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Wikipedia:Meetup/Ryerson University Library/Queering Canadian Wikipedia August 2019

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Edit-a-thons are hosted by Ryerson University Library, with different themes from month-to-month.
Ryerson Library Edit-a-thons are for beginners and novices, experts, and everyone in between. Join us in our wiki-editing quest to to lift voices, raise knowledge, and improve representation.

Event Information


Who is this for?


This is a Ryerson-wide event. All members of the Ryerson community are welcome, as are all levels of experience with Wikipedia - from novices to experienced users.

  • Date: Thursday, August 22 2019
  • Time: 1:30 - 4:30pm
  • Location: Ryerson Library Collaboratory, enter from the SLC (341 Yonge Street, corner of Yonge and Gould), go up to the 3rd floor, and look for the big yellow door. Here is a map.
  • Laptops: Bringing your own laptop is encouraged; a limited number of laptops will be available for those who are unable to bring their own
  • Theme: This month's theme is Queering Canadian Wikipedia!



Wikipedia is the largest and most popular general reference work on the internet with over 40 million articles in 301 languages. With about 500 million visits a month, it is important that we work together to fix the critical gaps in Wikipedia’s coverage of knowledge when it comes to marginalized groups. https://whoseknowledge.org/issues/public-online-knowledge/

Our purpose is to contribute and amend meaningful content while closing the gaps and increasing visibility of underrepresented/marginalized communities.

Provide an opportunity for community engagement, promoting diversity and inclusion of both Wikipedia’s content and it’s contributors. The knowledge of marginalized communities is the knowledge of the majority of the world. How can we best support these communities to bring their knowledge onto Wikimedia projects? Learning patterns for centering marginalized knowledge: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Learning_patterns/Centering_Marginalised_Knowledge



Let us know you're coming! Space is maxed at 50.

If you have a Wiki account, you can register by adding your User Signature to the list of Attendees below.

If you don't have an account, register via GoogleForm.

We encourage participants to create an account ahead of time! You can get started now by clicking "Create account" in the top right corner of the page, or by following this link.



Crishti (talk) 14:26, 7 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Pomathorn (talk) 15:32, 7 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Kmyler (talk) 15:32, 7 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Grovertrina (talk) 21:00, 7 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

--Citybrarian (talk) 14:29, 19 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

--Rasteinberg (talk) 19:32, 20 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

--Lisaleve (talk)

--Michneri (talk)

--AESKYRME (talk)

Friendly Space Policy


This event is following the Wikimedia friendly space policy and attendees are expected to follow this policy. Please read it here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Friendly_space_policies



Trina Grover, Grovertrina
Kelsey Myler, Kmyler
Cristina Pietropaolo, Crishti
Michelle Schwartz, Michneri
Alison Skyrme, AESKYRME
Sally Wilson, Pomathorn

Guidance for Beginners


Check out the handy dandy beginners guide to Wiki editing: Ryerson University Library Wikipedia Beginner's Guide.
This guide will take you through creating an account, explaining the concept of notability, in addition to other basics, etiquette and protocols.
There are other useful tutorials and guides listed in Wikipedia Help below.

Working Lists


This month's theme is Queering Canadian Wikipedia. The following lists are starting points for increasing both representation and quality of content of Wikipedia pages about figures and groups/organizations in Canadian queer history and culture.

Existing Pages That Need Improvement


NB: Some of these pages may only need a photo, others require additional content and/or citations.

Marjorie Beaucage Michael Lynch Shyam Selvadurai Egale Canada
Gwen Benaway Daphne Marlatt Vivek Shraya GATE
Alec Butler Kael McKenzie Makeda Silvera Daily Xtra
Ivan Coyote Jearld Moldenhauer Mary-Woo Sims Buddies in Bad Times
Michelle Douglas Will Munro Tim Stevenson Pride Library
Connie Fife Alex Munter Kai Cheng Thom Blue Metropolis Violet Prize
Janine Fuller Lindsay Nixon Barbara Thornborrow Triangle Program
Sky Gilbert Diane Obomsawin Tom Warner Quebec Gay Archives
Gens Hellquist Casey Plett Joshua Whitehead BC Gay and Lesbian Archives
Larissa Lai Harlan Pruden Zoe Whittall LGBT Youth Line
Robert Laliberté Trish Salah Ian Young

Pages That Need to be Created

Elmer Bagares C.M. Donald Denis LeBlanc Carmen Paquette
Christine Bearchell Sara Ellen Dunlop Bev Lepischak Neil Richards
Rick Bébout Gloria Eshkibok Alan Li Kyle Scanlon
Anne Bishop John Fisher Tim McCaskell Douglas Stewart
Anna Camilleri Maurice Flood Robin Metcalfe Shelley Tremain
Bernard Courte Amy Gottlieb Peter Millard Susan Ursel
John Damien Charlie Hill Bonte Minnema Chris Vogel and Richard North
Harold Desmarais Richard Hudler Pat Murphy We Demand
Jeremy Dias David Kelley Nancy Nicol Association for Social Knowledge
University of Toronto Homophile Association Catalyst Press

Resources and Research


Zotero Group Library - Queering Canadian Wikipedia

The ArQuives - National Portrait Collection

Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada

Wikipedia Help


Themes & Areas of Interest


The following list includes just some of the themes we are interested in for future Edit-a-thons. We are always taking suggestions and ideas.

Wikipedia articles are also in need of typo and copy editing - these are valuable contributions. If this interests you, check out the following project pages: