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  1. ReclaimDeshkanZiibiing has started. (refresh)

Event logistics


This event is hosted by Wiki Tuesday. If you have any questions, they can be directed to ejohns83@uwo.ca

When: April 7, 2020 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Location: The Kellogg Room of the Allyn and Betty Taylor Library

What to expect:

  • Pizza and refreshments
  • Videos and discussion about Indigenous language revitalization initiatives
  • An introduction to the Wiki Tuesday Indigenous place names project



This event has limited seating and requires registration. Registration opens March 24th, 2020

Film screening


Breaths (Inuktitut Version)
Waadookadaading Language Immersion School
Chippewa Early Years

Karihwanoron: Precious Things
Menominee language revitalization
Sky Hopinka - Wawa

Indigenous place names project


This project wants to enrich the Wikipedia articles about local waterways with verified local Indigenous place name information in order to increase the visibility of this information online. We have started collecting place name information for waterways and also cities of the area in a shared spreadsheet. All the information collected is referenced from various online and print resources.

See the Indigenous place names project spreadsheet

We want to add this information to Wikipedia, but cannot do so alone for several reasons:

  • We respect the rights of Indigenous peoples "to revitalize, use, develop and transmit to future generations their histories, languages, oral traditions, philosophies, writing systems and literature, and to designate and retain their own names for communities, places and persons." (UNDRIP, Article 13.1)
  • "The preservation, revitalization, and strengthening of Aboriginal languages and cultures are best managed by Aboriginal people and communities" (TRC Calls to Action, 14 (iv))
  • The information collected represents place name information as it is represented in colonial literature and may be inaccurate. The information needs to be verified by Indigenous languages speakers before it is shared globally through Wikipedia.

The work of this project can only continue in partnership and with directive of local Indigenous community members.

Partnership building initiatives:

  • Sâkihitowin Awâsis is providing Indigenous leadership to this project as the Indigenous Advisor
  • We held a discussion of Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Data Governance with Indigenous and non-Indigenous representatives (slides from the discussion)

Next steps:

  • #ReclaimDeshkanZiibiing event to connect Wiki Tuesday participants with local Indigenous community members
  • Information verification by Indigenous language speakers
  • Directive on how to proceed will come from new Indigenous participants

To learn more about the ongoing project work of Wiki Tuesdays, please visit the project page

Special Thanks


Thank you to all who helped to make this event possible.

Artwork by

  • Jenna Rose Sands

Film sets curated by

  • Sâkihitowin Awâsis
  • Sara Mai Chitty
  • Laura Rose Sands

Refreshments provided by

And of course, Wiki Tuesday participants. Thank you for all your contributions throughout the first year!