and expertise to develop Wikipedia articles.
G3: Reduce barriers to accessing open knowledge Design and manage a programme of activities to improve collaboration between the Institution and Wikimedia UK and Wikimedia community, leading to a sustainable relationship and more joint projects in the future.
G5: Develop, support and engage with other Wikimedia & Open Knowledge Communities Be an advocate for open knowledge with the University, for example by working with Library & University Collections to develop or change policies (e.g. Access and Reuse of Digital Collections), systems or processes which would allow greater collaboration between Wikimedia UK and the University. Create best practice documents as needed.



This month has been a shorter one given I was on annual leave from 11th May to 18th May. Thereafter it has been focussed on laying the foundations for the many editathon events we have planned for Autumn/Winter this year as well creating video tutorial content & reaching out to instructors & learning technologists at the university who may be interested in working with us.

I have shared & learnt a great deal of good practice from attending the Digital Day of Ideas on 18th May during which I met Karen Gregory, lecturer in Digital Sociology, who previously worked with the Wikimedian in NYC and is interested in collaborating at the University of Edinburgh. I also took part in a d3.js workshop, given by Uta Hinrichs, lecturer in Computer Science at St. Andrews University, which demonstrated how Wikidata can be visualised in a myriad of ways. I visited the College of Science & Engineering at Kings Buildings for the first time, ran a training session there for staff, recruited their learning technologist to become a Wikipedia trainer and spoke to Professor Gordon Masteron about a History of Engineering editathon to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Regus Chair of Engineering.

I also attended the Little France Bioquarter where I recorded an interview with Dr. Chris Harlow speaking positively about the Wikipedia research session he conducted last year with his 3rd year Reproductive Honours students. Chris is keen to repeat the session this September and we are investigating a patnership with West Virginia University on this project. I also liaised with Dr. Cathy Southworth at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine while I was there and arranged a Eurostemcell editathon for 20th July which make links with the Wellcome Library residency and European partner labs.

I met with Eli Appleby-Donald, learning technologist at Divinity, who is keen to get some editathons in place at Divinity and Professor Alexander Chow who wishes to include a Wikipedia assignment in next semester's World Christianity postgraduate taught course. I have been liaising with Alex and our UCL colleagues, Raya Sharbain & Mira Vogel, to get the World Christianity course assignment page setup on Wikipedia accordingly.

I have continued my Skype sessions with Richard Nevell at WMUK. I met with Janet Macbeath (Head of Edinburgh University museums) with Sara Thomas (Wikimedian at Museum & Galleries Scotland) to discuss how a collaboration between WMUK and the Library & University Collections might work. I have since that time emailed my recommendations to the L&UC team and await their response for the next step.

I have continued discussions for the History of Veterinary Medicine event and have been liaising with Pauline Ward, Lorna Brown, Navino Evans, Martin Poulter, Lydia Pintscher & Charles Matthews to discuss & plan the Wikidata & Wikisource Showcase event I will deliver with Navino Evans in August for Repro Fringe. I ran 3 Wikipedia training sessions at the end of May and received interest from Dr. Alistair Hunter of Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies during one training event about including a Wikipedia assignment in their 2017/2018 course. I followed up my initial brief meeting with Karen Gregory, lecturer in Digital Sociology, with a longer meeting to discuss her past experiences and potential future collaborations.

I hosted a 'Wikipedia & Open Knowledge' week on the Postgraduate Certificate of Academic Practice (PgCAP course) attended by some 35 members of staff as part of their 'Online Education' module which was received positively. This included uploading reading materials and video tutorials to the VLE for the PgCAP course, running a 1 hour synchronous Collaborate session discussing Wikipedia's main policies & guidelines and responding to the participants in the discussion forums.

I also viewed and booked a variety of venues for the events we have upcoming and set up initial working group meetings to discuss these events. Finally, I ran a Wikipedia stall at the New Staff meet & greet at the Playfair Library attended by some 60 new staff.


  • Met with Karen Gregory, lecturer in Digital Sociology, to discuss a potential collaboration on Wikipedia & Digital Sociology.
  • Partnered with the Vet School to deliver an editathon for staff and Wikipedia training sessions for students.
  • Partnered with Gill Hamilton (National Library of Scotland) and Imogen Gibbons of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery for the Edinburgh Gothic event - which will be supported, if not attended by Penny Fielding (Grierson Chair of English and Head of English Literature at the University of Edinburgh).
  • Partnered with the Library & University Collections' team.
  • Partnered with Fiona Hale & Hamish Macleod of the PgCAP course to embed Wikipedia within the course design for this year and future years.
  • Partnered with Sian Bayne & Christine Sinclair of the Digital Education MSc course to see if Wikipedia training can be embedded in their course design.
  • Partnered with James Smith (Vice Principal - International) to deliver an International Alumni editathon event in October 2016.
  • Partnered with Alexander Chow to deliver a Wikipedia assignment on the World Christianity PGT course.
  • Partnered with Dr. Cathy Southworth (Centre for Regenerative Medicine) and Dr. Alice White, Wikimedian at the Wellcome Library to deliver a Eurostemcell editathon event on 20th July 2016.
  • Partnered with Histropedia's Navino Evans to deliver the Wikidata & Wikisource showcase event for Repo-Fringe on 2nd August.
  • Partnered with Professor Gordon Masterton at the School of Engineering to deliver a Regus Chair of Engineering - 150th anniversary editathon.
  • Partnered with Dr. Chris Harlow (Reproductive Biology) and Kelly Doyle (Wikimedian in Residence for Gender Equality at West Virginia University) to deliver a Reproductive Medicine Wikipedia research session/ editathon in September 2016.

