Wikipedia:Missing science topics/List of nuclear energy terms
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This list contains subjects important to nuclear energy research and regulation.
Prior to pruning, this list contained 419 entries. Before removing blue links from this list, please check them to make sure they actually cover the intended subject.
Public domain sources: NRC glossary
- Access hatch
- Activation
- Active fuel length
- Activity
- Agreement State
- Air sampling
- Airborne radioactivity area
- Annual limit on intake (ALI)
- Anticipated transient without scram (ATWS)
- Assumptions (for IPEs, IPEEs, and PRAs)
- Attenuation
- Auxiliary building
- Auxiliary feedwater
- Average planar linear heat generation rate (APLGHR)
- Background radiation
- Bayesian estimation
- Bayesian prior
- Becquerel (Bq)
- Beta particle
- Beyond design-basis accidents
- Binding energy
- Bioassay
- Biological half-life
- Biological shield
- Boiling water reactor (BWR)
- Bone seeker
- Breeder
- British thermal unit (Btu)
- Byproduct
- Calibration
- Capability
- Capacity factor (gross)
- Capacity factor (net)
- Cask
- Cation
- Chain reaction
- Charged particle
- Chemical recombination
- Cladding
- Cleanup system
- Coastdown
- Cold shutdown
- Collective dose
- Committed dose equivalent (CDE)
- Committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE)
- Compact
- Compound
- Condensate
- Condenser
- Construction recapture
- Containment structure
- Contamination
- Control rod
- Control room
- Controlled area
- Coolant
- Cooldown
- Cooling tower
- Core
- Core damage frequency
- Core melt accident
- Cosmic radiation
- Counter
- Critical mass
- Critical organ
- Criticality
- Crud
- Cumulative dose
- Curie (Ci)
- Daughter products
- Decay heat
- Decay, radioactive
- Declared pregnant woman
- Decommissioning
- DECON (but also needs reactor decon)
- Decontamination
- Deep-Dose Equivalent (DDE)
- Defense-in-depth
- Departure from nuclear boiling ratio (DNBR)
- Departure from nucleate boiling (DNB)
- Depleted uranium
- Derived air concentration (DAC)
- Derived Air Concentration-Hour (DAC-hour)
- Design-basis accident
- Design-basis phenomena
- Design-basis threat
- Detector
- Deterministic (probabilistic)
- Deterministic effect
- Deuterium
- Deuteron
- Doppler coefficient
- Dose
- Dose equivalent
- Dose rate
- Dose, absorbed
- Dosimeter
- Dosimetry
- Drywell
- Earthquake, operating basis
- Effective Dose Equivalent
- Effective half-life
- Efficiency, plant
- Electrical generator
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Electron
- Element
- Emergency classifications
- Emergency core cooling systems (ECCS)
- Emergency feedwater
- Environmental qualification
- Event Notification (EN) system
- Exclusion area
- Excursion
- Exposure
- External radiation
- Extremities
- Fast fission
- Fast neutron
- Feedwater
- Fertile material
- Film badge
- Fiscal year
- Fissile material
- Fission (fissioning)
- Fission gases
- Fission products
- Fissionable material
- Flux
- Formula quantity
- Fuel assembly
- Fuel cycle
- Fuel reprocessing
- Fuel rod
- Fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity
- Full-time equivalent
- Fusion reaction
- Gamma radiation
- Gap
- Gas centrifuge
- Gas-cooled reactor
- Gaseous diffusion plant
- Gases
- Geiger-Mueller counter
- Generation (gross)
- Generation (net)
- Gigawatt
- Gigawatthour
- Graphite
- Gray (Gy)
- Half-life
- Half-life, biological
- Half-life, effective
- Half-thickness
- Head, reactor vessel
- Health physics
- Heap leach
- Heat exchanger
- Heat sink
- Heatup
- Heavy water (D2O)
- Heavy water moderated reactor
- High radiation area
- High-enriched uranium
- High-level waste
- Hot
- Hot spot
- In situ leach
- In vitro
- In vivo
- Individual plant examination (IPE)
- Individual plant examination for external events (IPEEE)
- Induced radioactivity
- Integrated plant evaluation
- Iodine spiking factor
- Ion
- Ion-exchange
- Ionization
- Ionization chamber
- Ionizing radiation
- Irradiation
- Isotope
- Isotope separation
- Isotopic enrichment
- [[[no terms for this letter]]]
- Kilo-
- Kilovolt
- Kinetic energy
- Lens Dose Equivalent
- Lethal dose (LD)
- Licensed Material
- Licensing basis
- Light water
- Light water reactor
