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Michigan Department of Environmental Quality **This will be added to the existing Michigan Department of Environmental Equality once approved.

Environmental Areas Covered [1]


There are key topics that MDEQ focuses on in order to achieve and maintain smooth functionality among its active members, external organizations, and local community members. These topics pertain to legal procedures, environmental databases, reporting requirements, grant programs, coordinating logistics, and other functions. All 16 categories are described below in greater detail, broken into three sectors: Logistical Categories, Environmental Action and Management, and Additional Categories.

Logistical Categories


Administrative Hearings


Many of the regulatory programs overseen and administered by the DEQ establish a right to contested case hearing. Issues that are covered within these programs include water quality of inland lakes and streams, air quality, solid waste management, wetlands, shorelands, drinking water, oil production, and many more. Cases are heard by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) and the State Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules.

  • Preliminary procedures used by the ALJ before formal hearing record is made in Opinions and Orders
  • Existing pending cases are included in the Docket
  • Final case decisions are made by the Director after a Proposal for Decision is given by an ALJ, which the Director can accept, reject, or modify: Final Determinations and Orders

Community Right to Know


Community Right to Know is interconnected with Emergency Planning and notifies community members when quick measures need to be taken in case of an unexpected event or setting. This is stated in Michigan's implementation of Title III in Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (“SARA Title III”) and details four focuses:

  • Emergency Planning and Notification
  • Emergency Release Notification
  • Hazardous Chemical Inventory
  • Toxic Chemical Release Inventory

Learn more about Title III SARA Act and its four major components.

Laws and Rules


Locations of Environmental Interest

Michigan State Forests Map

DEQ activities have established facilities that are centralized in certain locations. This category is used to aid the public in locating information in regards to their environmental interested. Listed below are sites/locations that are the most popular to public interest in the state:

Maps and Data


Maps are available to the public electronically or through request of a hard copy. Available maps:

Environmental Action and Management


Environmental Assistance


Assistance can be found at the Environmental Assistance Center (EAC) where it services all environmental regulatory compliance needs. Services include: telephone assistance, planning and producing of training events, or developing publications, educated staff members from major environmental protection programs will be of great help on a wide range of topics. Specific Services are listed here:

Phone Number to EAC: 1-800-662-9278, or Send Email Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm Monday-Friday

Environmental Education


This component entails what community members, regardless of age, can do themselves in order to learn more about the environment and also take initiative action to protect their surroundings. Resources available to the public include:

Environmental Reports


Reports are made each year on the state's air quality, Great Lakes, wetlands, drinking water, inland lakes and streams, and environmental clean-ups. These examinations are made to observe the progress that has been made in each area, while highlighting room for improvement as well.

Laboratory Services


These services (physical, chemical, microbiological testing) are mainly provided for environmental programs in the state for purposes of: drinking water, bathing beaches, public swimming pools, beaches, waste management, air quality, and geographical surveys among other areas.

Additional Categories

  • DEQ Policies and Procedures: Full List of policies pertaining to overall department and employees for all circumstances
  • Forms: Used for reports, violations, information requests, etc of selected environmental sectors. Found Here
  • Permits: All permits listed Here. Used in three occasions: 1. Issued by a statute, 2. Give permission to conduct specific activity, 3.DEQ had to provide decision based on established criteria
  • Pollutants and Toxicants: Understanding of the difference between pollutants and toxicants. The latter is a form of pollutant that has the potential to act as a poison.
    • Dioxins
    • Environmental Lead (Pb)
    • Mercury P2
    • Publications: Material published by MDEQ available to the public at Publication Center's database. For more information, email dnre-assist@michigan.gov.
  • Environmental Emergency: Call 1-800-292-4706 for spill reporting, land cleanup, report of air quality concerns, or any other environmental emergency situations.

Budget Allocation



MDEQ Budget

Major restricted appropriations, over $10M (estimated fiscal year 2009-10):

1. Forestry Funds

  • Forest Redevelopment: $32.870M

2. Game and Fish Funds

  • Game and Fish Protection Trust Fund: $12.577M, Game and Fish (General Purpose): $60.598M

3. Parks Funds

  • State Parks Endowment Fund: $22.107M*, State Parks Improvement Fund: $39.523M

4. Waterways Funds

  • Waterways: $23.960M

5. Miscellaneous

  • Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund: $56.399M*

(*Including funds to be transferred to permanent investment). [2]

Grants and Loans


MDEQ is currently working actively to establish relations with group and community organizations as well to not only strive to maintain safety guidelines in each environmental sector, but to also preserve the environment for many future generations to come. Thus, funding opportunities are available to the affiliated groups and organizations to initiate community programs.