Planned activities

  • To lead the Vet School Staff CPD Wikipedia editathon on the 'History of Veterinary Medicine' on 4th July 2016.
  • To lead the Vet School student Wikipedia training sessions in Autumn 2016.
  • To book and attend two further Wiki meetups in Glasgow & Edinburgh in July 2016.
  • To lead the Reproductive Medicine editathons on 21st & 28th September 2016.
  • To utilise Camtasia / Media Hopper to create & improve further ‘How to edit Wikipedia’ videos.
  • To meet with Kacper Lyszkiewicz, Learning Technologist at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, to discuss creating further Wikipedia video tutorials for use on the online History courses (100 students).
  • To meet with Amy Woodgate, Project Manager - Distance Education Initiative (DEI) & MOOCs, to discuss any crossover in our projects and the potential for any collaborations.
  • To attend the Wikimania 2016 conference in Italy.
  • To prepare and lead a Wikidata & Wikisource showcase at the Repro-Fringe event.
  • To convene working group meetings to discuss the Ada Lovelace Day editathon, the Day of the Dead editathon, the Edinburgh Gothic editathon and more.

Press about the residency

  1. Edinburgh University searches for 'Wikimedians' - Edinburgh Evening News, 8th October 2015.
  2. University of Edinburgh to employ ‘Wikimedian in Residence’ web editor - The Student Newspaper.org, October 13th 2015.
  3. The History of Medicine gets mentioned in the ILW Awards 2016


University of Edinburgh Wikimedian in Residence Collage

Projects Delivered

  • I delivered the 'Wikipedia & Open Knowledge' week as part of the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP course).
  • Creation of 14 video tutorials.
  • Created interview recording of Chris Harlow from Reproductive Medicine ong the Wikipedia ‘Neuroangioangesis’ research session he ran last year.
  • Delivered 3 training events.

Projects in Development

  • '150 years since the foundation of Regius Chair of Engineering' - Professor Gordon Masterton at the School of Engineering has contacted me about a possible collaboration.
  • 'International alumni - Vice Principal (International), James Smith, has been authorised to erect a number of blue plaques celebrating the contribution of Edinburgh University's international alumni on the international stage. I have been tasked with identifying suitably notable subjects for our historians to investigate & help create articles on.
  • Vet School editing training for Staff CPD - mooted for Summer 2016.
  • Vet School editathon for students - mooted for Autumn 2016.
  • Eurostemcell editathon - Booked in for 11th May 2016 with the Edinburgh University Medical School.
  • Digital Education Msc - Discussions to take place next month about how to embed an element of Wikipedia training within this course.
  • National Library of Scotland - Kelvinhall relaunch Wikimedia event - To be confirmed.
  • Edinburgh Gothic

A mooted event for September/October time which will cover art, architecture, music, literature, film. A contact within the English Literature department, Penny Fielding, has been identified to liaise with on this topic. Gill Hamilton at the National Library of Scotland is also interested in collaborating on this project.

  • Robert Louis Stevenson Day editathon

A mooted event for November 2016 - a contact within the English Literature department has been identified to liaise with on this topic. (Given the amount of information on Robert Louis Stevenson's page this may be combined with Edinburgh Gothic.)

  • Translate-a-thon - Reaching out to international students to translate articles from English Wikipedia to their own native language Wikipedia.

- Have contacted a number of people at the International Office to see if we can identify how best to contact our bilingual & multilingual students here.

  • Festival of Architecture 2016 - Have contacted a number of people at the Edinburgh College of Art about potentially running an architecture-themed editathon to celebrate the Festival of Architecture 2016.
  • Day of the Dead - An editathon for Halloween 2016 celebrating the lives of those who have passed on through creating Wikipedia pages utilising obituaries from Scottish newspaper archives.
  • The Library & University Collections - a number of recommendations have been submitted to the L&UC team for suggested editathon events which may be the best vehicle for making best use of their collection materials and opening them up to a global community.
  • Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology - Cara Jones, Adopt-a-Monument Project Manager from Archaeology Scotland, has suggested a collaboration on an archaeology editathon, which was one of my suggestions to the L&UC team.
  • Botanic Concrete - Collaboration proposed with Viviana Checchia, Public Engagement Curator at the Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow.