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Wikipedia:Picture peer review/Common Squirrel

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Squirrel common to eastern United States

I caught this squirrel in a great pose after it eagerly approached me. I stayed as still as possible and snapped as many pictures as I could. This one turned out the best and I think its a great example of the generic grey squirrel that is seen all over North America. I'd love to have some input to improve the shot or just see how other members of the community like it. Thanks for looking.


  • It's a nice picture, but it has a few flaws that would probably keep it from being featured. The most apparent is motion blur. There's no real fix except, perhaps to use a slightly wider aperture and keep a steady hand. Next is perspective. This may just be personal opinion, but I would really like to see the camera somewhat more level with the subject. It is often makes for a somewhat more detailed and informative picture. The picture seems also somwhat underexposed. A couple of factors that are somewhat harder to control are lighting (try to stay out of shadows; avoid front-on or over-head lighting, neither of which are problems in this picture) and chromatic abberation. There's nothing you can do (that I know) about chromatic abberation, and it's not readily apparent, so I wouldn't worry about that. If you see your squirrel again, give it another try! I'd definitely like to see the results. Just on the side - we have a featured picture of an Eastern Grey Squirrel, so you have something to compare you results to. J Are you green? 19:14, 2 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