- Limiting condition for operation
- Limiting safety system settings
- Linear heat generation rate
- Loop
- Loss of coolant accident (LOCA)
- Low population zone (LPZ)
- Low-level waste
- Mass number
- Mass-energy equation
- Maximum dependable capacity (gross)
- Maximum dependable capacity (net)
- Mega-
- Megacurie
- Megawatt (MW)
- Megawatt hour (MWh)
- Metric ton
- Micro-
- Microcurie
- Mill tailings
- Milli-
- Millirem
- Milliroentgen (mR)
- Mixed oxide (MOX) fuel
- Moderator
- Moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity
- Molecule
- Monitoring of radiation
- Nano-
- Nanocurie
- Natural circulation
- Natural uranium
- Net summer capability
- Neutron
- Neutron capture
- Neutron chain reaction
- Neutron flux
- Neutron generation
- Neutron leakage
- Neutron source
- Neutron, thermal
- Noble gas
- Non-stochastic effect
- Non-vital plant systems
- Nonpower reactor
- Not Applicable (NA)
- Not Reported (NR)
- Nozzle
- NRC Operations Center
- Nuclear energy
- Nuclear force
- Nuclear power plant
- Nuclear steam supply system
- Nuclear waste
- Nucleon
- Nucleus
- Nuclide
- Occupational Dose
- Operable
- Operational mode
- Orphan Source
- Parent
- Parts per million (ppm)
- Pellet, fuel
- Performance-based regulation
- Performance-based regulatory action
- Periodic table
- Personnel monitoring
- Photon
- Pico-
- Picocurie
- Pig
- Pile
- Planned special exposure
- Plausible accidents
- Plutonium (Pu)
- Pocket dosimeter
- Poison, neutron
- Pool reactor
- Positron
- Possession-only license
- Power coefficient of reactivity
- Power defect
- Power reactor
- Preliminary Notification (PN)
- Pressure vessel
- Pressurized water reactor (PWR)
- Pressurizer
- Primary system
- Probabilistic risk analysis
- Production expense
- Proportional counter
- Proprietary information
- Proton
- Public Dose
- Quality factor
- Quantum theory
- Rad
- Radiation (ionizing radiation)
- Radiation area
- Radiation detection instrument
- Radiation shielding
- Radiation sickness (syndrome)
- Radiation source
- Radiation standards
- Radiation warning symbol
- Radiation, nuclear
- Radioactive contamination
- Radioactive decay
- Radioactive series
- Radioactivity
- Radiography
- Radioisotope
- Radiological sabotage
- Radiological survey
- Radiology
- Radionuclide
- Radiosensitivity
- Radium (Ra)
- Radon (Rn)
- Reaction
- Reactivity
- Reactor coolant system
- Reactor, nuclear
- Reasonable
- Reference man
- Reflector
- Rem
- Restricted area
- Risk
- Risk-based decisionmaking
- Risk-informed decisionmaking
- Risk-informed regulation
- Risk-significant
- Roentgen (R)
- Rubblization
- Safe shutdown earthquake
- Safeguards
- Safety injection
- Safety limit
- Safety related
- Safety-significant
SAFSTOR- Scattered radiation
- Scintillation detector
- Scram
- Sealed source
- Secondary radiation
- Secondary system
- Seismic category I
- Severe accident
- Shallow-Dose Equivalent (SDE)
- Shielding
- Shutdown
- Shutdown margin
- Sievert (Sv)
- Somatic effects of radiation
- Source material
- Special nuclear material
- Spent (depleted) fuel
- Spent fuel pool
- Spent nuclear fuel
- Stable isotope
- Standard Review Plan
- Standard Technical Specifications
- Startup
- Stay time
- Steam generator
- Stochastic effects
- Subcritical mass
- Subcriticality
- Supercritical reactor
- Supercriticality
- Superheating
- Survey meter
- Technical Specifications
- Terrestrial radiation
- Thermal breeder reactor
- Thermal power
- Thermal reactor
- Thermal shield
- Thermalization
- Thermoluminescent dosimeter
- Thermonuclear
- Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE)
- Transient
- Transuranic element
- Transuranic waste
- Trip, reactor
- Tritium
- Turbine
- Turbine generator (TG)
- Ultraviolet
- Uncertainty range
- Unnecessary regulatory burden
- Unrestricted area
- Unstable isotope
- Unwanted Radioactive Material (Orphan Sources)
- Uranium
- Uranium fuel fabrication facility
- Uranium hexafluoride production facility
- Vapor
- Very high radiation area
- Viability assessment
- Void
- Void coefficient of reactivity
- Waste, radioactive we have Radioactive waste.
- Watt
- Watt-hour
- Weighting factor (WT)
- Well-logging
- Wheeling service
- Whole-body counter
- Whole-body exposure
- Wipe sample
- X-rays
- Yellowcake