Clean Water Fund

Michigan's 20 largest inland lakes.

The Clean Water Fund plays a major collaborative role with the MDEQ in protecting Michigan’s environment and water resources. They help enact the DEQ’s plans for water pollution controls and for monitoring the quality of Michigan’s water. [3] The Clean Water Fund strongly values the Great Lakes as a natural resource, and aims to protect the lakes as much as possible. [4] They want to keep the lakes and their resources as public assets, not held by private institutions. [5] The organization also helps in protecting water resources from pollution (e.g. waste from natural gas extraction), as well as protecting groundwater. One grant the DEQ allotted to the CWF was $8 million to correct wastewater flow from storm sewers. [6]

Clean Michigan Initiative & CMI Brownfield Funding


The Clean Michigan Initiative is a $675 million bond, approved in 1998, aimed directly at Michigan’s water resources, administered by the Michigan Departments of Environmental Quality, Natural Resources and Community Health. Among the recipients of funding are local and state parks, waterfronts, the Clean Water Fund, lead and other contaminants, and CMI Brownfield Funding. Forty-three state parks and 136 projects received this funding from the CMI. [7] The Brownfield Funding is generally for the cleanup of contaminated sites and areas of endangerment, as well as examining and redeveloping areas when it’s possible. Many Brownfield sites are in cities that used to have a significant amount of manufacturing and heavy industry, as well as small towns. Revitalization of these degraded sites benefits the communities around them, economically and environmentally. [8] For more specific information on the initiative:

Smaller Grants and Loans


Additionally, a variety of smaller grants and loans are awarded for a number of projects throughout the state of Michigan, ranging from the handling of scrap tires to the voluntary cleanup of creeks. For example, $500-$5000 can be awarded to organize a volunteer cleanup of Michigan rivers, streams or creeks. Many of the awards require the recipients to match some portion of the grant, many times 25-50%. [9]

Environmental Incentives


Many incentives are administered by The Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) and offered to local businesses, governmental units, and other industry sectors to maintain strict environmental responsibility. Incentives can include public recognition and regulatory flexibility among others. Listed below are incentives that are available:

Neighborhood Environmental Partners


The Neighborhood Environmental Partners Program was developed in 2004 and is a program that recognizes and awards facilities who work with community partners to improve the environment in their community. [10]The award inspires businesses and citizen groups to work together for the mutual interest of creating a cleaner and more attractive area to live and work in. [11]

Environmental Management System


Environmental Management Systems are based on the International Organization for Standardization’s framework and are used worldwide by businesses, organizations, and other agencies in order to identify, monitor, and control potential environmental impacts. The EMS creates a site-specific management system for the MDEQ that allocates the resources and responsibilities needed to address environmental concerns. It also includes an ongoing evaluation of the practices, procedures, and processes of the MDEQ in order to achieve quality and sound environmental performance. The goal of an EMS is to increase efficiency and to reduce environmental impacts. [12] Teams of employees create each site-specific EMS, and the MDEQ has also created a general manual for local citizens to use to implement their own EMS frameworks within their personal businesses and organizations.

Clean Corporate Citizen


MDEQ’s Clean Corporate Citizen program was established to allow regulated establishments that have demonstrated environmental stewardship and a strong environmental ethic to be recognized as Clean Corporate Citizens. The goal of this program is to provide long-term benefits to Michigan’s environment through encouraging companies to voluntarily commit to waste reduction and to initiate other efforts related to environmental sustainability. To qualify as a Clean Corporate Citizen, organizations must adopt a facility-specific EMS, establish and track pollution prevention goals, and have a consistent record of compliance with applicable environmental requirements. [13] The designation of Clean Corporate Citizen signifies that these Michigan facilities can be relied upon to carry out their environmental protection responsibilities, and therefore are permitted greater flexibility than facilities that have not been recognized as Clean Corporate Citizens. Clean Corporate Citizens also receive public recognition and are entitled to specific regulatory benefits, which include expedited permits. [14]

