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Wikipedia:School and university projects/LING1100-WritingSystems/Completed assignments 09

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Student name Userpage
(Excercise 1)
Easy edit page
(Exercise 2)
Writing System article
(Exercise 3)
Note status as: not chosen or chosen

(Main Assignment 1 and 3)
Note status as:
not yet edited / 1st edit complete / revision complete

Sources you will be using
(Exercise 4)
Pages you have commented on
(Main Assignment 2)
Teresa Galloway Teresa's Page

status: complete

Hebrew alphabet
status: chosen
status: not yet edited

Daniels and Bright, pp. 485-494
Aronoff (1985) in Language 61:28-72
Cross (1952) in The Bible and the Ancient Near East pp.133-202

status: not yet started
Sam L. Sam's Page Roslyn Added a section about education in Roslyn.
status: complete
Tibetan Alphabet

status: First Revision and Final Revision Completed

Daniels, Peter T. and William Bright. The World’s Writing Systems. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Asher, R. E. ed. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Tarrytown, N.Y.: Pergamon Press, 1994. 10 vol.

Status: Commented on Stuart's page and Eric's page
Jing Yee Jing Yee's Page A*Star Added a paragraph about scholarships which the agency gives out. Gupta script Status: Final Revision Complete 1. Sharma, Ram. 'Brahmi Script' . Delhi: BR Publishing Corp, 2002

2. Srivastava, Anupama. 'The Development of Imperial Gupta Brahmi Script' . New Delhi: Ramanand, 1998 3. Fischer, Steven Roger. 'A History of Writing' . UK: Reaktion, 2004 4. Bajpai, KD. 'Indian Numismatic Studies. ' New Delhi: Abhinav Publications 2004

Commented on Hanrong's and Amanda's Page
Kara Pellowe Kara's Page Chaparral High School (Colorado) Edited the Club section of the page for Chaparral High School and added a paragraph about unified sports. status: complete Visible Speech Status: Chosen

Status: First Revision Done, Final Revision Done

Potter, Kopp, Kopp (1966) Visible Speech, pp.1-8
Kopp (1967) Visible Speech Manual, pp.7-15
Melville Bell (1867) Visible Speech: The Science of Universal Alphabetics
status: Commented on Amanda's Page
Commented on Brenna's Page
Amanda Mazzotta Amanda's Page Kim Insalaco Added info about Kim's career pre-College, at Brown, and for the U.S Olympic Team, with 2 references. Sogdian language
status: chosen
status: First edit done (maybe more later)
Utz, David. (1947). Survey of Buddhist Sogdian studies
Gershevitch, Ilya. (1954). A Grammar of Manichean Sogdian, p.1.
Iranian languages (2009). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved on 2009-04-09.
status: commented on Kara's page and Jing Yee's page
Sarah Carpenter Sarah's Page North Rockland High School
status: complete
Ahom script and Ahom language?
status: chosen
status: complete
Diller, A. (1993). Tai Languages. In International encyclopedia of linguistics (Vol. 4, pp. 128-131). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Assam. (2008). In ‘’Columbia Encyclopedia’’ Retrieved April 12, 2009, from http://www.credoreference.com/entry/8256016/.
Terwiel, B. J., & Wichasin, R. (eds.), (1992). Tai Ahoms and the stars: three ritual texts to ward off danger. Ithaca, NY: Southeast Asia Program.
Blake, B. J. (1994). Language Classification. In The encyclopedia of language and linguistics (Vol. 4, pp. 1952-1957). New York, NY: Pergamon Press Press.
French, M. A. (1994). Tai Languages. In The encyclopedia of language and linguistics (Vol. 4, pp. 4520-4521). New York, NY: Pergamon Press Press.
Hongladarom, K. (2005). Thai and Tai Languages. In Encyclopedia of linguistics (Vol. 2, pp. 1098-1101). New York, NY: Fitzroy Dearborn.
Court, C. (1996). Introduction. In P. T. Daniels & W. Bright (Eds.) The world’s writing systems (pp. 443). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Court, C. (1996). The spread of Brahmi script into Southeast Asia. In P. T. Daniels & W. Bright (Eds.) The world’s writing systems (pp. 445-449). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

status: Commented on Caleb's Great Cipher and Arjun's Prakrit
Stuart Stuart's user page Appalachian Ski Mountain
Added an infobox, made the layout similar to other wikis, wrote paragraphs to convey the information that was originally in bullet form.
status: choosen
status: first edit complete
editme status: Commented on Caleb's Great Cipher and Sam's Tibetan_alphabet
Eric Gordon Eric's user page South American lungfish
I added a reference and more information in several areas on lungfishes.
Cipher disks
status: chosen (along with Hazel), edited
Barker, Wayne G., ed. The History of Codes and Ciphers in the United States Prior to World War I. Vol. 20. Laguna Hills: Aegean Park P, 1978.

Deavours, Cipher, et al. Cryptology: Machines, History & Methods. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1989.

Singh, Simon. The Code Book. New York: Doubleday, 1999.

