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Wochendienst: Presse- und Informationsamt der Stadt Frankfurt Am Main ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wochenschr. Ver. Beförd. Gartenbaues Königl. Preuss. Staates Gärtnerei Pflanzenk. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wochenschrift für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wochenschrift für Aquarienund Terrarienkunde ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wochenschrift für Brauerei ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wochenschrift für die gesammte Heilkunde ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wochenschrift of the Österreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein ? ? 4 1 4.000

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Wochenscrift des Vereines zur Befördung des Gärtenbaues in den Königl. Preussischen Staaten für Gärtnerei und Pflanzenkunde ? ? 1 1 1.000

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WODC in Cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wojenne dzieciństwo. Losy dzieci polskich pod okupacją hitlerowską" OBEP IPN Łódź ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Wojewódzka I Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna W Bydgoszczy ? ? 1 1 1.000

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[[Wojna i emigracja. Studia i szkice, T. II: Emigracja i losy Polaków na obczyźnie, red. T. Sikorski, P. Słowiński, H. Walczak, ISBN 978-83-63134-61-7, Gorzów Wielkopolski: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim]] ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wojsko I Technika ? ? 4 123 1.333

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Wojsko i Technika ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wojsko i Technika – Historia ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wojsko i Wychowanie: Pismo Żołnierzy Zawodowych WP ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wojsko i wychowanie: Pismo żołnierzy zawodowych WP ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wojskowe Biuro Historyczne ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wojskowy Instytut-Wydawniczy ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wojskowy Przegląd Historyczny ? ? 9 8 1.125

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Wojskowy Przegląd Prawniczy ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wojskowy Przegląd Techniczny i Logistyczny ? ? 1 1 1.000

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WOL ? Wol ? 1 1 1.000

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Wola ? Wola ? 1 1 1.000

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WOLA Journal ? ? 7 7 1.000

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Wold Bank Group ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Wolds Historian ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Wolds Historical Organisation ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Wolf Mag The Wolf (magazine) Mag 2 12 1.000

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Wolf Marshall's Guitar One ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Wolf Prize in Agriculture ? Wolf Prize in Agriculture ? 2 12 1.000

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Wolf-Rayet Stars ? Wolf–Rayet star News 1 1 1.000

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Wolf-Rayet Stars: Observations ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Wolfenbütteler Beiträge ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolfgang David (Ed.), das Goldene Antlitz des Unbekannten Makedonenkönigs. Makedonen und Kelten Am Ohrid-See – ein Zusammenprall der Kulturen? (Schriften des Kelten Römer Museums Manching 8) 60-63 ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Wolfpacker ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolfram Demonstrations Project Web Wolfram Demonstrations Project Web 1 1 1.000

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Wolfram MathWorld ? MathWorld Web 2 12 1.000

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Wolfram Research Pub Wolfram Research Pub 2 1 2.000

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Wolfram-Studien ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolfsbane and Mistletoe ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolfson College Magazine ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolfson College Record ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Wolfson Review ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolgan Misul ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolkenkucksheim | International Journal of Architectural Theory (ISSN 1434-0984) ? Invalid ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolkenkuckucksheim ? Cloud cuckoo land ? 1 1 1.000

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The Wollesen: University of Toronto Art Journal ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Wollongong in Posters: Art on a Telegraph Pole ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolna Droga ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Wolnomularz Polski ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolność I Solidarność ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolność i Solidarność ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolność i Solidarność: Studia z dziejów opozycji wobec komunizmu i dyktatury ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Wolseley News ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Wolters Kluwer Bouvier Law Dictionary Desk Edition ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S. ? Wolters Kluwer Pub 1 1 1.000

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Wolverhampton Military Studies 14 ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wolverine ? Wolverine ? 1 1 1.000

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WOM Magazin ? WOM magazin Mag 2 12 1.000

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WOM magazin Mag WOM magazin Mag 14 14 1.000

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WOM magazine ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman & Home Mag Woman & Home Mag 2 12 1.000

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Woman Mag Woman (disambiguation) ? 10 6 1.667

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Woman Abroad Magazine ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman Advocate ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman Alive ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman Around Town ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Woman at Home ? ? 2 12 1.000

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The Woman Citizen ? Woman's Journal Mag 63 41 1.537

