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Wikipedia:Index of Sweden political party meta attributes

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This article is designed to record in a convenient form, the meta/shortnames and meta/colors attributed to political groups which have contested elections in Sweden. Based off Wikipedia:Index of Minnesota political parties meta attributes.

Current parties

Shortname Colour Abbreviation Article
AFS #19489D AFS Alternative for Sweden
Centre #124838 C Centre Party (Sweden)
Christian Democrats #005EA1 KD Christian Democrats (Sweden)
Feminist Initiative #cd1b68 Feminist Initiative Feminist Initiative (Sweden)
Green #2B912C MP Green Party (Sweden)
Left #B00000 V Left Party (Sweden)
Liberals #006AB3 L Liberals (Sweden)
Moderate #019CDB M Moderate Party
Pirate #512483 Pirate Pirate Party (Sweden)
Social Democrats #ED1B34 S/SAP Swedish Social Democratic Party
Sweden Democrats #FEDF09 SD Sweden Democrats

Historical parties

Shortname Colour Abbreviation Article
Communist #b00000 Communist Communist Party of Sweden (1921-1967)
Electoral League #00529C Electoral League General Electoral League
Centre #124838 C Farmers' League (Sweden)
Free-minded #006AB3 Free-minded Free-minded National Association
Free-minded People's #64b2ff Free-minded People's Free-minded People's Party
Left #B00000 V Left Party-Communists
Liberals #006AB3 L Liberal People's Party (Sweden)
Moderate #019CDB M National Organization of the Right
National Party #ffff00 National Party National Party (Sweden)
New Democracy yellow New Democracy New Democracy (Sweden)
Moderate #019CDB M Protectionist Party (Sweden)
Left #B00000 V Social Democratic Left Party (Sweden)