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Wikipedia:WikiProject Offline Wikipedia for Indian Schools/Offline Full/Chemistry

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Guidelines on how to remove or include new articles from a list

A simple system has been framed so that adding/removing articles does not result in a free-for-all. Kindly follow these rules:

  • Original list to be left intact.
  • Articles sought to be deleted to be moved to a list below titled "Articles to be deleted". Preferably strike out the article in the original list also.
  • Articles sought to be included to be moved to a list below titled "Articles to be included".
  • Please give a short reason for removal/inclusion and sign off after it.
  • Please use talk page for discussing issues or comments.
AshLin (talk) 20:33, 10 December 2011 (UTC)
Instructions for Team CHEMISTRY

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take the existing set of 86 topics and convert into a balanced set of links on Chemistry which will give adequate and balanced exposure to all aspects of Chemistry, both Indian and international, for Indian School students. You are required to delete links considered irrelevant to Indian context, and add relevant links. Your upper limit of articles is 350. After this mission is over and the compilation is made, this page will self-destruct and a new mission will be offered to develop the set of selected links further.

Chemistry (287)


General articles (58)


Acid - Acid-base reaction - Activation energy - Alchemy - Aldol reaction - Allotropy - Analytical chemistry - Atom - Avogadro's law - Avogadro constant - Biochemistry - Catalysis - Chemical bond - Chemical element - Chemical equilibrium - Chemical formula - Chemical reaction - Chemistry - Chromatography - Computational chemistry - Distillation - Electrolysis - Enthalpy - Enzyme kinetics - Fire - First law of thermodynamics - Gibbs free energy - Gunpowder - Hydrogenation - Inorganic chemistry - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry nomenclature - Introduction to entropy - Ion - Ionic liquid - List of elements by name - Mass spectrometry - Metal - Molar mass - Molecular mass - Molecule - Nitrification - Nitrogen cycle - Nitrogen fixation - Nucleophilic substitution - Organic chemistry - Periodic table - Poison - Quantum chemistry - Reaction rate - Second law of thermodynamics - Solubility - Solution - Solvent - Third law of thermodynamics - Valence (chemistry) - Van der Waals force - Vitamin - pH

Chemical compounds (87)


Acetic acid - Acetone - Acetylene - Adenosine triphosphate - Alcohol - Alkane - Alkene - Aluminium chloride - Aluminium oxide - Amine - Ammonia - Aspirin - Benzene - CS gas - Caesium fluoride - Caffeine - Calcium carbonate - Calcium chloride - Carbon dioxide - Carbon monoxide - Carbon tetrachloride - Carbonate - Carboxylic acid - Chemical compound - Copper(I) chloride - Copper(II) chloride - Copper(II) nitrate - Copper(II) sulfate - Dry ice - Ethane - Ethanol - Ether - Ethylene - Folic acid - Formic acid - Glucose - Gold(III) chloride - Hydrochloric acid - Hydrogen cyanide - Hydrogen peroxide - Hydroxide - Ice - Iron(III) chloride - Ketone - Lead(II) nitrate - Lithium aluminium hydride - Lithium hydride - Material properties of diamond - Menthol - Methane - Methanol - Morphine - Natural gas - Nitrate - Nitric acid - Ozone - Paracetamol - Phenol - Phosphoric acid - Phosphorus tribromide - Phosphorus trichloride - Phosphoryl chloride - Polystyrene - Potassium iodide - Potassium nitrate - Potassium permanganate - Propane - Rhodium(III) chloride - Salt (chemistry) - Silicon dioxide - Sodium chloride - Sodium hydroxide - Sodium sulfate - Sucrose - Sulfate - Sulfuric acid - Thiamin - Tin(II) chloride - Toluene - Urea - Vitamin B12 - Vitamin C - Vitamin D - Vitamin K - Water (molecule) - Water vapor - Zinc chloride

Chemical elements (125)


Actinium - Actinoid - Alkali metal - Alkaline earth metal - Aluminium - Americium - Antimony - Argon - Arsenic - Astatine - Barium - Berkelium - Beryllium - Bismuth - Bohrium - Boron - Bromine - Cadmium - Caesium - Calcium - Californium - Carbon - Cerium - Chlorine - Chromium - Cobalt - Copper - Curium - Darmstadtium - Dubnium - Dysprosium - Einsteinium - Erbium - Europium - Fermium - Fluorine - Francium - Gadolinium - Gallium - Germanium - Gold - Hafnium - Halogen - Hassium - Helium - Holmium - Hydrogen - Indium - Iodine - Iridium - Iron - Krypton - Lanthanoid - Lanthanum - Lawrencium - Lead - List of elements by name - Lithium - Lutetium - Magnesium - Manganese - Meitnerium - Mendelevium - Mercury (element) - Molybdenum - Neodymium - Neon - Neptunium - Nickel - Niobium - Nitrogen - Nobelium - Noble gas - Osmium - Oxygen - Palladium - Periodic table - Periodic table (large version) - Periodic table (standard) - Phosphorus - Platinum - Plutonium - Polonium - Potassium - Praseodymium - Promethium - Protactinium - Radium - Radon - Rhenium - Rhodium - Roentgenium - Rubidium - Ruthenium - Rutherfordium - Samarium - Scandium - Seaborgium - Selenium - Silicon - Silver - Sodium - Strontium - Sulfur - Tantalum - Technetium - Tellurium - Terbium - Thallium - Thorium - Thulium - Tin - Titanium - Transition metal - Tungsten - Ununbium - Ununhexium - Ununoctium - Ununpentium - Ununquadium - Ununtrium - Uranium - Vanadium - Xenon - Ytterbium - Yttrium - Zinc - Zirconium

Materials science (17)


Crystal - Dry ice - Glass - Isotope - Ivory - Kevlar - Liquid crystal - Melting point - Metallurgy - NMR spectroscopy - Pigment - Plastic - Polystyrene - Rubber - Spectroscopy - Steel - Surface tension

Articles to be added


My preference would be to add all of the above to a new category called Chemistry in the Society or failing that to Material Science.Jonathansammy (talk) 00:07, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]