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Woman Citizen ? Woman's Journal Mag 1 1 1.000

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The Woman Constitutionalist ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Woman Engineer ? Women's Engineering Society Pub 200 74 2.703

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Woman in Development & Politics ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman in Russian Society ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Woman Inventor ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman Magazine Mag Woman Magazine Mag 2 12 1.000

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Woman Physician ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman Pilot ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman Speak! ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Woman Studies Quarterly: Woman Then and Now ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman Suffrage by Federal Amendment ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Woman Teacher ? ? 5 12345 1.000

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Woman Today ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Woman Voter Mag The Woman Voter Mag 9 12345 1.800

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Woman Voter ? The Woman Voter Mag 1 1 1.000

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The Woman's Advocate ? Anne Elizabeth McDowell ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman's Art Journal J Woman's Art Journal J 373 313 1.192

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The Woman's Column ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Woman's Day Mag Woman's Day Mag 65 50 1.300

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Woman's Day New Zealand ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman's Day NZ ? ? 2 1 2.000

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The Woman's Era Mag The Woman's Era Mag 1 1 1.000

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The Woman's Exponent ? Woman's Exponent Mag 3 1 3.000

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Woman's Exponent Mag Woman's Exponent Mag 40 1234 10.000

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Woman's Home Compaion ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman's Home Companion Mag Woman's Home Companion Mag 20 14 1.429

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The Woman's Journal J Woman's Journal Mag 34 15 2.267

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Woman's Journal Mag Woman's Journal Mag 19 14 1.357

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The Woman's Journal and Suffrage News J Woman's Journal Mag 1 1 1.000

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Woman's Journal and Suffrage News J Woman's Journal Mag 6 12345 1.200

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The Woman's Leader ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Woman's Leader ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Woman's League ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman's Life ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Woman's Medical Journal ? ? 9 9 1.000

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Woman's Medical Journal ? ? 2 12 1.000

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The Woman's Missionary Friend ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman's Missionary Friend ? ? 11 10 1.100

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Woman's Own Mag Woman's Own Mag 15 14 1.071

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Woman's Pictorial ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman's Realm Mag Woman's Realm Mag 2 12 1.000

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The Woman's Signal Mag The Woman's Signal Mag 1 1 1.000

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Woman's Weekly ? Woman's Weekly ? 4 1234 1.000

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Woman's Who's Who in America, 1914–1915 ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman's Work ? Woman's Work ? 10 9 1.111

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Woman's Work for Woman ? ? 11 12345 2.200

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Woman's Work for Woman and Our Mission Field ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Woman's Work in the Far East ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Woman's World Mag Woman's World (disambiguation) ? 1 1 1.000

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Womanart Mag Womanart Mag 15 9 1.667

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Womanhood ? Woman ? 5 12345 1.000

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Womanspace ? ? 1 1 1.000

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WomanSpeak: A Journal of Literature and Art by Caribbean Women ? ? 1 1 1.000

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WomanSpirit Mag WomanSpirit Mag 2 12 1.000

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Womb Poetry ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Wombat Forestcare Newsletter ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Wombwell Rainbow ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women & Criminal Justice ? ? 25 24 1.042

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Women & Environments ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Women & Environments International Magazine Mag Women and Environments International Magazine Mag 1 1 1.000

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Women & Film Mag Women & Film Mag 1 1 1.000

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Women & Gender ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women & Guns ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women & Health J Women & Health J 55 41 1.341

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Women & Language ? ? 11 10 1.100

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Women & Music ? ? 13 13 1.000

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Women & Music – A Journal of Gender and Culture ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Women & Music: A History ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women & Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women & Performance ? ? 10 9 1.111

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Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Performance ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory J Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory J 80 72 1.111

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Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory...Punk Anteriors: Theory, Genealogy, Performance ? ? 2 1 2.000

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Women & Politics ? Journal of Women, Politics & Policy J 22 17 1.294

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Women & Therapy J Women & Therapy J 41 34 1.206

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Women J List of MDPI academic journals J 5 12345 1.000

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Women (Oxford, England) ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Women - Annual Research Journal of Gender Studies ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women 2000 and Beyond ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women Against Violence: An Australian Feminist Journal ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Women Among Each Other. Documentation of the Open Women's University in Wuppertal ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Art in South Africa ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Aviation ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Women and Birth ? ? 27 22 1.227

