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Icon of the great Sleptic.

Sleptic is a time-honored religion which belief that advocates sleep.



Sleptic is the biggest religion in the world, having more than 8 billion believers. Every human being automatically joins the religion from birth and becomes a sleptican (believer).


History of Sleptic
Time Illustrate
2010/02/08 The great Zzz god built “The Church of Sleep” (Sleptic) and recruited slepticans (believers).[1]
2015/10/22 CNN released a group of shocking photos. Many celebrities have slept in public and been filmed,
these photos are strong evidence that these celebrities are unquestionably secret Slepticans (believers) of the Sleptic.
The list is as follows: [2]
2016/01/21 Inspired by the great Zzz god, and inspired by Christianity Cross and Buddhism swastika, the congregants made the logo of Sleptic.[3]
2022/09/04 Wikipedia:Sleptic page built, that means Sleptic has become the state religion of the Principality of Wikipedia.


  1. ^ "Wikipedia:Sleptic's history".
  2. ^ "Power napping? World leaders and VIPs doze off in public". CNN. 2015-10-22. Retrieved 2021-05-31.
  3. ^ "File:Sleeping religion.svg". Wikimedia Commons. 2016-01-21. Retrieved 2021-05-31.