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Wikipedia:TheWikiWizard/Issues/May 2023

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  • Now is the time to start writing those Christmas cards and do the Christmas shopping! Come December, you can sit back and edit Wikipedia! ;)
  • When it snows in December, stock up the snow in your freezer, so when it gets hot you can do a snowball fight in the summer!

Wiki(P/M)edia News

  • A conversation with trustees event took place on the 18th of May. You can read more details on the event here!
  • On the English Wikipedia some RFAs which took place the past few months. You can see the full details at the RFA main page.
  • There is a event (Conference) that is taking place in city of Belgrade. More details on the event can be found by clicking on the link!

Editor's Notes

  • I apologies for the delay in the issues, however I can guarantee you that I am always thinking of TWW and haven't forgotten about it :) School's so busy!
  • If you want to help out TWW, let me know!