Commented on Sam's page Tibetan alphabet
Caleb Perkins Caleb's user page Mayhem (band). Added a reference and rephrased some awkward sentences. Great Cipher

status: chosen status: first revision set done. might add more soon

  • Kahn, David. "The Man in Iron Mask -- Encore et Efin, Cryptologically." Cryptologia, January 2005, Volume XXIX, Number 1.
  • Singh, Simon. The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography. New York: Anchor Books, 1999. ISBN 0-385-49532-3.
  • Urban, Mark. "The Blockade of Ciudad Rodrigo, June to November 1811 - The Great Cipher." in The Man Who Broke Napoleon's Codes. Harper Perennial, 2003. ISBN 978-0060934552.
Commented on Stuart's Affine_cipher, Sarah's Ahom script, and Arjun's Prakrit
Michael Hwang Mike's user page Arrested Development added a paragraph at the bottom concerning the upcoming film. Aztec writing

status: chosen, but not yet edited

  • Carmack, Robert M., Gasco, Janine L., Gossen, Gary H. (2007). "The Legacy of Mesoamerica". pp. 426.
  • Vaillant, George C., Gasco (1941). "Aztecs of Mexico". pp. 206-209.
  • Soustelle, Jacques (1961). "The Daily Life of the Aztecs".
  • Spinden, Herbert J. (1928). "Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and Central America".
  • Boone, Elizabeth H. (1996). "Manuscript Painting in Service of Imperial Ideology".
Commented on Zina's and Matthew's page.
Kim McErlean Kim's user page St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls I added to the Athletics section, added an Extra-Curricular Activities Section, added two sentences to the History section, and added a reference.
status: complete.
classical cipher

status: chosen

status: first edit done

Singh, Simon. The Code Book The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography. New York: Anchor, 2000.

D'Agapeyeff, Alexander. Codes and Ciphers. Oxford UP, 1939.

Laffin, John. Codes and Ciphers: Secret Writing through the Ages. Abelard-Schuman, 1964.

Wrixon, Fred B. Codes, Ciphers, and Secret Languages. New York: Bonanza Books, 1989.

status: commented on Hanrong's Cypro-Minoan syllabary and Amanda's Sogdian language
Brenna L Brenna's Page Emmendingen
status: complete, for now.
Clear Script
status: chosen
status:1st edit complete
Kara, György. Books of the Mongolian Nomads. Bloomington: Indiana University, 2005.
Eds. Daniels, Peter T. and William Bright. The World’s Writing Systems. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996
Gnanadesikan, Amalia.The Writing Revolution. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
status: Commented on Hazel's and Kara's pages
Silviana Russo Silvi's Page Risley Residential College
Added information on dining and weekly programs, and updated some of the Risley colloquialisms.
editme editme editme
Hazel Gun Hazel's Page Sarath Gunapala
Added information about QWIP technology, his current life, and selected awards and achievements.
Cipher disks
status: chosen (along with Eric), first edit done
Barker, Wayne G., ed. The History of Codes and Ciphers in the United States Prior to World War I. Vol. 20. Laguna Hills: Aegean Park P, 1978.

Deavours, Cipher, et al. Cryptology: Machines, History & Methods. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1989.

Singh, Simon. The Code Book. New York: Doubleday, 1999.

Hanrong Hanrong's Page Ang Mo Kio Community Library Edited the whole page. Cypro-Minoan syllabary
status: chosen
status: first edit done
Duhoux, Yves; Palaima, Thomas G.; Bennet, John; editors (1989). Problems in Decipherment. Louvain-La-Neuve: Peeters.

Woudhuizen, Fred (1992). The Language of the Sea Peoples. Amsterdam: Najade Press.

Chadwick, James (1987). Linear B and Related Scripts. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Best, Jan; Woudhuizen, Fred (1988). Ancient Scripts from Crete and Cyprus. Leiden: E.J. Brill.

status: commented on Jing Yee's and Kim's pages.
Arjun Vinze Arjun's Page Clara Dickson Hall
Created page, linked Cornell North Campus to it.
status: chosen
status: first edits done
Woolner, Alfred C. Introduction to Prakrit. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, India, 1999.

Banerjee, Satya Ranjan. The Eastern School of Prakrit Grammarians : a linguistic study. Calcutta: Vidyasagar Pustak Mandir, 1977.

Deshpande, Madhav. Sanskrit & Prakrit, sociolinguistic issues. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1993.

Commented Sarah's Ahom script, Stuart's Affine_cipher, and Caleb's Great Cipher
Matthew Olonoff Matt's Page Chappaqua I wrote the mascots of both my middle school and my high school. Braille

status: chosen

status: first revision

Hampshire, Barry. Working with Braille. Paris: Unesco P, 1981.

B. Lowenfield and G. L. Abel, Methods of Teaching Braille Reading Efficiency of Children in Lower Senior Classes. Birmingham, Research Centre for the Education of the Visually Handicapped, 1977

Zina Tazin Zina's page

Krasny Oktyabr Open Joint-Stock Company Added information on the chocolate bar "Alenka".


status: Primary, Secondary as well as Final Revisions Completed

'Inside Language' by Ross Smith (107). 'The Silmarillion' by J.R.R. Tolkien (63).'J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography' by Humphrey Carpenter (51). http://at.mansbjorkman.net/sarati.htm

Commented on Matthew's page as well as Michael's page