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Wikipedia:School and university projects/NNU Class Project/Winter 2012/Drafts/Gan Fu

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甘福  甘福()江宁(今江苏南京)人,甘国栋长子。甘福头像 [1]父国栋,以藏书知名。甘福幼嗜藏书,年长后为“”,藏书共达10万余卷,人称“蓄书之富”,推甘氏“津逮楼”为最。其中很多是宋元善本,极为珍贵,如传至今日的稀世之珍,宋代赵明诚所著的《金石录》。卢前在他的《冶城旧话》中称,甘氏富收藏,曰“津逮楼”,金石器物最著,不亚于吴门潘文勤祖荫也。   甘福惜老怜贫,乐善好施,被乡里人称为“孝义先生”,道光十八年(1838)受旌表,塑像祀于南京夫子庙大成殿,编有《津逮楼书目》18卷,著有《钟秀录》等。甘福去世后,津逮楼藏书皆传于其子甘熙。 Gan Fu, (1768~1834), 字德基,号梦天,号梦六,born in Jiangning, a region in Nanjing. His father is Gan Guodong,宁遴士, and is noted for bibliomania. Gan Fu also formed the hobby of collecting books when he was young. As he growed up, he renamed the library from "Dai Shu Lou" 逮书楼to "Jing Dai Lou" 津逮楼, where he store up 10,000 books. The宋元善本 made up the large part, which were very invaluable.