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Wikipedia:Today's featured list/September 23, 2013

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Endal received the PDSA Gold Medal in 2002.
Endal received the PDSA Gold Medal in 2002.

The PDSA Gold Medal is an animal bravery award that acknowledges the bravery and devotion to duty of non-human animals. It was created by the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) in 2001, and is now recognised as the non-human animal equivalent of the George Cross. An animal can be awarded the PDSA Gold Medal if he or she assists in saving human or non-human animal life when his or her own life is in danger or through exceptional devotion to duty. The medal can also be awarded to animals in public service, such as police or rescue dogs, if the animal dies or suffers serious injury while carrying out his or her official duties in the face of armed and violent opposition. The first ceremony, in November 2002, saw the Gold Medal awarded to three dogs, including Endal (pictured), an assistance dog whose actions helped to save the life of his disabled owner. The most recent ceremony was held in June 2013, honouring Ajax, a German Shepherd. The PDSA Gold Medal has been awarded 23 times, and all recipients to date have been dogs. (Full list...)