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Women and Birth: Journal of the Australian College of Midwives ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Children Legal Research Foundation ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Criminal Justice ? ? 3 12 1.500

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Women and Environments ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Environments International Magazine Mag Women and Environments International Magazine Mag 1 1 1.000

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Women and Film ? Women & Film Mag 1 1 1.000

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Women and History ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Horses ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and International Development ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Language ? ? 26 25 1.040

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Women and Leadership Archives Loyola University Chicago ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Leadership in a Century of Australian Democracy Oral History Project ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Missions ? ? 6 6 1.000

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Women and Music ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Women and Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture ? ? 18 16 1.125

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Women and Performance: Journal of Feminist Theory ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Politics ? Gender and politics ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Population Dynamics. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Revolution ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Social Movements ? ? 6 1234 1.500

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Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600–2000 Web Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600–2000 Web 1 1 1.000

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Women and the Egyptian Revolution: Engagement and Activism During the 2011 Arab Uprisings ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and the Egyptian Revolution: Engagement in Activism During the 2011 Arab Uprisings. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and the Journey: The Female Travel Experience ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and the Law Book Women and the Law Book 1 1 1.000

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Women and the Periodical Press in China's Long Twentieth Century ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and the State in the Americas ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women and Therapy ? Women & Therapy J 1 1 1.000

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Women Artist News ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Women Artists News Mag Women Artists News Mag 14 12 1.167

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Women Artists News Book Review ? ? 4 123 1.333

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Women Artists Newsletter ? ? 5 123 1.667

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Women Artists Slide Library Journal ? ? 5 12345 1.000

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Women as Interpreters of the Visual Arts, 1820–1979 ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women at Pace ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women at the University of Glasgow: Past & Present ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women Chemists ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Women Chemists Newsletter ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Women Citizen ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women East-West ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women Environmental Artists Directory ? Women Eco Artists Dialog Pub 1 1 1.000

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Women Film Pioneer Project ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women Film Pioneers Project Web Women Film Pioneers Project Web 9 8 1.125

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Women Health ISO Women & Health J 5 12345 1.000

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Women Impressionists (2008) ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Academia Report ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Women in Academia Report; Bartonsville ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Action ? ? 8 8 1.000

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Women in Architecture: Contemporary Architecture in Serbia Since 1900. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Business ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Christ: Toward a New Feminism, Edited by Michele Schumacher. Eerdmans Publisher ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Engineering and Science ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Engineering ProActive Network. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in French Association ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in French Studies ? ? 23 19 1.211

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Women in German Yearbook ? ? 20 17 1.176

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Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literature & Culture ? ? 6 6 1.000

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Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literature & Culture 23 ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Germany Yearbook ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Higher Education ? ? 11 11 1.000

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Women in Judaism ? Women in Judaism ? 13 11 1.182

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Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal ? ? 3 12 1.500

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Women in Judaism: Contemporary Writings ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Women in Law and Development in Africa / Femmes, Droit et Développement en Afrique Newsletter ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Women in Literacy and Life Assembly ? ? 1 1 1.000

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The Women in Literature and Life Assembly ? ? 3 123 1.000

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Women in Management Review ? ? 8 8 1.000

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Women in Mechanical Engineering ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Women in Medicine: Quarterly Bulletin of the American Medical Women's National Association ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Medieval England ? History of women in the United Kingdom ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Microbiology ? ? 5 12345 1.000

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Women in Physics: 5th Iupap International Conference on Women in Physics ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Polar Science ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Women in Prison Project of the Correctional Association of New York ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Prison: Is the Justice System Fit for Purpose? ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Southeast Asian Nationalist Movements ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Sport Pub Women in Sport Pub 1 1 1.000

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Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal ? ? 18 15 1.200

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Women in STEM Careers ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in the Academy: Festschrift for Prof. Helen Chukwuma ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in the Arts ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in the History of Linguistics ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in the Holocaust ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in the Legal Profession ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Touch ? National Women's Register Pub 2 12 1.000

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Women in View ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in Welfare Education ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia Book Women in World History Book 5 12345 1.000

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Women Law Journal ? ? 2 12 1.000

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Women Law. J. ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women Lawyer's Journal ? ? 1 1 1.000

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Women Lawyers Journal ? ? 3 12 1.500

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