Major Initiatives/Recent Action


The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has been active in the past few years. As an incentive program to maintain high environmental standards, the MDEQ has issued honors to several Michigan locations. In 2011, the Detroit Edison River Rouge Plan was given the state environmental honor for an outstanding commitment to environmental and community outreach. Later that year, three West Michigan facilities—Herman Miller Inc., Holland Board of Public Works, Pilgrim Manor Retirement Community—were awards the Neighborhood Environmental Partners Gold Award. This program was developed to recognize facilities and their community partners.

Governor Snyder has also taken an active part in Michigan environmental movement to create safer communities. He declared October 16-22, 2011 to be Radon Action Week in Michigan, encouraging all Michigan residents to learn more about environmental hazards and test their homes to protect themselves. The DEQ is partnering with local health departments to ensure that radon test kits and literature are accessible to all Michigan residents.

The MDEQ also played an important role in the Seventh Annual MiCorps conference. The DEQ assisted in collecting and sharing water quality data to protect and manage Michigan’s lakes and streams. With this participation, the DEQ has demonstrated its commitment to educating Michigan residents about the environment and collecting vital information about the current environmental situation in order to identify the various environmental problems the state is facing.

Recently, the MDEQ has also issued permits for the operation of a hazardous waste management facility in Romulus, Michigan. The Environmental Geo-Technologies, LLC obtained a license for aboveground hazardous waste treatment and storage operations. The DEQ staff conducted a full review of the company, and assured that EGT facility met all the state requirements. This permit for air emissions allows the facility to begin approved upgrades and would not be able to do so without DEQ oversight.

While the MDEQ takes action within the Michigan community, the department also has ongoing incentives. Some of the most prominent ones include the Electronic Waste Takeback Program (a recycling program for electronic waste) and a phragmites control demonstration program (communicate better treatment to the spread of phragmites in Saginaw Bay). [15]


  1. ^ http://www.michigan.gov/deq
  2. ^ "Former DEQ Restricted Funds Balances." Department of Natural Resources & Environment, 30 Sept. 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/deq-fbsd-AppReports-2010-Section207Report_316695_7.pdf>.
  3. ^ "DEQ - Clean Water Fund (CWF)." SOM - State of Michigan. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3307_3515-93611--,00.html>.
  4. ^ "Michigan Programs." Clean Water Fund. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.cleanwaterfund.org/michigan>.
  5. ^ Clean Water Action. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.cleanwateraction.org/mi>.
  6. ^ Department of Environmental Quality. Grants and Loans Catalog. Rep. 31 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/deq-essd-grantsloans-catalog_210643_7.pdf>.
  7. ^ "DEQ - Clean Michigan Initiative." SOM - State of Michigan. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3307_31116---,00.html>.
  8. ^ "DNR - Clean Michigan Initiative." SOM - State of Michigan. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-30301_31154_32314---,00.html>.
  9. ^ Department of Environmental Quality. Grants and Loans Catalog. Rep. 31 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/deq-essd-grantsloans-catalog_210643_7.pdf>.
  10. ^ DEQ - Neighborhood Environmental Partners." SOM - State of Michigan. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3307_3666_30705---,00.html>.
  11. ^ "Herman Miller Receives MDEQ Neighborhood Environmental Partners Program Award." Herman Miller. Herman Miller, 30 July 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://hermanmiller.com/DotCom/jsp/aboutUs/newsDetail.jsp?navId=194>.
  12. ^ "DEQ - Environmental Management System." SOM - State of Michigan. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3307_3666_4149---,00.html>.
  13. ^ "DTE Energy - Clean Corporate Citizen." DTE Energy - Home Page. DTE Energy. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.dteenergy.com/dteEnergyCompany/environment/awards/ccc.html>.
  14. ^ "DEQ - Clean Corporate Citizen." SOM - State of Michigan. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3585_57802_4134---,00.html>.
  15. ^ United States. House of Representatives--Senator Stabenow. Protecting Our Great Lakes. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <http://stabenow.senate.gov/?p=issue&id=55>.