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Wikipedia:United States Education Program/Courses/Politics of Piracy (Kevin Gorman and Katie Gilmore)/Timeline/Assignments

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As we've talked about previously, improving a Wikipedia article will be one of the main components of this class.

By Tuesday, please select a Wikipedia article broadly related to the topic of this course and write a brief summary of how you intend to improve it. (You're also welcome to start a new article if there is not a Wikipedia article about your chosen topic already. If you'd like to do this, please talk to one of us in person before actually creating your article - but please do have a summary of your intended article ready by Tuesday.)

The list below includes some potential articles, but it's fine to choose something not on this list. If you haven't found a topic on your own yet and don't like any of the ones currently listed here, check back later - we'll put more potential topics up over the course of the week.

Post your chosen topic (and summary) on your own talk page, email it to one of us, or bring it to class on Tuesday. If you cannot turn in your topic by Tuesday, you must contact us before Tuesday.

Potential articles
